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João Textor
João Textor

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A Beginner Developer 2023 Recap

Looking back, 2023 was the year my brain did more code crunches than I did at the gym (which, by the way, were few). This was the year I decided to dive headfirst into a career transition to programming - not that I was running away from my current job, but let's just say that developing software and bringing projects to life makes my heart beat faster.

In my current job, which has as much to do with software development as a duck has to do with classical ballet, I ended up creating 5 tools to make everyone's life easier (including mine). I think I ended up being more useful than I expected!

Personally, I lost count of how many projects I started. I finished some, others... well, let's just say they are in a "creative pause". I completed a Full Stack JavaScript course and a postgraduate in multi-platform mobile development that I started in 2022, and I did a bunch of other courses on Udemy. Let's just say my brain was on a learning marathon.

I used AI assistants in programming less than I expected. They are good for shaking off the rust or writing that basic code, but at the peak of programming "flow", these assistants are like someone trying to help cook and just making a mess. Useful, but sometimes they hinder more than they help. It's like giving a recipe book to a chef while he's preparing dinner! 🤖💻👨‍🍳

I learned some cool things that I will take to all my future projects:

  1. TypeScript: at first, I thought it was just a "gourmet" version of JavaScript. But now, without it, I feel like I'm trying to navigate without GPS. Lost, confused, and always searching for that guidance beacon that TypeScript offers.
  2. Clean Architecture: it was like those gourmet recipes you see on TV and think "I'm never going to make that". But, surprise! I ended up adopting it in my project, like someone who starts making artisanal burgers at home. Unexpected, a bit challenging, but incredibly satisfying for the organization it provides.
  3. Unit and integration testing: before, I saw them as a tedious task. Now, I realize they are more crucial than I thought. If I applied the same dedication to testing my social life as I do with my code, maybe I wouldn't just be great at the keyboard, but also a master of casual conversation. Imagine that, implementing TDD (Test Driven Dating) to improve my social skills! 😄👨‍💻🎉

And, by chance, I entered the open-source world with a project for the abstraction of the DataJud API, from CNJ. It became more popular than I expected (check it out:

Now I'm working on a personal SaaS project and thinking about another one. They certainly won't make me the next Bill Gates, but the learning is worth every second.

Finally, here's my GitHub retrospective. I hope next year's numbers are even more impressive!

A happy new year to everyone, with lots of health and dreams fulfilled (and, of course, lots of code)!

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