DEV Community

Syed Faraaz Ahmad
Syed Faraaz Ahmad

Posted on

Are you less likely to open a post from an organisation?

I've noticed that the posts I make under a Dev organisation usually get lesser views and (consequently) lesser reactions from users here.

I'm not sure if it's the content, but I think I need to test this hypothesis.

Are you less inclined to open a post of you see an organisation's logo on it in the feed?

Top comments (5)

egilhuber profile image
erica (she/her)

I try to focus on what's posted more than the author, but I am a bit less inclined to check out branded/organization posts. For me, I think its a distrust of advertising. When an article is coming from a brand, it's much harder to tell if an article is just a "here's this cool tool/tip!" or a subtle product push.

One of the best parts of this platform is the lack of a fame economy. Yes, hearts and discussion numbers are visible, but you can't see who has 2 followers and who has 20,000 followers. There are very active users who we likely all see floating around, but there isn't a cult mentality. I'm sure we all notice when Ben pops into a thread, but there's less like and comment flooding and more productive discussion.

I think organization posts have their place, and I do occasionally read them, but I am typically more skeptical of intent.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I don't tend to notice here and only figure it out if I go to follow the author or if the post contains links to an obviously affiliated site.

If I do notice something's from an organisation... well, you're probably right. I'm more likely to think it's going to be an ad for that company's product and give it a miss.

tyrannaut profile image
Tim Ryan

Honestly, yes. This feels like a community platform, and I'm interested in what people have to say - not lead magnet articles from businesses. Whether that's an accurate picture or not, the other SMs have been spoiled by advertising and marketing.

metalmikester profile image
Michel Renaud

Most of the time I notice it only after opening the post, so no.

binyamin profile image
Binyamin Green

yes, definitely. I'm not sure why, though. I guess it seems like an org is more likely to be marketing