DEV Community

Hardik Yewale
Hardik Yewale

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How to trick your mind for being consistent in practicing programming?

When we start a project enthusiastically, we are really excited and pumped up but eventually down the road when tons of loads of errors occur, the excitement, motivation productivity goes downhill. Well, not every day can we be motivated to just go win the world but sometimes we need to trick our mind. When the lockdown hit me, for the first 2 months I was really bored to even start coding a project and learn anything but after some self-realization, I decided to do something.

Trick: I wanted myself to do something which I really suck at, Consistency. We all know Github. It shows these contributions which display different things you did on each day. It marks these green dots when we commit, add, push, merge something. That means we are at least doing something. I kept a target on filling those green dots by at least doing 1 commit to my GitHub each day which eventually became my daily goal. It was not for showoff, but a motivation to be consistent. As a developer, we really need to find a way to be motivated and this was mine.

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