Today we're gonna learn all CSS background properties with every possible value along with short-hand. Let's Go !π
Table of Contents -->
- All Properties
- background-image
- background-size
- background-repeat
- background-position
- background-origin
- background-clip
- background-attachment
- background-color
- Short hand
- Conclusion
YouTube :
All Properties
This is a list of All properties we're gonna discuss today. The red colored text at last is the shorthand
What are background properties?
CSS Background properties allows us to control the size & properties of images in a way that we can make responsive images for both smaller & larger screens. Thus, we can easily create responsive websites.
For an example,
- The property background-size allows us to reset width & height of our image according to screen size.
- background-position allows us to tell the browser, where to put the image on the screen.
- And many more !
Steps to follow
Before coding, you need to know little bit of HTML,CSS & how to use VS code.
To do all sorts of test with the properties & its values, follow these steps π
- Create a new folder named 'BACKGROUND-PROJECT'. Open it on VS code.
- Create index.html & style.css files.
- install 'live server' on VS code.
- start live server.
create one div with class name 'container' inside the body tag on the HTML file.
<div class="container"></div>
On CSS, you MUST include a height for our container, otherwise we can't see the image. For our case, we will set it to 100vh, like this ->
height : 100vh;
download images for the project.
- Images are on my GitHub repository
- Visit & copy the link βοΈ
- Go to downgit & paste the link you copied
- Follow the steps on the video π ->

And..... we're all set !
Let's start coding π
Using this property, we can add images through our stylesheet.
We can use background-image by 2 ways ->
- By locating image path on directory
- By specifying image URL
By Directory Path
The syntax when using the directory path π
We will have 3 cases when specifying an image path on our CSS ->
- image & style.css are on same folder
- image is on the next folder
- image is on the previous folder
- When image & style.css is on Same Folder, it looks something like this π Notice that kitty.png & style.css are on same parent folder named Background-project
To locate the file path of the kitty.png, write on style.css ->
background-image : url("kitty.png");
height: 100vh;
// set size & stop image repetition
background-repeat : no-repeat;
background-size : contain;
- When image is on Next Folder, the style.css is on previous folder. Notice on the image π the kitty.png is on Assets folder while style.css is on previous folder
To Go forward & to locate the file path of the kitty.png, we write one dot & slash (./) after quote on style.css. Then we write name of folder then slash(/) then write name of image, like this π ->
background-image : url("./Assets/kitty.png");
height: 100vh;
// set size & stop image repetition
background-repeat : no-repeat;
background-size : contain;
- If image is on Previous Folder, then we need to go back. Notice on the image π style.css is on src folder & kitty.png is outside src folder.
To Go back & to locate the file path of the kitty.png, we write two dot & slash (../) after quote on style.css. Then we write name of image, like this π
background-image : url("../kitty.png");
height: 100vh;
// set size & stop image repetition
background-repeat : no-repeat;
background-size : contain;
By Direct Link
This is pretty easy. Write the property & insert the link inside url(). The syntax π
To work with an image which is a direct link we write ->
//example ->
background-image : url("");
height: 100vh;
// set size & stop image repetition
background-repeat : no-repeat;
background-size : contain;
Take a Break
We can adjust size of an image using this property.
You can use background-size by 3 ways ->
- use Cover / Contain value
- set image width & height
- use auto
Let's start discussing the cover & contain values
Bear size : [718px X 614px]
For this to work, we must include an image, set height & stop the image repetition. Like this on css π
background-image : url('cute-bear.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size : cover;
// Must include the height
height : 100vh;
When we use this property, it will stretch the image to the whole screen even when we resize the window. Watch the video π
Same steps here, we must include an image, set height & stop the image repetition. Like this on cssπ
background-image : url('cute-bear.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size : contain;
// Must include the height
height : 100vh;
This value will preserve the image size [Responsive Image] even when we resize the window. See this video below π
Image width & height
We can set width & height of image using background-size property.
The syntax π
// here, we see widthπ & π height
background-size : 200px 200px;
Also, don't forget to insert the image, set height and stop the image repetition. The code snippet ->
background-image : url('cute-bear.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
// here, we see widthπ & π height
background-size : 200px 200px;
// Must include the height
height : 100vh;
When using this value, the image will stay on it's original size. It won't change when we resize the window. See the video :
This property allows us to repeat the same image multiple times.
There're 6 values of this property :
- repeat
- repeat-x
- repeat-y
- no-repeat
- space
- round
Result of every 6 value at a glance :
Note: kitty size : [200px X 200px]

Now, Let's investigate what's happening with each value. BUT, before that note that we need to insert an image using background-image. Like this :
background-image : url('kitty.png');
background-size : 200px 200px;
background-repeat : ; //we will play with values here
height : 100vh;
By using this value, we can repeat the same image multiple times along BOTH X & Y Axis as long as the screen space doesn't end. Kitty size : 200px X 200px
This value allows us to repeat the same image multiple times along the X-Axis as long as the screen space doesn't end. Kitty size : 200px X 200px
works the same way like "repeat-x", but works along the Y-Axis as long as the screen space doesn't end. Kitty size : 200px X 200px
We can have our original image without repetition using this value. Kitty size : 200px X 200px
This works both along the X & Y Axis. We can see The main difference between values : space & round when we resize the window. Notice that we have empty spaces when we resize the window

This works both along the X & Y Axis. Notice that the image is stretching when we resize the window.

This property is used to change position of an image on the screen
The syntax π
// This is X-Axisπ & π Y-Axis
background-position : 300px 200px;
Also, don't forget to insert the image, set height, & stop image repetition. We've set the kitty size to 200px X 200px using background-size property
background-image: url("kitty-idea.png");
background-size: 200px 200px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
// This is X-Axisπ & π Y-Axis
background-position : 300px 200px;
height: 100vh;
The Result ->
You can also use combination of these values ->
- top
- left
- right
- bottom
- percentage values
For an example, let's set our kitty at the very bottom right. The code snippet for this ->
background-image: url("kitty-idea.png");
background-size: 200px 200px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
// This is X-Axisπ & π Y-Axis
background-position : bottom right;
height: 100vh;
The Result ->
Calculating the available space of the screen, the % values determine the position of the image. The code snippet ->
background-image: url("kitty-idea.png");
background-size: 200px 200px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
// This is X-Axisπ & π Y-Axis
background-position : 25% 15%;
height: 100vh;
The Result ->
This property allows us to set the origin of our image across the CSS box model.
The 4 values are :
- border-box
- padding-box
- content-box
- inherit
In the standard CSS box model, the outermost part is the border, then comes the padding and finally we have the content itself at the center.
The result of every property at a glance ->
To recreate these results,
- First we need an image, stop image repetition, set height & width of both container & image.
- Once done, we will insert 40px padding, otherwise we can't see the difference between padding-box & content box.
- Then, insert 25px red colored border. set, border-style to dashed to see dashed border on screen.
- set background-size to 400px & 400px;
The code snippet ->
background-image: url('cute-girl.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 400px 400px;
// Change values here π to see difference
background-origin: border-box;
padding: 40px;
border: 25px solid red;
border-style: dashed;
// Width & height for container π
width : 400px;
height : 400px;
Take A Break
This is the same as background-origin property. The main difference is, background-clip CUTS the image to fit inside the Box & background-origin PUSHES the content inside the box to fit.
The 4 values are :
- border-box
- padding-box
- content-box
- inherit
The result of every property at a glance ->
To recreate these results,
- First we need an image, stop image repetition, set height & width of both container & image.
- Once done, we will insert 40px padding, otherwise we can't see the difference between padding-box & content box.
- Then, insert 25px red colored border. set, border-style to dashed to see dashed border on screen.
- set background-size to 400px & 400px;
The code snippet ->
background-image: url('cute-girl.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 400px 400px;
// Change values here π to see difference
background-clip: border-box;
padding: 40px;
border: 25px solid red;
border-style: dashed;
// Width & height for container π
width : 400px;
height : 400px;
This property allows us to control the behavior of our content & image when we scroll.
The 3 values are :
- scroll
- fixed
- local
when we use scroll, image is fixed, we can freely scroll our content. fixed value gives us a parallax effect on mouse scroll & local produces multiple images as long as our content doesn't end.
See the results live here π
This is used to fill your background with colors
Out of many options, popular ones are ->
- solid color by name or hex value
- using RGB() color function
- using linear-gradient() function
solid color by name or hex value
You can use color names to set background color, like this ->
background-color : red;
height : 100vh;
or, you can use hex color code like this ->
background-color : #ff0000; //red color
height : 100vh;
Visit these resources for more colors ->
RBG() color function
you can use RGB() color function to set background color ->
// color name is "American River"
background-color : rgb(99, 110, 114);
height : 100vh;
or, you can use RGBA() to set both color & opacity->
// The 0.5 at last represents 50% π opacity
background-color : rgba(99, 110, 114, 0.5);
height : 100vh;
This is an experiment with the color named 'Eton blue' with various opacity levels π
linear-gradient() function
this is used to create a gradient color of more than 1 color. Example of gradient colors ->
You can visit this website for more color resources with css code snippets ->
To recreate this background color ->
'#22c1c3' represents the color on left, '#fdbb2d' represents color on right. '90deg' is telling how the 2 colors will be angled to create a gradient.
The code snippet ->
background: linear-gradient(90deg, #22c1c3, #fdbb2d);
height : 100vh;
This is the order of the shorthand named background
For this experiment, let's put the kitty.png on our browser with a blue background at 200px on X-Axis & 200px on Y-axis. The code snippet ->
background-color : skyblue;
background-image : url('kitty.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: 200px 200px;
height : 100vh;
The code snippet using the shorthand ->
background: skyblue url('kitty.png) no-repeat fixed 200px 200px;
height : 100vh;
If you want to skip one value, you can do it as long as maintain the order of these properties.
Cute Girl I have a crush on π₯°
Here's Your Medal For reading till the end β€οΈ
Suggestions & Criticisms Are Highly Appreciated β€οΈ
YouTube / Joy Shaheb
Twitter / JoyShaheb
Instagram / JoyShaheb
Top comments (2)
(1) for background-position, you can also use the following syntax
right 10px bottom 50px
for example. You can specify the origin and the offset from the origin (this works in all the direction). Don't forget that we also have thecenter
keyword. Also pay attention to the precentage values, it doesn't work the way you are showing it (or let's say, it's not clear enough if we see the figure). Here is a good article detailing all these: you are talking about gradient after talking about background-color and you are listing it as potential value of background-color. This is wrong and can be missleading as we may think that a gradient is a color that can be applied to background-color whereas it's an image and should be applied to background-image instead. You need to move the linear-gradient part when talking about image to avoid confusion. Worth to note that everything that apply to an image also apply to a gradient.
(3) I have to strongly disagree with the shorthand description you are giving because the order is not important. Simply said, there is no order and we can have any combination. If you follow the formal syntax in the MDN: you will notice the use of
which means any order ( The only requirement when using the shorthand is the use of background-size that must follow the background-position with/
(ex:top left/100px 100x
, related: background-size also accept percentage value and not only pixel value
(5) background-repeat accept two values ( and each one-value syntax has an equivalent (even if the two-value syntax is not very common)
(6) another very important feature of background is the use of multiple background layer and you are omitting this part here. All the properties you listed accept values separated with
to define different layers.Astonishing quality but.... Background hasn't changed alot in years, the only thing that's new is backdrop filter which is genuinely interesting