Are you struggling to deploy your monorepo project because Cloud Build doesn't know what the heck workspace:*
You are in the right place! In this blog I'll show you how to trick mister Google into deploying your PNPM monorepo project.
Just bundle everything, and ship the dist
folder to Cloud functions with an empty package.json file. Ta-da! π©β¨
This is how you do it
Create a simple
script inside the package that contains the Cloud Function you want to deploy.
# Install dependencies
pnpm install
# Build the project
npx esbuild \
./src/index.ts \
--bundle \
--platform=node \
--target=node20 \
--outfile=./dist/index.js \
In this file we simply install the dependencies with PNPM and bundle the source code with esbuild.
The --external:@google-cloud/functions-framework
is required because functions-framework should not be bundled for some reason.
If you have some other dependencies that cannot be bundled, for example a module that uses native bindings, you should append another --external
flag for that module.
Now, running the
script will create a dist
folder with the bundled code.
The only thing we are missing now is a package.json, because Cloud Functions pass through Cloud Build, which has trust issues and wants to build everything by itself.
So we are going to trick it with an empty package.json file.
Put this code right after the esbuild
jq -n \
--arg name "@monorepo/functions" \
--arg version "1.0.0" \
--arg main "index.js" \
--arg start "node index.js" \
--arg build "echo \"No build step\"" \
--arg ff_version "^3.3.0" \
name: $name,
version: $version,
main: $main,
scripts: {
start: $start,
build: $build
dependencies: {
"@google-cloud/functions-framework": $ff_version
}' > ./dist/package.json
We use jq
to make the code more readable, but you can also use echo
to write the JSON directly.
Now we just need to deploy the dist
folder to Cloud Functions.
Add this last line to the
gcloud functions deploy myFunction \
--runtime=nodejs20 \
--trigger-http \
And that's it! Now you can deploy your monorepo project to Cloud Functions with PNPM workspaces.
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