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Cover image for πŸŽ‰πŸ’»My fresh development setup for 2020 (VS Code, Windows 10)
Michael "lampe" Lazarski
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

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πŸŽ‰πŸ’»My fresh development setup for 2020 (VS Code, Windows 10)

Fresh year πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³ Fresh setup πŸ’»πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»


I'm using a Razer Blade 15 2018. It has 16gb of RAM, which is a must for me as a developer. I want to have at least 3 or 4 browsers open with a ton of tabs. Visual Studio Code with a ton of running extension can get pretty heavy pretty fast. The Blade also has a non-glare display. This is the one thing I don't understand about Macbook's. In the sun, it is a mirror where you can't see anything but yourself πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ.

The question is now, do you need such an expensive laptop? No! Right now, you can get super laptops that are good enough for 500 euros/us dollars. Just look for an AMD one with a Ryzen 5 or 7. 8gb should also be enough if you look that you don't open too many tabs.

Let's start to setup up our new laptop.

πŸ–Ό Windows 10 setup

The first thing I do is to install a clean version of Windows 10. Maybe your lucky, and you get a non-bloatware Windows 10 πŸ₯³.

Now connect to the internet and update windows to the latest version. Enable the integrated anti-virus and firewall. They are reliable and usually enough these days.

🐌 Windows 10 slow ring

You can skip this part if WSL2 is released into stable windows!

  • Open the windows 10 settings(the new interface)

  • Click on "Update & Security"

  • Click on the left side of the "Windows Insider Program."

  • Enroll in the insider program and choose the recommended slow (ring)

  • Let Windows 10 update again.

This is how it should look:

Alt Text

Why are we on the slow ring? To use WSL2!πŸ±β€πŸ’»

🍨 Install scoop

Scoop is a command-line installer for Windows. It installs programs from the command line with a minimal amount of friction.

It is pretty easy to install.

Open a power shell

iwr -useb | iex

Now you can simply type:


If you now see a man page with many commands, you know that it installed successfully.

Scoop comes with buckets. Buckets are collections of installable applications or fonts.

We need to add 2 extra buckets.

scoop bucket add extras

scoop bucket add nerd-fonts

We need to update the buckets. We do this with:

scoop update

πŸ‘©β€πŸ« Installing new software

We can finally start to install new software without even opening IE.

Let's start with 7-Zip and Git. These are needed for installing other tools with scoop

scoop install git 7zip

now Firefox and Google Chrome

scoop install googlechrome googlechrome-canary firefox firefox-nightly

Also, I like the new Windows Terminal.

scoop install windows-terminal

Next Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio Code Insiders

sccop install vscode vscode-insiders

I also like to Insomnia. Insomnia is a REST Client

scoop install insomnia

VLC is also something you usually need

scoop install vlc

That is enough for now!

you can check the installed applications with

scoop list

If you want to check what app is out of date, you can run the following commands

scoop update

scoop status

If you want to update more then one app, you can simply run

scoop update *

Keep in mind that this is not the same as scoop update. You need to run scoop update first to update applications.

🐧 Installing WSL2

Let's install WSL2!

Open the Windows Store and search for "Ubuntu". As of writing this blog post, there are 3 versions "Ubuntu", "Ubuntu 18.04 LTS" and "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS". If you know that there are no restrictions, you can simply Install "Ubuntu".

After you have installed "Ubuntu". You can open the Windows Terminal, and in the tab bar, click on the arrow pointing down. Click on Ubuntu and, if needed, do the setup. Now you should have a running Ubuntu on your Windows machine!

Alt Text

Fantastic 😁!

Setting up Ubuntu/Linux

Now type the following commands in the open Ubuntu Terminal.

First, let us update Ubuntu.

sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade

Next Docker!

sudo apt-get install docker docker-engine containerd runc

Now that we have docker install, we also need to start the service!

sudo service docker start

Testing if Docker is working now

sudo docker run hello-world

Next nodejs 13.X(the current version as of publishing this post)

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
node --version

I like yarn instead of npm.

curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn

Since git is already preinstalled on Ubuntu, we don't need to install it.
We only need to set the name and E-Mail.

git config --global "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME"
git config --global ""

We also need to generate SSH keys


πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Visual Studio Code

I have released a small series about Visual Studio Code.
You can find it HERE

My Setup since then has not changed.

The End

I hope you enjoyed it!

If you liked this blog post, please give it a like, and if you really liked it I would appreciate a follow either on or on any of the following social media accounts. πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

πŸ‘‹Say Hello! Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn | Medium | Twitch | YouTube

Top comments (25)

xgrimau profile image

Good stuff Michael! My coworkers still call me crazy for using windows for development!

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

I switched to Windows from linux for 2 reasons

1) WSL1/2
2) Gaming

I also play overwatch and yeah I don't want to dual boot :D

joshgrib profile image
Josh Gribbon

WSL/git bash were the thing that made me fine to just use Windows. I was dual booting for a while but I don't see the need anymore, I have the command line I need and I don't need to worry about software not supporting the OS, unless it's something Apple-specific like XCode

Thread Thread
lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Yes, still for that I have a VM with OSX but I'm mostly working on web stuff where it does not matter what OS you have I only boot it to test things out in safari because it is the new IE.

ilovekuchen profile image

Overwatch should work on Linux too. But the occasional need for adobe..doesn't.

jkling38 profile image

This is awesome! Just found out about scoop about a month ago. Seriously awesome.
I'd add to this that VS Code allows you to connect to your WSL instance and edit files on there directly in VS Code without worrying about mapping any folders.

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Yeah with the remote extension you can easily work on projects that live in wsl

pixeledcode profile image
Shoaib Ahmed • Edited

I was following the steps and we need to install git before bucket for scoop. Thought I will just let you know. Also, there's a 'sccop' instead 'scoop' in the post when installing VSC.
Anyway, great write, thanks!

sylvain1811 profile image
Sylvain Renaud

Nice Windows setup!
You made a mistake when you want to "install" docker, you wrote "remove".

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Upps :D

Yeah, it should be install!

thank you very much! Good catch!

jimpriest profile image
Jim Priest

Was curious how scoop compared to chocolatey - and they have a nice summary here:

rolfstreefkerk profile image
Rolf Streefkerk • Edited

But does Scoop have such a large supported database of programs? That is really what makes me use Chocolatey, the UAC popups do not bother me at all.

A list of apps in the "main" bucket:

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Scoop has also more then the main bucket:


It maybe does not have every app for windows. It has the most important ones at least for me. All apps and dev stuff I need is in some of these buckets.

balazsbohonyi profile image
Bohonyi Balazs Zsolt

You'll need to have Windows 10 Pro, because Docker will not work on Windows 10 Home :(

wezpyke profile image
Wez Pyke

First time I've heard of Scoop, thanks for sharing.

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Your welcome :)

axiol profile image
Arnaud Delante

Just curious, why do you also install git on Windows? git in Ubuntu is way enough, isn't it?

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Scoop buckets are basically git repos that's why it is needed as a dependency for scoop

kamalhm profile image

I used to use chocholatey didn't know there's an alternative! gonna try it later

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Yeah chocolatey is nice but I don't know scoop just feels lighter and easier to use :)

kcswe profile image
K. L. Carlsson

Nice writeup! Personally I prefer Chocolatey over Scoop though.

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

I would also go with the windows store but not even visual studio code is in it

aybee5 profile image
Ibrahim Abdullahi Aliyu

This is tempting me to go back to Windows

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

As long as I can have bash and a package manager like apt and easy installing and updating of packages I'm happy :)

I would also go full linux! I just don't want to dual boot to game :)

arkeds profile image

This is so cool! What's it like developing on wsl and did you run to any problems like some things don't work on wsl but it works on linux?