Programming terms broken down.
This article aims at breaking down words (terms) used in programming, so that a 6 year old can understand very easily.
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What is Sequelize ?
It simply means writing SQL queries using javascript object
(dot- notation) syntax this means as if you were accessing properties in a javascript object.
What is an Object ?
An object is an instance of a class.
What are Asynchronous tasks ?
Asynchronous tasks means things you have to wait for, such as fetching data from an API.
What is React ?
React is a Javascript library that allows web developers to modularize their web applications into separate and reusable components.
What is a cluster in Kubernetes ?
A Kubernetes cluster is a set of nodes (machines - virtual or physical) that run containerized applications.
What is a docker container ?
A container is an instance of a docker image (which is an application e.g weather app written in React.js )
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