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Lydia Hallie
Lydia Hallie

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✨♻️ JavaScript Visualized: Event Loop

If you're here in 2024 (or later), here's an updated blog post!](

Oh boi the event loop. It’s one of those things that every JavaScript developer has to deal with in one way or another, but it can be a bit confusing to understand at first. I’m a visual learner so I thought I’d try to help you by explaining it in a visual way through low-res gifs because it's 2019 and gifs are somehow still pixelated and blurry.

But first, what is the event loop and why should you care?

JavaScript is single-threaded: only one task can run at a time. Usually that’s no big deal, but now imagine you’re running a task which takes 30 seconds.. Ya.. During that task we’re waiting for 30 seconds before anything else can happen (JavaScript runs on the browser’s main thread by default, so the entire UI is stuck) 😬 It’s 2019, no one wants a slow, unresponsive website.

Luckily, the browser gives us some features that the JavaScript engine itself doesn’t provide: a Web API. This includes the DOM API, setTimeout, HTTP requests, and so on. This can help us create some async, non-blocking behavior 🚀

When we invoke a function, it gets added to something called the call stack. The call stack is part of the JS engine, this isn’t browser specific. It’s a stack, meaning that it’s first in, last out (think of a pile of pancakes). When a function returns a value, it gets popped off the stack 👋

The respond function returns a setTimeout function. The setTimeout is provided to us by the Web API: it lets us delay tasks without blocking the main thread. The callback function that we passed to the setTimeout function, the arrow function () => { return 'Hey' } gets added to the Web API. In the meantime, the setTimeout function and the respond function get popped off the stack, they both returned their values!

In the Web API, a timer runs for as long as the second argument we passed to it, 1000ms. The callback doesn’t immediately get added to the call stack, instead it’s passed to something called the queue.

This can be a confusing part: it doesn't mean that the callback function gets added to the callstack(thus returns a value) after 1000ms! It simply gets added to the queue after 1000ms. But it’s a queue, the function has got to wait for its turn!

Now this is the part we’ve all been waiting for… Time for the event loop to do its only task: connecting the queue with the call stack! If the call stack is empty, so if all previously invoked functions have returned their values and have been popped off the stack, the first item in the queue gets added to the call stack. In this case, no other functions were invoked, meaning that the call stack was empty by the time the callback function was the first item in the queue.

The callback is added to the call stack, gets invoked, and returns a value, and gets popped off the stack.

Reading an article is fun, but you'll only get entirely comfortable with this by actually working with it over and over. Try to figure out what gets logged to the console if we run the following:

const foo = () => console.log("First");
const bar = () => setTimeout(() => console.log("Second"), 500);
const baz = () => console.log("Third");

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Got it? Let's quickly take a look at what's happening when we're running this code in a browser:

  1. We invoke bar. bar returns a setTimeout function.
  2. The callback we passed to setTimeout gets added to the Web API, the setTimeout function and bar get popped off the callstack.
  3. The timer runs, in the meantime foo gets invoked and logs First. foo returns (undefined),baz gets invoked, and the callback gets added to the queue.
  4. baz logs Third. The event loop sees the callstack is empty after baz returned, after which the callback gets added to the call stack.
  5. The callback logs Second.

Hope that this makes you feel a bit more comfortable with the event loop! Don't worry if it still seems confusing, the most important thing is to understand where certain errors/behavior can come from in order to Google the right terms efficiently and end up on the correct Stack Overflow page 💪🏼 Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!

Latest comments (174)

gizelads profile image
Gizela Delgado Soto

This is really usuful, the graphics help a lot 🤗

gabrielduerto profile image

Muchas Gracias Lydia, aunque no pude entender tu video, el texto esta bien explicado y pude traducirlo, se que tengo que aprender Ingles, tan pronto termine el bootcamp hare un curso intensivo de Ingles, igualmente muchas Gracias por tu Articulo <3

ghostmaysam1 profile image


oussabay profile image

very insightful thank you

asuna24 profile image

Hi @lydiahallie , thank you for your super comprehensive explanation. All of the gifs are incredible, helped me a lot to understand more about javascript under the hood.

kallekall profile image

Hi Lydia,

I'm refreshing my knowledge on the event loop and even though your article is mostly correct, it does not start strong with the incorrect statement:

The respond function returns a setTimeout function.

This is incorrect. The respond will return an integer. You can easily check this yourself by doing:

const returned = respond();
console.log(returned === parseInt(returned)) // true
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prajwalscorpionking123 profile image

Nicely explained.. thank you so much

dangnguyen1004 profile image

Amazing, really like you visualization

starl441 profile image

I just can't believe how ellaborate and simple this blog is !!!.This seriously made my day and saved me a lot of time.kudos to the writer!! I specifically created an account to make this comment to support this author.Expecting a lot of concepts to be simplified with gif's.

pratap2210 profile image
Pratap Sharma

Hi @lydiahallie It was an amazing article and animations.

How did you create those animations?

chideracode profile image
Chidera Humphrey

Super helpful and well written.

Thanks for taking your time to share this with us.

hieunghiait profile image
Hieu Nghia


dostonhack profile image
Doston • Edited

Hello , Lydia Hallie, it is a great article.

Can I translate this article into Uzbek to help more Uzbek developers(With original author and link, of course). too

aaktansel profile image

Hi Lydia ,

Thanks for this useful article explaning a difficult to understand concept in a very simple way. And i want to translate it to Turkish to share in my personal blog, with linking the original author, do you have permission for this?

ramiroogh profile image

excelente articulo, pensar que hace unos meses no entendia nada pero guarde el articulo ya que sabia que esto era clave, y ahora de tanto repasar js vanilla, pude entender jeje saludos desde la Patagonia, argentina.