DEV Community

Atulit Anand
Atulit Anand

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Mongodb or sql

Hi, I've been learning web development on my own for quite a while now. I definitely need a lot of practice but right now I am just gathering tools to start my first project.

I wanna learn a database but I am not able to choose between mongodb and SQL.

Up untill a few days back, I was learning node and express from Colt Steele's bootcamp but I got stuck at the mongodb part so I switched to SQL because my peers adviced me to do so, and soon after I started doubting myself. I have made some projects as well but those were just mere code alongs and I don't wanna impose fake knowledge on myself.
I am just confused, I wanna make a project to cheer my self up and your advice would mean a lot.

I just believe in fact that " Till you won't ask ans will always be a big fat NO. "

Thanks for reading this.
Have a great day.

Top comments (4)

maxinejs profile image

I just started sql, I think it's a little fun personally. Either way you can do it!

icecoffee profile image
Atulit Anand • Edited

I can't thank you enough my friend
mongo db store data in similar fashion as js objects but nesting them is real PIA.

maxinejs profile image

currently using sqlite3

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icecoffee profile image
Atulit Anand
