DEV Community

Promoted Out of Programming

Salli Figler on June 26, 2017

How it all started It all began in 1976 with my mother saying I should be a lawyer. There was no way I was going to spend the time to g...
andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

I doubt that some of the personalities who code today would have had the patience that was needed back then.

Yeah, for sure. I think I might have the patience. What would really get me though would be that huge stack of papers, and sifting through the text for a print out. Makes me grateful for the tools I have today, like syntax highlighting.

Thanks for sharing your story! It's always cooler to hear/read about programming in the past first-hand.

figspville profile image
Salli Figler

Thanks Andy!

adambrandizzi profile image
Adam Brandizzi

That is a very interesting personal story. Thanks for sharing!

figspville profile image
Salli Figler

It was a fun experience for me to really look back and remember the details. Thanks for reading it!

guitarkat profile image

I liked reading your career path especially. I found it interesting where transferable skills can be extremely useful.

figspville profile image
Salli Figler

That is an excellent point Kat. Sometimes we don't even realize we are using a skill that we didn't think we would use again.