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Mark Kop
Mark Kop

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SparkAR Certification Cheat Sheet

Hey there!
I've just passed the Meta's SparkAR Certification exam and want to share with you the most important points I've noticed while studying and taking the test.

Disclaimer: while this is a cheat sheet, you shouldn't be cheating on this test! Use it for study purposes only.

🎨 Design Best Practices

  • Focus on a solid use case: focus on a specific goal or task

  • Make it social: Consider multiple faces support

  • Design for different device types: test on multiple mobile devices

  • Design for repeat use: make effects flexible

  • Keep it simple: clear instructions, one or two main interactions

  • Add to the camera experience: keep things recognizable

  • Avoid the edges of the screen: they can be obscured by UI

  • Amount of effort: make main features happen as soon as possible

  • Keep interactions obvious: e.g., pinching changes objects size

  • Avoid system-level command gestures:
    • Switch camera view - double tap.
    • Camera zoom - pinch in/out (except when resizing
    stickers or 3D objects).
    • Video zoom - touch and hold camera capture
    button then drag up.
    • Return to Facebook News Feed - swipe left.

  • Be mindful of accessibility concerns: no flashing lights

🧊 Assets

  • 2D: png, jpeg, svg
  • 3D: fbx, glTF, collada/dae, obj, dae
  • Audio: Mono M4A, AAC codec (44.1Khz), 16-bit
  • Fonts: TrueType/OpenType

🔁 The Patch Editor

Data Types

  • Boolean Signal: true/false. (eg. Mouth Open port: open/closed)
  • Scalar: one-dimensional value. (eg. Mouth Openness port: half = 0.5)
  • Pulse: event that happens at some point in time
  • 3D Point: three-dimensional signal (rotation, scale or position)
  • 2D Point: two-dimensional signal (rotation, scale or position)
  • Color: RGBA channels. It's indicated by a square with a color
  • Progress: scalar signal w/ 0-1 range. (e.g.: Animation patch)
  • Vector2: for 2D points and 2D texture coordinates
  • Vector3: for 3D points, 3D normals and 3-channel (RGB) color.
  • Vector4: for 4D position and 4-channel (RGBA) color
  • MatrixN: for rotation or affine transformations
  • Texture 2D: typically represents an image and can have 1 to 4 channels.

Some patches can switch their data types to accommodate a creator's needs, as in the case of the 'Value Patch' that can be used as a color or a number

Main Patches

  • Shader Render Pass: frame delays, glows, blur
  • Audio Playback Controller: controls audio clips
  • Animation: play animation once
  • Loop Animation: play animation in a loop
  • Frame Transition: control frames in an animation sequence
  • Screen Tap: make something happen when the screen is tapped
  • Object Tap: make something happen when someone taps a specific object
  • Screen Pan: detects a swipe of the finger across the device screen (use it with Divide patch)
  • Screen Pinch: use to change scales
  • Screen Rotate: use to rotate an object
  • Gallery Picker: user can add an image as texture from the gallery
  • Picker UI: pick up to 10 options
  • Slider UI: change a value with a slider (not visible on the simulator)
  • Global Transform: relative to the scene
  • Local Transform: relative to its parent object

Patch Editor Tips and Tricks

  • Use a nullObject0 as a container to avoid changing the properties of an object
  • Create a fade transition with the Mix Patch
  • Both Multiply Patch and Negate Patch can be used to invert values
  • An AND Patch can be used as a data passthrough (stoping it or continuing)

👕 Materials


The standard material adds realistic depth to 3D objects using a lighting system called the Phong model.

  • Diffuse: define the base color and pattern
  • Specular: shininess
  • Normal: realistic textures (bumps, grooves,...)
  • Emission: illuminate from itself
  • Alpha: mask the alpha channel
  • Tile: scale textures
  • Offset: shift the texture origin
  • Render Options: how the material renders
  • Used By: the object this material is applied to


Flat materials don't respond to lighting and display color and texture values absolutely

  • Diffuse: add a color from the palette to your material
  • Environment: check this box to add an environment texture to your material.


The blended material includes a blending mode to mix textures and colors.

  • Texture: texture file
  • Color: from the palette
  • Blend Mode: Normal/Add/Multiply
  • Opacity: transparency
  • Double-sided: both sides of a face normal
  • Cull Mode: front / back (back improves performance)

Physically–Based Material (PBR)

Used to create realistic-looking objects
in Spark AR Studio. The different properties in this material allow you to add surface roughness, metallic effects, and lighting that mimics real-world light.


  • A base texture: base with color and details
  • An ORM texture: roughness, metallic details and occlusion strength
  • A Difussion map: for the pattern
  • A Specular map: for shininess
  • A Normal map: for realistic textures (bumps, grooves,...)

Face Paint

It is used to create a mask effect that shows the skin and features of the person using the effect, either behind a custom texture or a color.

🔥 Blend Modes

  • Subtract: subtracts pixel values of the source from the destination. In the case of negative values, black is displayed.
  • Replace: the non-transparent pixels of the source replaces the corresponding pixels of the destination.
  • Alpha: linear interpolation between the pixels of the source and destination as specified by the alpha values of the source.
  • Associate_Alpha: same as alpha blend mode, but for source with RGB channels of each pixel premultiplied by its alpha.
  • Add: adds pixel values of the source to the destination.
  • Multiply: multiplies the RGB channels of each pixel from the source with the values of the corresponding pixel from the destination.
  • Screen: values of each pixel in the source and destination are inverted, multiplied, and then inverted again

✨ Textures

A texture is an image file used to help define the appearance of an object in your scene.


To optimize realistic lighting:

  • Bake lighting directly into 3D objects used for decoration in face effects to hint at highlights and shadows.
  • Bake lighting into static (non-moving) objects such as furniture and accessories for a more realistic effect.
  • Use a soft light setup without strong highlights or shadows. Baked lighting works best in environments where the light, intensity, and color don't change throughout the effect.
  • Use MatCap (material capture) reflection environment textures with flat shaders.

Things to consider

  • Only PNG and JPG files
  • Use JPG when transparency is not needed
  • Up to 1024 x 1024 pixels in size
  • Merge material as much as possible
  • For repeating patterns, use a lower resolution image and apply visual shaders with texture tiling

🎾 Shaders

A shader is a set of algorithms that determines the appearance of a 3D object's surface. Shaders are particularly useful for applying complex changes to the material.

Visual Shader Patches

  • Consumer Patch: property of a material (position, scale, ...)
  • Texture Asset: applies a texture to the material
  • Blend: blend two colors or textures
  • Color Space: outputs a texture's RGB, HSV and HSL color values. (useful for isolating colors)
  • Composition: outputs two combined functions as a data stream
  • Fallback: fallback value when you disconnect the main value.
  • Fragment Stage: processes each fragment instead of at the vertices
  • Function: identity function, outputs the its argument
  • Gradient: creates a grayscale gradient (use w/ Mix to create a color gradient)
  • Gradient Step: defines each color to be used in a color gradient
  • Reder Target Size: useful to get the exact pixel size, like when pixel blurring
  • Shader Derivative: captures standard derivatives
  • Texture Sampler: samples a texture at the specified coordinates
  • Texture Transform: scale, rotate, pivot and reposition a 2D texture on a 2D or 3D object
  • Vertex Attribute: provides the value of the selected vertex attribute among a selection of parameters
  • Vertex Transform: provides a vertex transformation matrix from a dropdown

📹 Camera

  • It represents the camera in the device showing your effect
  • It can't be removed from a project
  • Children objects move with the camera


  • Transformations: Position, Scale and Rotation can't be edited
  • Texture Extraction: when extracted, it appears in the Assets panel as cameraTexture0
  • Segmentation: separates part of the scene

👤 Segmentation

See more here


  • Person Segmentation
  • Hair Segmentation
  • Skin Segmentation


  • From the chest upwards on immediate foreground
  • Balanced lighting settings
  • Only works on newer devices (iPhone 6S+, Galaxy S6+, ...)
  • Avoid Face Tracker when using segmentation

🎵 Audio and Music

  • Instagram Music is not supported globally (use trimmed audio files instead)

🔎 Trackers

Face Tracker

  • Multiple face trackers impact on performance
  • Can be used with Face Landmark patches

Target Tracker

It is made of two textures:

  • A semi-transparent preview of the target image
  • A texture provided by Spark AR Studio that looks like a frame.

A good target has/is:

  • High contrast (avoid pastel colors)
  • High Resolution (> 300x300 pixels)
  • Sharp (no soft edges and gradients)
  • Asymmetrical
  • Complex
  • Flat (no curved surfaces)
  • Clear
  • No blank space (around the actual image

Plane Tracker

  • Only visible through the back camera
  • Make sure to add instructions

🔧 Techniques


It is used to make something appear behind another thing.

For example, for a ball orbiting a head effect, you would do the following:

  • Download Face References assets
  • Add Asset > Import From Library > headOccluder.dae
  • Move it into faceTracker0 object
  • Scale it to match the head
  • Reduce its material opacity and change Blend Mode to Alpha to see it through
  • Add a new layer
  • Select the headOccluder object and change its layer to the new one
  • Change the order of the layers
  • Change the opacity to zero
  • Add a face mash to the face tracker
  • Set it to the same layer as the occluder
  • Uncheck eyes and mouth
  • Set its material to the same one used in the headOccluder
  • See more details here

Custom animation transitions

  • Add an Animation Patch
  • Add a Keyframe Patch and attach it the Animation Patch
  • Open the Keyframe Patch and change its keyframes
  • Connect the Animation Patch with its trigger (eg. Mouth Open)
  • Connect the Keyframe Patch with the property you want to change (eg. Scale)

Zoom Effect

  • Extract the Camera Texture and use it in the Patch Editor
  • Create a rectangle canvas and it's Material in the Patch Editor
  • Connect the Texture RGBA output to a Texture Transform Patch
  • Connect the Texture Transform Patch output to the material patch
  • Add a Face Tracker and move it to the Patch Editor
  • Connect it to a Mouth Open => Add => 2D Transform Pack patch
  • Connect the 2D Transform Pack output to the Texture Transform Patch
  • See more on this tutorial

📱 Platforms and Capabilities


  • Can't use Gallery Picker / Media Library Component

📜 Scripting

  • Persistence module is used as data storage
  • Diagnostics is used for console logging (log() and watch())
  • To monitor a signal, a subscribe() from a .getPulse() is used
  • Reactive Programming helps with performance and treats values as signals
  • Use val() from ReactiveModule to explicitly convert data to a signal
  • To retrieve the value of a signal use pinLastValue()
  • To use math operators on signals, use methods from ReactiveModule and ScalarSignal

Patch Editor Type <-> Script Type

  • Boolean <-> Boolean
  • Number <-> Scalar
  • Pulse <-> EventSource
  • Text <-> String
  • Vector2 <-> PixelPointSignal
  • Vector3 <-> VectorSignal or PointSignal
  • Vector4 <-> RgbaSignal

☁️ Publishing

  • Platform Requirements: 4MB Insta / 10MB face / 5MB face ads
  • View Assets Summary > File size breakdown for optimization
  • Unique name up to 20 characters
  • Squared icon in jpeg format and at least 200 x 200 pixels
  • Up to 5 business days for review and acceptance
  • Effects are supported for six months after release
  • Demo video should be recorded using Face/Insta/SparkAR app

🚨 Policies

  • General user base is age 13 and above
  • Must not be shocking, sensational, disrespectful or excessively violent
  • Must not promote illegal, inappropriate or unsafe stuff
  • Must not promote any legal or illegal drugs
  • Must not be of an adult or sexual nature
  • Must not discriminate against people
  • Must not promote cosmetic procedures

📁 Project Files

  • .arproj: editor file
  • .arexport: the effect to be published on SparkAR Hub (< 40MB)
  • .arprojpkg: a bundle meant to be shared between creators (most complete)
  • .arp: a patch asset file

📚 Layers and Render Options

  • Layer in the bottom is rendered first
  • Transparent objects rendered first might occlude other objects
  • Use Write to Depth Buffer to always draw objects over other objects unless they also have this option enabled.
  • You can use layers to change how lights affect objects

⚙️ Optimization

  • No more than 50 objects in a scene
  • Max 20k vertices per object
  • Max 50k triangle count per object
  • Max 150k triangle count for all objects
  • Heigh between 1cm and 5m
  • Remove any capabilities that aren't used in a project
  • Use the least number of bones when modeling 3D objects
  • Make textures as small as you can
  • Textures must be up to 1024x1024
  • Textures must be squared and sized the power of 2 (2x2, 4x4,...)
  • Avoid 24 or 30 FPS sequences
  • Remove the ambient light that is auto-included in a project
  • Group patches
  • Avoid using subscription, constants and callbacks when scripting
  • Compress files


Flat material with PNG image has black color instead of transparent

Change Blend Mode on Render Options to Alpha

Object is cut off

Try enabling/disabling Use Depth Test and/or Use Write to Depth Buffer

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