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Difference between GlobalScope.launch and launch

Both coroutine builders GlobalScope.launch {} and launch {} are used to start a new coroutine. GlobalScope.launch {} starts a new coroutine in the 'global' scope and launch {} starts a new coroutine in a CoroutineScope. But what does this mean?

To understand what is happening, we take a look at runBlocking {}. runBlocking {} will block execution (executing the next line of code after runBlocking {}) until all coroutines defined inside it's scope have been completed. For example in the following snippet, the line at 4. will only execute when both coroutines defined inside runBlocking {} have been completed:

fun main() {
    println("1. Let's begin")
    runBlocking {
        launch { 
            println("3. coroutine ONE")

        launch { 
            println("2. coroutine TWO")

    println("4. Only when the children inside runBlocking complete, execution follows on this line")

try it

Let try running the same code with GlobalScope.launch {} instead of launch {}:

fun main() {
    println("1. Let's start with GlobalScope.launch {}")
    runBlocking {
        GlobalScope.launch {
            println("3. coroutine ONE")

        GlobalScope.launch {
            println("2. coroutine TWO")

    println("4. This line will execute even if the coroutines inside runBlocking did not complete.")

try it

Now the coroutines inside runBlocking {}'s scope did not complete, and execution continued. What is happening here?

runBlocking {} defines a CoroutineScope where coroutines run in. However, the coroutines launched in the above example are running in a separate 'global' scope, where runBlocking has no control over. As far as runBlocking {} knows, there are no coroutines running inside it's scope.

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Antonio Komang Yudistira

Thank you