Hey there 👋! I'm pretty sure that there are some developers who would like to contribute a new framework to JSS, at first glance it looks a bit more complex though.
Out of the box JSS provides a create-sitecore-jss npm package. See more information on how to scaffold a new sample app in a documentation.
For the creation of the samples JSS uses an initializers approach. Let me highlight some major terms before moving forward.
Initializer - the process for handling the creation of the selected template.
Template - the sample populated by ejs tokens. Templates are divided into types:
- base - contains all the files, base features for the application (e.g. nextjs).
- add-on - provides additional features for the base template. Multiple add-on templates can be applied to the base (e.g. nextjs-styleguide).
I will walkthrough the example of adding a Nuxt framework into the create-sitecore-jss. Let's consider that Nuxt will be styleguide based.
1. Create a new initializer ✅
Firstly, we need to add an initializer entry point.
I create a new folder under src/initializers/nuxt. Let's add required scripts:
import path from 'path';
import inquirer from 'inquirer';
import { prompts, NuxtAnswer } from './prompts';
import { Initializer, transform } from '../../common';
import { NuxtArgs } from './args';
export default class ReactNativeInitializer implements Initializer {
// Required to point that template is base
get isBase() {
return true;
async init(args: NuxtArgs) {
// Ask for required parameters e.g. appName, hostName
const answers = await inquirer.prompt<NuxtAnswer>(prompts, args);
// Merge framework specific and base scaffolding related answers
const mergedArgs = {
const templatePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../templates/nuxt');
// Executes scaffolding process
await transform(templatePath, mergedArgs);
const response = {
appName: answers.appName,
// Return response to be accepted by next add-ons
return response;
It defines a type of value that we accept in the initializer and pass to the next add-ons. We have arguments that will be passed by default to the initializer. I added a new teamcity property that we will request below.
import { ClientAppArgs } from '../../common';
import { NuxtAnswer } from './prompts';
type NuxtCustomArgs = {
teamcity: boolean;
export type NuxtArgs = ClientAppArgs & Partial<NuxtAnswer & NuxtCustomArgs>;
It defines questions that we want to ask for customer. We have default prompts that you can extend by adding an additional question.
import {
} from '../../common';
const customPrompts = [
type: 'confirm',
name: 'teamcity',
message: 'Do you want to apply Teamcity integration?',
default: false,
export type NuxtAnswer = ClientAppAnswer & StyleguideAnswer;
export const prompts = [...clientAppPrompts, ...styleguidePrompts, ...customPrompts];
2. Create a new template ✅
I create a new folder under src/templates/nuxt. Here you need to add all the required files you want to contribute. In case of Nuxt it can be Nuxt sample app but extended with JSS.
3. Introduce a new sitecore-jss-nuxt npm package ✅
I create a new npm package in a repository under packages/sitecore-jss-nuxt in order to place all the components, enhancers, utils specific to Nuxt. We need to reference this package in a sample app. Some part of the functionality can be re-exported from sitecore-jss, like data fetching utils, models, etc. You can take a look at sitecore-jss-react as an example.
4. Let's test it out ✅
In the CLI run
Here we go, Nuxt is present in a list
And here is a last question we wanted to ask about Teamcity integration
The new application has been successfully scaffolded!⭐
Wrap up 😎
That's all for this article. Next time I will explain on how to contribute a new add-on for the base template. Thank you for your attention! See you in LinkedIn Instagram GitHub 👋
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