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Macaulay Uzu
Macaulay Uzu

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Setting up MongoDB(4.2.10) and MongoDB Compass Locally

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a document-oriented database program.
It is classified as a NoSQL database program that uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas.

What is MongoDB Compass?

MongoDB Compass is just a GUI for MongoDB

Installing MongoDB on your Machine

  • Visit the Official MongoDB website
  • In the MongoDB homepage, hover over the Software tab in the Navigation Bar and click on Community Server
  • In the right side of the Community Server Page, there is a section with the title Available Downloads Alt Text
  • In the version tab, select version 4.2.10
  • Select your appropriate Operating system in the platform tab
  • And the Most important part here, the Package Tab. Make sure you select the ZIP option, and download Alt Text

Important Steps

  • After downloading the zipped folder, Extract the folder
  • Inside the extracted folder, create a new folder and name it data
  • Inside the data folder, create a new folder named db

This is what your folder structure should look like now:
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Connecting to MongoDB

  • Open you Machine's console, and change the current directory in the console to the directory of the bin folder in the mongo folder. You can do this by entering the command below:
> cd pathToYourBinFolderInYourMongoFolder
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

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  • After changing the directory in the console, enter the following command:
> mongod --dbpath pathToYourDataFolderInYourMongoFolder
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

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*Remember to click enter after entering each commands*

After going through those steps, your console should be looking like(not exactly) the image below:

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And that's all!! Your MongoDB is up and running!!😁😁😁

Now, To check if your MongoDB is working perfectly, Open a new console

NOTE: Do not close the first console! Just open a new one

  • After Opening the new console, just enter mongo as a command.

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Then enter the following command to create a document in the test collection:

> { a: 1 } ) 
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And you'll get a Successfully Inserted reply

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  • Visit this page to download the MongoDB Compass
  • Select your Machine's Operating system in the platform tab
  • And the Most important part here, the Package Tab. Make sure you select the ZIP option, and download Alt Text

After downloading the zipped folder, Extract and rename the folder to Compass so as to easily locate it.

Inside the folder, you'll see an application called MongoDBCompass, Open that application

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  • Enter the MongoDB connection string (mongodb://localhost:27017) in the connection string field and click connect.. Alt Text

A list of your Collections will be displayed:

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And That's All!!
Note: Before running your Compass, Make sure your MongoDB is already running in the console!!

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