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String formatting in Python

You can do two ways of string formatting in Python. The most easy way is to use f-strings or formatted strings. The other way is similar to the printf function in the C programming language.

The printf way:

>>> print('this is %d %s pet' % (1,'hungry'))
this is 1 hungry pet

The f-strings way (has an f in front of the string):

>>> n = 1
>>> s = 'hungry'
>>> print(f'this is {n} {s} pet')
this is 1 hungry pet

Obviously the f-strings way is better, but you may find code with the old C style way. So in the C printf way, what is this %?

It lets you output a type of variable. For a string %s, for a number %d.

>>> name = 'goofy'
>>> 'my name is %s ' % name
'my name is goofy '
>>> 'that will be %d dollars please' % 5
'that will be 5 dollars please'

So you know %d and %s` string formatting codes, but there are others.

Code meaning
%s string (or any object)
%r s, but with repr, rather than the str
%c character
%d a decimal integer
%i integer
%u Unsigned integer
%o octal integer
%x hexadecimal integer
%X x, but the print uppercase
%e floating-point index
%E e, but prints uppercase
%f floating decimal
%F floating decimal
%g e or f floating point
%G floating point e or f
>>> a = 678
>>> print('integer %i is a number' % a)
integer 678 is a number

If you want a float, change it:

>>> a = 1.23456
>>> print('float has value of %f ' %a)
float has value of 1.234560 

You can use multiple variables in a string:

>>> name = 'goofy'
>>> age = 50
>>> print('I am %s and I am %d years old' % (name,age))
I am goofy and I am 50 years old

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iceorfiresite profile image
Ice or Fire

F-strings make printing SO much easier