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How to use react three fiber in grafana

Introduction to Grafana and React Three Fiber

Grafana is an open-source platform for data visualization and monitoring. It allows developers to create interactive and customizable dashboards, using a variety of data sources, including InfluxDB, Prometheus, and Elasticsearch. Grafana also provides a rich set of features, such as alerting, plugins, and an API, which makes it a powerful tool for monitoring and troubleshooting applications.

React Three Fiber is a high-performance 3D library for React. It allows developers to create 3D graphics and animations using the familiar React syntax. React Three Fiber is built on top of Three.js, a powerful JavaScript library for creating 3D graphics, and it provides a set of hooks and components that make it easy to integrate 3D graphics into a React application.

Mistakes That I've Encountered

  1. React version specified in the package.json file may not match the version used by Grafana. To resolve this, it may be necessary to either upgrade Grafana or build a custom version with the desired React version.

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  1. When using React Three Fiber, it is important to remember to change the mode in webpack to production to avoid freezing the browser, which is a known issue.

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I'm writing this to save people a lot of time because this took me couple of days to figure out, maybe it looks simple but I've tried so many things that didn't work.

I hope this will help someone.

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