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Krishna Bhamare
Krishna Bhamare

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Develop a PWA (Progressive Web App) With Angular😇

In this article, We'll see how to develop progressive web app with angular.

What is PWA ?

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are built and enhanced with modern APIs to deliver enhanced capabilities, reliability, and installability while reaching anyone, anywhere, on any device with a single codebase.

Let's Create Angular App.

Creates a new workspace and an initial Angular application by using bellow command,

ng new [project name]

Making your Angular app a PWA.

To make your angular app as a PWA, use the below CLI command ,

ng add @angular/pwa

It takes care of configuring your app, it will set up a,

  • service worker,
  • web manifest,
  • Enables service worker support for angular CLI ,
  • Creates the service worker configuration file.

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and add a tag at index.html to show some content when the JavaScript code from your app hasn’t loaded (probably either because the user has a very slow connection or because their browser can’t run Angular).

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service-worker is get added as dependencies in package.json.

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Now, look at the angular.json file Service worker is enable for production mode.

Web Manifest:
The web app manifest is a simple JSON file that informs the browser about your web app and how it should behave when installed on the user's mobile device or desktop.

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manifest JSON file comes with some mandatory and optional properties,

  • name: When the browser launches the splash screen, it will be the name displayed on the screen.

  • short_name: It will be the name displayed underneath your app shortcut on the home screen.

  • start_url: It will be the page shown to the user when your app is open.

  • display: It tells the browser how to display the app. They are several modes like minimal-ui, fullscreen, browser etc.
    Here, we use the standalone mode to hide everything related to the browser.

  • background_color: When the browser launches the splash screen, it will be the background of the screen.

  • theme_color: It will be the background color of the status bar when we open the app.

  • icons: When the browser launches the splash screen, it will be the icon displayed on the screen.

Angular Service Worker build configuration:
The CLI has also added a new configuration file called ngsw-config.json, which configures the Angular Service Worker runtime behavior and specifies which files and data URLs should cache and how it should update the cached files and data.

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  • assetGroups: This field contains an array of asset groups, each of which defines a set of asset resources and the policy by which they are cached. When the ServiceWorker handles a request, it checks asset groups in the order in which they appear in ngsw-config.json. The first asset group that matches the requested resource handles the request. Checkout to know more about ngsw congifuration.

Service Worker registration:
Service Worker Module automatically registered into the application root module with the help of angular CLI.
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With this update, we have now transformed our regular angular app to a PWA.

Let's build the project in production mode,

ng build --prod

Serving with http-server:

  • If you go to the Application tab of the developer tools on any browsers you will see a service worker running, but with an error message. That’s because ng serve doesn’t work well with service workers, and it’s necessary to build your app and run through a server to make it work.
  • You can use any HTTP server, One easy way of doing this is to use the http-server npm pack.
  • To Install http-server globally, use bellow command,

npm install -g http-server

  • To serve the directory containing your web files with http-server, run the following command,

http-server -p 8080 -c-1 dist/<project-name>

  • You can access your web app at😎.

Checkout to see the code on GitHub

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