Hello all 🙌🏻
This article is about my #DepZ[WIP]
What is Depz?
DepZ is an open source platform for hosting static websites.
Why I built DepZ?
While the product is in development, most of the organisations purchase 3 to 4 instances. They usually maintain Dev, Staging, Test, PreProd, Prod. For each build, they need a specific instance (mostly an EC2 t3.nano instance), it costs about $15 per instance.
We can achieve this with some platform like Netlify, but most of the people get this question "Why do we need to share our entire source code?"
So there is a need for deployment which is cost-efficient, secure and not to share source code.
Continuous Deployment
As we are high-level apathetic individuals, We never like to build our website and copy the build file to a specific instance. So there is a need for continuous integration.
How can we achieve all this?
There are many ways to deploy static sites:
1. Now
2. S3 Bucket
3. Azure
4. Google cloud
5. Heroku
6. Surge
For continuous deployment :
. 1. Bitbucket Pipelines
2. Amazon Pipelines
How DepZ works? 🎩
DepZ integrates Bitbucket with Amazon's S3.
Login to Bitbucket Account
BitBucket Login Once you log in, It’ll display all the repo in that bitbucket account.
BitBucket Repo List Select a repo which you want to deploy
Deploy Settings Once the deployment is done, a URL will be generated.
Live URL Once the site is live, We need to pull the code from BitBucket repo because continuous deployment is handled via pipelines.
/*AWS region selection, Pipelines are #WIP./
Setup DepZ
1. Setup the Bitbucket OAuth.
2. Update the secret key in the source code.
3. Store the AWS key and AWS secret in the BitBucket env variable.
4. Deploy the site 😈
Future Goals
- Git Provider
- GitHub
- GitLab
- Deployment
- Now
- GitHub Pages
- Azure
- Google cloud
- Heroku
- Surge
- Amazon Code pipelines
- Custom Domains.
- Amazon Certificate Manager ( Using Google Puppeteer )
- LetsEncrypt
You can check this out here: https://depz.balajisankar.tech/
And here is the code if you want to play around: https://bitbucket.org/ibalajisankar/depz/
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