We might begin with stores our files like images on the filesystem. But when the times our application got bigger, we might want to separate things up, by using a dedicated service to stores objects.
For example, the most common way to store objects which is AWS's Simple Storage Service or S3 to be short. But that comes with the downside. Since it was a third-party service, we can't just use it for free. (Actually, they have free tier but with limited spaces)
Fortunately, there is a Free, Open Source and S3 Compatible alternative called Minio. With it, you can self-host the S3 compatible storage on your own.
First, we need to have Minio, we can install it in a variety of ways. In this example, I will use Docker. If you don't want to use docker, you should check the Official Documentation.
# compose.yaml
# build:
# context: .
- my-network # use the same network as minio
# Here's our minio
image: quay.io/minio/minio:RELEASE.2025-02-03T21-03-04Z
restart: always
command: ["server", "/data", "--console-address=:9001"]
- my-network # use the same network as your app
- ./secrets/minio.env # we will specify this file later
- object-storage:/data
my-network: # declare a network
object-storage: # for persistent data
Let me brief explain what's on the storage
section above:
image: quay.io/minio/minio:RELEASE.2025-02-03T21-03-04Z:
for the image we are going to pull from the quay registry, and the tag we are going to use is RELEASE.2025-02-03T21-03-04Z
You can use other tags too for example
command: ["server", "/data", "--console-address=:9001"]:
first it will execute command server
then the storage path will be on /data
the --console-address=:9001
meaning that will expose the console or the UI on the port 9001, while the API was exposed on port 9000 (by default)
We also need to specify the environment variable, but we're going to ignore it for now.
On our Laravel's application, we need to install the AWS S3 packages using composer. Type the following on terminal:
composer require league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 "^3.0" --with-all-dependencies
We now need to do some configurations.
On Minio's side we need to create root user. We will later use that user to create a new user specifically for our application.
A root user is the highest level of access you can have on a computer system. It is essentially the "superuser" with the ability to perform any task, including those that are restricted to normal users.
To create that, we have to provide 2 variables:
: the name for the root user -
: the password for the root user
If you take a look at the compose.yaml
file above, you will see this:
- ./secrets/minio.env
Here, we are saying that the variables will be stored on a file called minio.env
that is on secrets
directory. Let's create one, make sure it's on the same level as the compose.yaml
create .env file for minio
mkdir secrets && cd $_ && touch minio.env
On the new created minio.env
file, fill with these:
MINIO_ROOT_USER=root # can be whatever you want
Now, you can login to the Minio's Console.
docker compose up -d
On the browser, go to localhost:9000 or localhost:9001
Doesn't matter which port. If you use browser,
will redirect you to port 9001 even if you type the port9000
It's going to look like this.
Login using the root username and password that we typed on the minio.env
file previously.
Creating User
After successful login, go to the Identify -> User
Section, and try to create new user.
Dont forget to check on the Read Write
Creating Bucket
Now, you need to create a bucket for your application.
What is a bucket?
Just that imagine that you have a bucket, then you can put your toys, your stuff in it. In this case we store our object like files or images.
Go to the Buckets
section and click on the Create Bucket
Type on the bucket name field, then click Create Bucket
On Laravel you need to change the AWS variables.
you can ignore the
and let it be there
Fill the bucket name.
And you need to change the AWS_ENDPOINT
to point to your storage service.
Also you need to create another variable called AWS_URL
. It's basically the endpoint with bucket name:
Please note that I'm using the name service from the compose.yaml file. It's consider a bad practice for production, and instead you should use FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). e.g https://storage.example.com
Last, but not least, you need to change the AWS_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT
to true
Here's what our variables look like.
Now, you have to change they way you upload image.
From this.
// controller
$path = $request->file("image")->storePublicly("images");
$url = Storage::url($path);
To this.
// controller
$request->file("image")->storePublicly("images", "s3");
$url = Storage::disk("s3")->url($path);
Make bucket publicly accessible
You can't just paste the url on the browser, it won't let you to view the content of the file.
failed to get Stat() response from server for 1-5000x3333.jpg (version null): Access Denied.
Instead, you need to change the setting of the bucket so that everyone can see the content.
On the Buckets
menu, click on your bucket, then change the Access Policy
to public
Now, your image should be accessible.
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