A secret, in the context of software, is any piece of sensitive information that you want to keep confidential. This could include API keys, passwords, certificates, or SSH keys.
Now, imagine managing a fleet of Kubernetes clusters, each requiring access to the same secret. The traditional approach often involves manually creating and distributing the secret to each cluster, a time-consuming and error-prone process.
To streamline this process and enhance security, you need a solution that allows you to:
Centralize Secret Storage: Store the secret in a single, secure location.
Automate Secret Distribution: Automatically deploy the secret to all target clusters.
In the following sections, weβll explore how Sveltos can help you achieve these goals.
What is Sveltos
Sveltos is a set of Kubernetes controllers that run in the management cluster. From the management cluster, Sveltos can manage add-ons and applications on a fleet of managed Kubernetes clusters. It is a declarative tool to ensure that the desired state of an application is always reflected in the actual state of the Kubernetes managed clusters.
In a management cluster, each individual Kubernetes cluster is represented by a dedicated resource. Labels can be attached to those resources.
Sveltos configuration utilises a concept called a cluster selector. This selector essentially acts like a filter based on Kubernetes labels. By defining specific labels or combinations of labels, you can create a subset of clusters that share those characteristics.
Lab Setup
A Kind cluster is used as management cluster. Then two extra Civo clusters and a GKE cluster all with label env=prod.
| Cluster Name | Version | Comments |
| civo/cluster1 | v1.29.8+k3s1| Civo 3 Node - Medium Standard |
| civo/cluster2 | v1.30.5+k3s1| Civo 3 Node - Medium Standard |
Step 1: Install Sveltos on Managament Cluster
For this tutorial, we will install Sveltos in the management cluster. Sveltos installation details can be found here.
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectsveltos/sveltos/v0.42.0/manifest/manifest.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectsveltos/sveltos/v0.42.0/manifest/default-classifier.yaml
Step 2: Register Clusters with Sveltos
Using Civo UI, download the Kubeconfigs, then:
kubectl create ns civo
sveltosctl register cluster --namespace=civo --cluster=cluster1 --kubeconfig=civo-cluster1-kubeconfig --labels=env=production
sveltosctl register cluster --namespace=civo --cluster=cluster2 --kubeconfig=civo-cluster2-kubeconfig --labels=env=production
Verify your Civo clusters were successfully registered:
kubectl get sveltoscluster -A --show-labels
civo cluster1 true v1.29.8+k3s1 env=production,projectsveltos.io/k8s-version=v1.29.8,sveltos-agent=present
civo cluster2 true v1.30.5+k3s1 env=production,projectsveltos.io/k8s-version=v1.30.5,sveltos-agent=present
mgmt mgmt true v1.31.2 projectsveltos.io/k8s-version=v1.31.2,sveltos-agent=present
Step 3: Deploy Sveltos configuration
First create a Secret of type kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson to authenticate with a container registry to pull a private image. This will create a Secret regcred in the default namespace on the management cluster.
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectsveltos/demos/refs/heads/main/propagate-secret/secret.yaml
We can now configure Sveltos to automatically copy the regcred Secret to namespaces that require it. This configuration will instruct Sveltos to watch for any new namespaces in your production clusters that have the label imagepullsecret: required.
When Sveltos detects a new namespace with this label, it will automatically copy the regcred Secret from the management cluster to the newly created namespace.
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectsveltos/demos/refs/heads/main/propagate-secret/config.yaml
Step 4: Create namespaces within Civo clusters
Create the coke namespace in Civo cluster 1:
KUBECONFIG=<CIVO cluster1 kubeconfig> kubectl create namespace coke
KUBECONFIG=<CIVO cluster1 kubeconfig> kubectl label namespace coke imagepullsecret=required
To confirm that the regcred secret has been successfully propagated to the coke namespace:
sveltosctl show addons
| civo/cluster1 | :Secret | coke | regcred | N/A | 2024-11-20 14:43:05 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/sveltos-t4q7bhsrkhul3fkh6v0k |
You can follow the same steps to create additional namespaces in Civo cluster 1 (e.g., pepsi) and Civo cluster 2 (e.g., bar), ensuring they inherit the necessary image pull secret.
KUBECONFIG=<CIVO cluster1 kubeconfig> kubectl create namespace pepsi
KUBECONFIG=<CIVO cluster1 kubeconfig> kubectl label namespace pepsiimagepullsecret=required
KUBECONFIG=<CIVO cluster2 kubeconfig> kubectl create namespace bar
KUBECONFIG=<CIVO cluster2 kubeconfig> kubectl label namespace bar imagepullsecret=required
Verify Sveltos has propagated the Secret to all namespaces:
sveltosctl show addons
| civo/cluster1 | :Secret | coke | regcred | N/A | 2024-11-20 14:44:41 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/sveltos-t4q7bhsrkhul3fkh6v0k |
| civo/cluster1 | :Secret | pepsi | regcred | N/A | 2024-11-20 14:44:42 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/sveltos-t4q7bhsrkhul3fkh6v0k |
| civo/cluster2 | :Secret | bar | regcred | N/A | 2024-11-20 14:45:03 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/sveltos-3ef2he7v7fklm1s03coa |
Step 5: Update Secret
While pointing to the management cluster, update the regcred Secret:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectsveltos/demos/refs/heads/main/propagate-secret/update-secret.yaml
Verify Secret has been updated to all production clusters:
sveltosctl show addons
| civo/cluster1 | :Secret | coke | regcred | N/A | 2024-11-20 14:54:14 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/sveltos-t4q7bhsrkhul3fkh6v0k |
| civo/cluster1 | :Secret | pepsi | regcred | N/A | 2024-11-20 14:54:15 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/sveltos-t4q7bhsrkhul3fkh6v0k |
| civo/cluster2 | :Secret | bar | regcred | N/A | 2024-11-20 14:54:15 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/sveltos-3ef2he7v7fklm1s03coa |
Step 5: External Secrets Operator
External Secrets Operator is an open source Kubernetes operator that integrates external secret management systems like AWS Secrets Manager, HashiCorp Vault, Google Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault, IBM Cloud Secrets Manager, and many more. The goal of External Secrets Operator is to synchronize secrets from external APIs into Kubernetes. The operator reads information from external APIs and automatically injects the values into a Kubernetes Secret. If the secret from the external API changes, the controller will reconcile the state in the cluster and update the secrets accordingly.
When managing a multitude of Kubernetes clusters, External Secrets Operator can be deployed in the management cluster. Sveltos can be used to distribute the secrets to the managed clusters.

This guide demonstrated how Sveltos simplifies the process of propagating secrets to all your production clusters.
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