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James Shah
James Shah

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Learning Data Analysis With Python - Pandas DataFrame

⚠️ Note - This post is a part of Learning data analysis with python series. If you haven't read the first post, some of the content won't make sense. Check it out here.

In the previous article, we talked about Pandas Series, working with real world data and handling missing values in data. Although series are very useful but most real world datasets contain multiple rows and columns and that's why Dataframes are used much more than series. In this post, we'll talk about dataframe and some operations that we can do on dataframe objects.

What is a DataFrame?

As we looked in the previous post, A Series is a container of scalars,A DataFrame is a container for Series. It's a dictionary like data structure for Series. A DataFrame is similar to a two-dimensional hetrogeneous tabular data(SQL table). A DataFrame is created using many different types of data such as dictionary of Series, dictionary of ndarrays/lists, a list of dictionary, etc. We'll look at some of these methods to create a DataFrame object and then we'll see some operations that we can apply on a DataFrame object to manipulate the data.

DataFrame using dictionary of Series

    d = {
    'col1' : pd.Series([1,2,3], index = ["row1", "row2", "row3"]),
    'col2' : pd.Series([4,5,6], index = ["row1", "row2", "row3"])

    df = pd.DataFrame(d)

        col1    col2
row1     1       4
row2     2       5
row3     3       6
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As shown in above code, the keys of dict of Series becomes column names of the DataFrame and the index of the Series becomes the row name and all the data gets mapped by the row name i.e.,order of the index in the Series doesn't matter.

DataFrame using ndarrays/lists

    d = {
        'one' : [1.,2.,3.],
        'two' : [4.,5.,6.]

    df = pd.DataFrame(d)

    one  two
0   1.0  4.0
1   2.0  5.0
2   3.0  6.0
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As shown in the above code, when we use ndarrays/lists, if we don't pass the index then the range(n) becomes the index of the DataFrame.And while using the ndarray to create a DataFrame, the length of these arrays must be same and if we pass an explicit index then the length of this index must also be of same length as the length of the arrays.

DataFrame using list of dictionaries

    d = [
        {'one': 1, 'two' : 2, 'three': 3},
        {'one': 10, 'two': 20, 'three': 30, 'four': 40}

    df = pd.DataFrame(d)

    one two three four
0    1   2   3     NaN
1    10  20  30    40.0

    df = pd.DataFrame(d, index=["first", "second"])


        one two three four
first    1   2   3     NaN
second   10  20  30    40.0
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And finally, as described above we can create a DataFrame object using a list of dictionary and we can provide an explicit index in this method,too.

Although learning to create a DataFrame object using these methods is necessary but in real world, we won't be using these methods to create a DataFrame but we'll be using external data files to load data and manipulate that data. So, let's take a look how to load a csv file and create a DataFrame.In the previous post, we worked with the Nifty50 data to demonstrate how Series works and similarly in this post, we'll load Nifty50 2018 data, but in this dataset we have data of Open, Close, High and Low value of Nifty50. First let's see what this dataset looks like and then we'll load it into a DataFrame.

Nifty50 Data

    df = pd.read_csv('NIFTY50_2018.csv')

        Date      Open        High        Low        Close
0   31 Dec 2018  10913.20   10923.55    10853.20    10862.55
1   28 Dec 2018  10820.95   10893.60    10817.15    10859.90
2   27 Dec 2018  10817.90   10834.20    10764.45    10779.80
3   26 Dec 2018  10635.45   10747.50    10534.55    10729.85
4   24 Dec 2018  10780.90   10782.30    10649.25    10663.50
...     ...         ...        ...         ...         ...
241 05 Jan 2018  10534.25   10566.10    10520.10    10558.85
242 04 Jan 2018  10469.40   10513.00    10441.45    10504.80
243 03 Jan 2018  10482.65   10503.60    10429.55    10443.20
244 02 Jan 2018  10477.55   10495.20    10404.65    10442.20
245 01 Jan 2018  10531.70   10537.85    10423.10    10435.55

    df = pd.read_csv('NIFTY50_2018.csv', index_col=0)

                  Open        High        Low        Close
31 Dec 2018     10913.20    10923.55    10853.20    10862.55
28 Dec 2018     10820.95    10893.60    10817.15    10859.90
27 Dec 2018     10817.90    10834.20    10764.45    10779.80
26 Dec 2018     10635.45    10747.50    10534.55    10729.85
24 Dec 2018     10780.90    10782.30    10649.25    10663.50
     ...           ...        ...         ...          ...
05 Jan 2018     10534.25    10566.10    10520.10    10558.85
04 Jan 2018     10469.40    10513.00    10441.45    10504.80
03 Jan 2018     10482.65    10503.60    10429.55    10443.20
02 Jan 2018     10477.55    10495.20    10404.65    10442.20
01 Jan 2018     10531.70    10537.85    10423.10    10435.55
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As shown above, we have loaded the dataset and created a DataFrame called df and looking at the data, we can see that we can set the index of our DataFrame to the Date column and in the second cell we did that by providing the index_col parameter in the read_csv method.

There are many more parameters available in the read_csv method such as usecols using which we can deliberately ask the pandas to only load provided columns, na_values to provide explicit values that pandas should identify as null values and so on and so forth. Read more about all the parameters in pandas documentation.

Now, let's look at some of the basic operations that we can perform on the dataframe object in order to learn more about our data.

    # Shape(Number of rows and columns) of the DataFrame


    # List of index

    Index(['31 Dec 2018', '28 Dec 2018', '27 Dec 2018', '26 Dec 2018',
       '24 Dec 2018', '21 Dec 2018', '20 Dec 2018', '19 Dec 2018',
       '18 Dec 2018', '17 Dec 2018',
       '12 Jan 2018', '11 Jan 2018', '10 Jan 2018', '09 Jan 2018',
       '08 Jan 2018', '05 Jan 2018', '04 Jan 2018', '03 Jan 2018',
       '02 Jan 2018', '01 Jan 2018'],
      dtype='object', name='Date', length=246)

    # List of columns

    Index(['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close'], dtype='object')

    # Check if a DataFrame is empty or not

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It's very crucial to know data types of all the columns because sometimes due to corrupt data or missing data, pandas may identify numeric data as 'object' data-type which isn't desired as numeric operations on the 'object' type of data is costlier in terms of time than on float64 or int64 i.e numeric datatypes.

    # Datatypes of all the columns

    Open     float64
    High     float64
    Low      float64
    Close    float64
    dtype: object
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We can use iloc and loc to index and get the particular data from our dataframe.

    # Indexing using implicit index

    Open     10913.20
    High     10923.55
    Low      10853.20
    Close    10862.55
    Name: 31 Dec 2018, dtype: float64

    # Indexing using explicit index
    df.loc["01 Jan 2018"]

    Open     10531.70
    High     10537.85
    Low      10423.10
    Close    10435.55
    Name: 01 Jan 2018, dtype: float64
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We can also use both row and column to index and get specific cell from our dataframe.

    # Indexing using both the axes(rows and columns)
    df.loc["01 Jan 2018", "High"]

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We can also perform all the math operations on a dataframe object same as we did on series.

    # Basic math operations

                      Open        High        Low        Close
31 Dec 2018     10923.20    10933.55    10863.20    10872.55
28 Dec 2018     10830.95    10903.60    10827.15    10869.90
27 Dec 2018     10827.90    10844.20    10774.45    10789.80
26 Dec 2018     10645.45    10757.50    10544.55    10739.85
24 Dec 2018     10790.90    10792.30    10659.25    10673.50
     ...           ...        ...         ...          ...
05 Jan 2018     10544.25    10576.10    10530.10    10568.85
04 Jan 2018     10479.40    10523.00    10451.45    10514.80
03 Jan 2018     10492.65    10513.60    10439.55    10453.20
02 Jan 2018     10487.55    10505.20    10414.65    10452.20
01 Jan 2018     10541.70    10547.85    10433.10    10445.55
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We can also aggregate the data using the agg method. For instance, we can get the mean and median values from all the columns in our data using this method as show below.

    # Aggregate one or more operations
    df.agg(["mean", "median"])

            Open            High            Low            Close
mean    10758.260366    10801.753252    10695.351423    10749.392276
median  10704.100000    10749.850000    10638.100000    10693.000000
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However, pandas provide a more convenient method to get a lot more than just minimum and maximum values across all the columns in our data. And that method is describe. As the name suggests, it describes our dataframe by applying mathematical and statistical operations across all the columns.


            Open           High            Low             Close
count   246.000000      246.000000      246.000000      246.000000
mean    10758.260366    10801.753252    10695.351423    10749.392276
std     388.216617      379.159873      387.680138      382.632569
min     9968.800000     10027.700000    9951.900000     9998.050000
25%     10515.125000    10558.650000    10442.687500    10498.912500
50%     10704.100000    10749.850000    10638.100000    10693.000000
75%     10943.100000    10988.075000    10878.262500    10950.850000
max     11751.800000    11760.200000    11710.500000    11738.500000
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And to get the name, data types and number of non-null values in each columns, pandas provide info method.


    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    Index: 246 entries, 31 Dec 2018 to 01 Jan 2018
    Data columns (total 4 columns):
    #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype
    ---  ------  --------------  -----
    0   Open    246 non-null    float64
    1   High    246 non-null    float64
    2   Low     246 non-null    float64
    3   Close   246 non-null    float64
    dtypes: float64(4)
    memory usage: 19.6+ KB
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We are working with a small data with less than 300 rows and thus, we can work with all the rows but when we have tens or hundreds of thousand rows in our data, it's very difficult to work with such huge number of data. In statistics, 'sampling' is a technique that solves this problem. Sampling means to choose a small amount of data from the whole dataset such that the sampling dataset contains somewhat similar features in terms of diversity as that of the whole dataset. Now, it's almost impossible to manually select such peculiar rows but as always, pandas comes to our rescue with the sample method.

    # Data Sampling -  Get random n examples from the data.

              Open        High        Low         Close
04 Jul 2018 10715.00    10777.15    10677.75    10769.90
22 Jun 2018 10742.70    10837.00    10710.45    10821.85
14 Mar 2018 10393.05    10420.35    10336.30    10410.90
09 Jan 2018 10645.10    10659.15    10603.60    10637.00
27 Apr 2018 10651.65    10719.80    10647.55    10692.30
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But, executing this method produces different results everytime and that may be unacceptable in some cases. But that can be solved by providing random_state parameter in the sample method to reproduce same result everytime.

As shown above, we can perform many operations on the DataFrame object to get information of the DataFrame and from the DataFrame. These are just basic operations that we can perform on the DataFrame object, there are many more interesting methods and operations that we can perform on the DataFrame object such as pivot , merge , join and many more. Also, in this given dataset, we have time as the index of our DataFrame i.e this is the TimeSeries dataset and pandas also provide many methods to manipulate the TimeSeries data such as rolling_window.

That will be all for this post. In the next post we'll look at some of these methods and we'll perform 5 analysis tasks using these methods. Till then, you can take a look at the pandas documentation and find more information about DataFrame objects and the methods that can be applied on the DataFrame object.

Thank you for reading

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