1. Introduction
I create a React hook recently which is called use-react-monitor. It can help us to monitor endpoints for the specified interval and reset the interval when it changes.
- We have to install the package in the first step
npm install use-react-monitor -S
- We can use the hook for endpoints that we want to monitor to
import React from 'react';
import useMonitor from 'use-react-monitor';
const Tester = () => {
const interval = 3000;
const {results, status, lastTimes} = useMonitor(
{ urls:['http://rem-rest-api.herokuapp.com/api/users',
freshRate: interval});
return (
{<Results results = {results} status = {status}/>}
const Results = ({ results, status}) => {
const refCount = React.useRef(0);
return (
{`render time: ${refCount.current}`}
{results && results.map((result, i) =>{
return (
<div key={`status-${i}`}>Status: {status && status[i]}</div>
<ul key={i}>
{result.data.map((r, index) => {
return (<li key={index}>{r.id} {r.firstName} {r.lastName}</li>)
export default Tester
- Then it can polling to fetch the resources from endpoints. Now we add useRef to check if the child was re-rendered even though the fetched result was unchanged.
const Results = ({ results, status}) => {
const refCount = React.useRef(0);
return (
{`render time: ${refCount.current}`}
- We found that the child component was re-rendered whenever use-react-monitor return the value. However, what we expect is that the child component was re-rendered only when use-react-monitor return new values.

2. Avoid useless re-rendering with React.memo
React.memo is a HOC. We can pass our child component with the compare function and React.memo will perform shallow comparing.
The wrapped child component will only be re-rendered when use-react-monitor return new values.
Compare function
function monitoredPropsAreEqual(prevResults, nextResults){
return JSON.stringify(prevResults) === JSON.stringify(nextResults);
Wrap the child component with React.memo
import React, {memo} from 'react';
const Tester = () => {
const interval = 3000;
const {results, status, lastTimes} = useMonitor(
{ urls:['http://rem-rest-api.herokuapp.com/api/users',
freshRate: interval});
return (
{<MemorizedResults results = {results} status = {status}/>}
const MemorizedResults = memo(Results, monitoredPropsAreEqual);

That's it!
Side projects
There are some of my articles. Feel free to check if you like!
- My blog-posts for software developing
- My web resume
- Facebook page
- My website
- npm package - create-nrs-web
- npm package - use-react-monitor
- npm package - react-ui-gauge-component
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