What is a Virtual Machine? A virtual machine (VM) is a software-based computer that runs on either a physical host machine or a cloud provider’s server.
Here are the steps to create a Virtual Machine in Azure:
Step 1: Log in to Azure Portal.
The URL is "portal.azure.com", login with your username and password to start creating resources.
Step 2: In the search resources, services docs field, type virtual machines.
Step 3: Under Virtual machines;
select create and choose Azure Virtual Machine.
step 4: In Basics, fill in project details.
choose your subscription and resource group or create a new one if needed.
Step 5: Select Instance details.
Give the VM a name, select a suitable region and provide any other necessary information for your virtual machine.
Step 6: Select Administrator account.
Fill in the username and password details included
Step 7: Select Inbound port rules.
Select which VM network ports are publicly accessible and adjust access on the Networking tab.
Step 8: Select the licensing box, then click review + create option.
Step 9: After deployment is complete, click on the resource button to access the created Virtual machine.
Step 10: After success deployment, to connect your virtual machine with the local network (RDP) click connect.
Step 11: Select RDP and download the RDP File.
Step 12: After downloading the RDP File, open it from your local computer, connect and enter the required password. Then, You can use your Windows Free Virtual Machine.
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