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Pedro Soares
Pedro Soares

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Implementing Linked Lists in Python

Generally, when studying data structures, we usually start with two types of common data structures: contiguous and linked. Each of them comes with its drawbacks, so it’s crucial to understand what is your problem before going deeper into the data structures.

The objective of this article is to help shine a light on how those structures are implemented in Python, what kind of drawbacks, advantages, and even how you would implement some of them by yourself. Even though they all have implementations from Python’s standard library, getting to know how they work, might help you understand when and how to maximize its usage.

Python’s List a Contiguous Data Structure

Contiguously allocated structures are composed of single slabs of memory, some examples are Python’s lists, matrices, heaps, and hash tables.



  • Memory locality: physical continuity in memory can make use of highly optimized cache mechanisms
  • O(1) complexity to access given the index
  • Efficient random access to items in arrays


  • Removing from the beginning is too costly due to resize
  • Space efficiency: Python always allocates a larger size than the elements it has, to avoid calling realloc each time a new element is appended to the list


  • Stacks (LIFO), good fit since we will always be inserting and removing the last element at a constant time
  • Heaps, since each element is a node and the children can be accessed with a defined relationship. For example, in binary heaps the index of left_child is always given by 2 * parent_index + 1 and right_child as 2*parent_index + 2
  • Hash Tables, since an array-like list can be used to store the keys after computing the hash
  • Depth-First Search (DFS) Algorithm, generally, implementing a DFS involves using a stack to store the nodes visited

Implementation in Python Standard Library:

Linked Lists in Python

A linked list is a type of linked data structure, which are structures composed of different chunks of memory that are linked by pointers. Some examples are trees, graphs (adjacency list), and linked lists.

linked lists visualization

Linked data structures have basic operations such as search, insert, and deletion. Also, they share some common properties:

  • Each element contains a data field, which can have any type
  • Each element contains a pointer to another node

Linked lists can be implemented as:

  • Singly-Linked List: each element points to one successor element, generally called next
  • Doubly-Linked List: each element points to one successor and one predecessor element
  • Circular Linked List: first element points to the last element and the last element points to the first


  • O(1) to access the first element
  • Insertions put less pressure on memory since it involves only changing the address in memory that elements point to - avoiding resizing and shuffling
  • Deletion is more efficient than in lists since it does not involve reallocations and shuffles
  • Overflow on linked structures never occurs unless the memory is actually full
  • With large records, moving pointers is easier and faster than moving the items themselves


  • O(n) at the worst case for accessing
  • O(n) at the worst case for insertion
  • Always O(n) for searching, whereas for lists we can use binary search if ordered, which has O(log n)


  • Queues (FIFO), good fit since we have constant time at removing the first element
  • Breadth-First Search (BFS) Algorithm, generally, implementing a BFS involves using a queue to store the nodes visited
  • Adjacency-List in Graphs, to store the connections of a vertice
  • Hash Table, may use linked lists to store the chains of items that hash to the same position in the hash table

Implementation in Python Standard Library:

Custom Implementation of a Singly Linked List

Below you will find an example of how to implement a custom singly linked list in Python, this code helped me prepare for coding interviews. Having a good understanding of how it works, makes it easier to derivate a Doubly-Linked or Circular list implementation.

NOTE: The methods are named after collections.deque API, which supports:

  • append(x): Add x to the right side of the linked list
  • appendleft(x): Add x to the left side of the linked list
  • pop(x): Remove and return an element from the right side of the linked list
  • popleft(x): Remove and return an element from the left side of the linked list

Node Class

Pretty straightforward, as it is a Singly-Linked list, we only need to define a field for the next, pointing to the successor, and a field for data, which can receive any type of data.

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Optional

class SLLNode:
    def __init__(self, data: Any, next: Optional[SLLNode] = None): = data = next

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{}"
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Singly-Linked List Class

The class can start with its constructor only creating the HEAD node, pointing to None, and may receive a list of nodes to pre-populate the list. In this implementation, I will leave the HEAD as an element with a None value that will point to the first element added.


This method will be crucial to implement the other operations, keep in mind that it is not strictly necessary for search, append, pop, etc., however, I think it makes the code more pythonic and uses Python’s generators, which are much more memory-efficient.

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, List, Optional

class SLLNode:
    def __init__(self, data: Any, next: Optional[SLLNode] = None): = data = next

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{}"

class SinglyLinkedList:
    """ Custom implementation of a Singly-Linked List"""

    def __init__(self, nodes: Optional[List[SLLNode]] = None):
        # Note: the HEAD node will only contain data as 'HEAD' to
        # print the list. See: __repr__()
        self.HEAD = SLLNode('HEAD', next=None)
        if nodes is not None:
            for node in nodes:

    def __iter__(self):
        node = self.HEAD
        while node is not None:
            yield node
            node =
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Queue operations

Next, we can start implementing basic operations such as insert, remove and search. For Queue, we generally want to append at the end and remove the first element added, those operations will be called append and popleft in the code.

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, List, Optional

class SLLNode:
    def __init__(self, data: Any, next: Optional[SLLNode] = None): = data = next

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{}"

class SinglyLinkedList:
    """ Custom implementation of a Singly-Linked List"""

    def __init__(self, nodes: Optional[List[SLLNode]] = None):
        # Note: the HEAD node will only contain data as 'HEAD' to
        # print the list. See: __repr__()
        self.HEAD = SLLNode('HEAD', next=None)
        if nodes is not None:
            for node in nodes:

    def __iter__(self):
        node = self.HEAD
        while node is not None:
            yield node
            node =

    def append(self, data: Any) -> SinglyLinkedList:
        node = self.HEAD
        for node in self:
            pass = SLLNode(data)
        return self

    def popleft(self) -> SLLNode:
        if is None:
            return None

        previous_first = =
        return previous_first
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For convenience, we can also add operations to appendleft, adding an element as the first of the queue, and pop to remove the last element. Note that, while
appendleft is done in constant time O(1), the pop operation needs to traverse the
full list until it finds the last element to remove, thus O(n):

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, List, Optional

class SinglyLinkedList:
    """ Custom implementation of a Singly-Linked List"""

    def __init__(self, nodes: Optional[List[SLLNode]] = None):
        # Note: the HEAD node will only contain data as 'HEAD' to
        # print the list. See: __repr__()
        self.HEAD = SLLNode('HEAD', next=None)
        if nodes is not None:
            for node in nodes:

    def __iter__(self):
        node = self.HEAD
        while node is not None:
            yield node
            node =

    def append(self, data: Any) -> SinglyLinkedList:
        node = self.HEAD
        for node in self:
            pass = SLLNode(data)
        return self

    def pop(self) -> Optional[SLLNode]:
        if is None:
            return None

        node = self.HEAD
            node =

        removed_node = = None
        return removed_node

    def appendleft(self, data: Any) -> SinglyLinkedList:
        new_node = SLLNode(data)
        if is None:
   = SLLNode(data)
            return self

        previous_first = = new_node = previous_first
        return self

    def popleft(self) -> SLLNode:
        if is None:
            return None

        previous_first = =
        return previous_first
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Next, we can add methods to find and remove a node given a certain data passed as an argument. Note that in a Doubly-Linked List, those processes would be simpler, since once we found the node, we can update the predecessor and successor at once. In a Singly-Linked we need to keep a reference to the predecessor, so that when removing we update the successor accordingly:

class SinglyLinkedList:
    """ Custom implementation of a Singly-Linked List"""

    def __init__(self, nodes: Optional[List[SLLNode]] = None):
        # Note: the HEAD node will only contain data as 'HEAD' to
        # print the list. See: __repr__()
        self.HEAD = SLLNode('HEAD', next=None)
        if nodes is not None:
            for node in nodes:

    def __iter__(self):
        node = self.HEAD
        while node is not None:
            yield node
            node =

    def append(self, data: Any) -> SinglyLinkedList:
        node = self.HEAD
        for node in self:
            pass = SLLNode(data)
        return self

    def pop(self) -> Optional[SLLNode]:
        if is None:
            return None

        node = self.HEAD
            node =

        removed_node = = None
        return removed_node

    def appendleft(self, data: Any) -> SinglyLinkedList:
        new_node = SLLNode(data)
        if is None:
   = SLLNode(data)
            return self

        previous_first = = new_node = previous_first
        return self

    def popleft(self) -> SLLNode:
        if is None:
            return None

        previous_first = =
        return previous_first

    def find(self, data: Any) -> Optional[SLLNode]:
        if is None:
            return None

        for node in self:
            if == data:
                return node

    def remove(self, data: Any) -> SinglyLinkedList:
        if is None:
            return None

        for node in self:
            if == data:
                return self
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Container Type Methods

In Python, objects that contain references to other objects are called containers, i.e: lists, tuples, and dictionaries. As an approach to operator overloading, Python provides invokes certain methods by special syntax. For instance, accessing an object with x[i] is equivalent to type(x).__getitem__(x, i).

Thus, for convenience, we can implement some of them as the code below suggests:

  • len: Called to implement the built-in function len()
stack = SinglyLinkedList()
print(len(stack)) # 0
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  • contains: Called to implement membership test operators. Should return true if item is in self, false otherwise. Uses __iter__()
stack = SinglyLinkedList(SLLnode('John Doe'))
print('John Doe' in stack) # True
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  • getitem: Called to implement evaluation of self[key]
stack = SinglyLinkedList(SLLnode('John Doe'))
print(stack[0]) # 'John Doe'
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  • setitem: Called to implement assignment to self[key]
stack = SinglyLinkedList()
stack[0] = SLLNode('Ada Lovelace')
print(stack[0]) # 'Ada Lovelace'
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  • delitem: Called to implement deletion of self[key]
stack = SinglyLinkedList(SLLNode('Ada Lovelace'))
print(len(stack)) # 1
del stack[0]
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class SinglyLinkedList:
    """ Custom implementation of a Singly-Linked List"""

    def __init__(self, nodes: Optional[List[SLLNode]] = None):
        # Note: the HEAD node will only contain data as 'HEAD' to
        # print the list. See: __repr__()
        self.HEAD = SLLNode('HEAD', next=None)
        if nodes is not None:
            for node in nodes:

    def __iter__(self):
        node = self.HEAD
        while node is not None:
            yield node
            node =

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len([node for node in self]) - 1

    def __contains__(self, data: Any) -> bool:
        for node in self:
            if == data:
                return True
        return False

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        node = self.HEAD
        nodes = []
        for node in self:
        return ' -> '.join(nodes)

    def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> SLLNode:
        if index < 0 and index > len(self) - 1:
            raise IndexError(f'Index {index} out of range')

        node = self.HEAD
        for _ in range(index):
            node =

    def __setitem__(self, index: int, data: Any) -> SinglyLinkedList:
        if index < 0 and index > len(self) - 1:
            raise IndexError(f'Index {index} out of range')

        node = self.HEAD
        for _ in range(index + 1):
            node = = data
        return self

    def __delitem__(self, index: int):
        if index < 0 and index > len(self) - 1:
            raise IndexError(f'Index {index} out of range')

        node = self.HEAD
        for _ in range(index):
            node = = if else None

    def __gt__(self, other: SinglyLinkedList) -> bool:
        if len(self) > len(other):
            return True

    def __lt__(self, other: SinglyLinkedList) -> bool:
        if len(self) < len(other):
            return True

    def __ge__(self, other: SinglyLinkedList) -> bool:
        if len(self) >= len(other):
            return True

    def __le__(self, other: SinglyLinkedList) -> bool:
        if len(self) <= len(other):
            return True

    def __eq__(self, other: SinglyLinkedList) -> bool:
        if len(self) != len(other):
            return False
        for node in self:
            if != other[]:
                return False
        return True

    def __ne__(self, other: SinglyLinkedList) -> bool:
        return not self == other

    def append(self, data: Any) -> SinglyLinkedList:
        node = self.HEAD
        for node in self:
            pass = SLLNode(data)
        return self

    def pop(self) -> Optional[SLLNode]:
        if is None:
            return None

        node = self.HEAD
            node =

        removed_node = = None
        return removed_node

    def appendleft(self, data: Any) -> SinglyLinkedList:
        new_node = SLLNode(data)
        if is None:
   = SLLNode(data)
            return self

        previous_first = = new_node = previous_first
        return self

    def popleft(self) -> SLLNode:
        if is None:
            return None

        previous_first = =
        return previous_first

    def find(self, data: Any) -> Optional[SLLNode]:
        if is None:
            return None

        for node in self:
            if == data:
                return node

    def remove(self, data: Any) -> SinglyLinkedList:
        if is None:
            return None

        for node in self:
            if == data:
                return self
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The complete code can be found at this gist:

Other Resources

This code helped me through multiple code interviews, and also to revisit some basic data structures fundamentals. I strongly recommend checking on these other resources!

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Top comments (1)

dan_stromberg_62056994c19 profile image
Dan Stromberg

I played around with a linked list class in Python too -

I performance tested it against Python native lists, and found that it was much slower, even at things it had the same big-O on. I believe this is because access every element of a linked list is commonly a different cache line hit.

It's usually better to use collections.deque than a linked list in Python. Underneath it all, collections.deque is a doubly-linked list of small contiguous elements.

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