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Stefan Wuthrich
Stefan Wuthrich

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Which Package/Library you are missing in Go, which you know from eg Python, C#, Java?

What is your answer on "Which Package/Library you are missing in Go, which you know from eg Python, C#, Java?"

Top comments (4)

davidkroell profile image
David Kröll

C#'s Entity Framework
I haven't seen something comparable - do you know some library?

golangch profile image
Stefan Wuthrich

gorm you probably know yet...
also checked from Facebook: ?

davidkroell profile image
David Kröll • Edited

Yes, I know gorm but the interface from Entity Framework is in my opinion better readable, more fluent and safer.

db.First(&product, "code = ?", "D42") // find product with code D42
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In C# it would look something like this:

db.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Code == "D42")
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The main issue (for me) is that you have to deal with strings when using gorm. You may easily introduce typos without anyone notices.

Ok, haven't seen before, maybe worth a try.

No matter I miss some features from C#, Go is awesome and probably the only thing I do not miss is the async/await always present in the code...

shogg profile image
shogg • Edited

A native GUI similar to declarative QML would be nice. Flutter is clutter ... still. The other alternative I know is fyne. Both can't match the simplicity of Gustavo Niemeyer's QML binding.