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Gurlal Sidhu
Gurlal Sidhu

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Why You Need a Package Manager on macOS

Package managers are invaluable tools, they make the process of installing and managing software applications super easy. In this article, we delve into Homebrew, a package manager designed for macOS and Linux systems. We'll explore its advantages, setup process, and package management capabilities.

What is Homebrew?

As mentioned above, Homebrew is a package manager designed for macOS and Linux systems. This allows the installation and updating of software packages directly from the terminal.

Why Use Homebrew?

Here are some reasons to consider Homebrew:

Effortless Installation and Management: Homebrew streamlines the installation and management of packages, making tasks easier for users.
Unified Package Updates: Homebrew allows updating all installed packages with a single command, saving time and effort.
Integration with Scripts: Helps to automate package management tasks

Installing Homebrew

To install Homebrew, run the following command in your terminal:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"​

After the installation is completed, just add environment variables as suggested at the end of installation.

Finding and Installing New Packages

Search for available packages in Homebrew's repository using the brew search <package_name>command. For example, to find Ansible, type brew search ansible.
Once you've found the desired package, install it with brew install , such as brew install ansible.
To remove an installed package, use brew uninstall , e.g., brew uninstall ansible.

Managing Installed Packages

Listing Installed Packages: View a list of installed Homebrew packages with brew list.
Identifying Outdated Packages: Find outdated packages with brew outdated.
Updating Packages: Keep your packages up to date with brew update.
Removing Old Versions: Clean up old versions of packages with brew cleanup.
Addressing Issues: Detect and resolve any issues or warnings related to packages using brew doctor.

Installing macOS Native Applications

Homebrew's Cask extension allows the installation of macOS native applications.
When searching for packages, you'll find listings under formulae (non-GUI) and cask (GUI macOS applications).
To install a macOS application, use the brew install command, which downloads, installs, and moves the software to the Applications folder. For example, to install Firefox, use brew install firefox --cask.
Additional information on a package can be obtained with brew info <package_name> --cask, and you can visit the official website of an application using brew home <package_name>.

Adding Repositories

If you can't find a specific package, you may need to add its repository. Use brew tap <repo_name>to add a repository. For instance, to install Terraform, add the HashiCorp repository with brew tap hashicorp/tap. Once added, you can install terraform with brew install terraform If you had tried to install it before brew would have failed to find and install the package.
To remove a repository, use brew untap <repo_name>.

Uninstalling Homebrew

If you decide to remove Homebrew from your machine, run the following command:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Want to Learn More?

For further insights into Homebrew, visit their official website at

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