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Mat Borowiak
Mat Borowiak

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Breaking into Tech: How I Landed My First Developer Job in Just 4 Months Without a Technical Background

Are you sceptical about breaking into the tech industry, despite hearing about its supposed openness to diverse backgrounds? I can relate. But as someone who started from scratch and landed a job within just four months (this really happened), I'm here to tell you that it's not just a pipe dream. In fact, I have 10 tips to share based on my experience that I believe will help you break in. Let's dive in.

1. Honesty, Motivation, and Consistency are Key

When pursuing a career in web development, it's important to be honest with yourself about your motivation and goals. Are you truly passionate about web development and committed to the learning process? Consistency is key, as it's easy to lose momentum when you encounter difficulties or lose sight of your goals. Remember that time is of the essence in this competitive field, so staying motivated and focused is crucial to your success.

2. Master Vanilla JavaScript

When it comes to web development, having a solid grasp of vanilla JavaScript is crucial. Invest in a comprehensive and challenging JavaScript course, as this will provide practical, hands-on experience. However, it's equally important to balance your practical education with theoretical knowledge. Take the time to study key concepts like functional programming, prototypal inheritance, closures, and the event loop, as this will give you a broader understanding of the language and accelerate your learning process. The more you understand the big picture, the faster you will be able to learn and retain information. This is especially important when it comes to problem-solving and troubleshooting. By understanding the root and consequences of the issues you're tackling, you'll be able to learn more efficiently and effectively.

(I have spent exactly $9.99 for an online video bootcamp on one of the popular platforms)

3. Apply Your Knowledge by Building Projects

Simply finishing a JavaScript course is not enough to become a successful web developer. It's crucial to apply what you've learned by building projects. If you don't apply your newly-acquired skills in practical ways, you're wasting your potential.

After completing a course, it's common to feel unsure about what to build or to get stuck in an endless cycle of learning without doing. Don't fall into this trap. Challenge yourself to build an app on your own, even if it means copying someone else's idea. This will help you to learn and reinforce your knowledge on a deeper level. By building projects, you'll be surprised at how much your understanding and confidence grows, even if the project doesn't go beyond the scope of the course you just took.

4. Embrace the Learning Process by Researching

It's important to overcome the fear of not knowing everything when coding on your own. You don't have to write everything from memory, and even experienced programmers frequently look up information. Don't be afraid to research, Google, and consult with others.

The fact that you're able to build apps with the help of Google and lines of code written by others is a sign of progress. Embrace the learning process and don't be too hard on yourself. Remember, you couldn't do this before taking the course, so give yourself credit for how far you've come.

5. Learn a Framework

Learning at least one framework, such as React, is becoming the standard for the industry. Frameworks are not only useful for building complex applications, but also for entry-level positions.

By building an app in vanilla JavaScript first, you'll be able to appreciate the benefits of using a framework. Frameworks provide structure and efficiency, making development faster and more manageable. As you look at job postings, you'll see that many employers require knowledge of at least one framework. Don't be intimidated, embrace the opportunity to learn and stand out as a qualified job candidate.

6. Create a Github account, learn Git and start committing to a public repo asap

Having a Github account is crucial for aspiring developers. Committing to a public repository on Github showcases your skills and activity level, which is particularly important if you lack professional experience or a portfolio. Even if you're coding for learning purposes, Github is valuable to display your commitment and coding ability. Additionally, Github helps you learn Git, a necessary skill for developers. Creating repositories and looking at other developers' profiles can provide inspiration and organisation ideas. Establish yourself in the developer community and start committing to a public repository on Github as soon as possible.

7. Create a Twitter account, be active community member

Joining the web development community on Twitter allows you to connect with like-minded individuals who can offer motivation, guidance, and support. You'll stay updated with industry news and best practices by following key players and sharing your own learning journey. Twitter also serves as a help desk and job hub, and sharing your projects and ideas can lead to valuable feedback. Create an account, follow people, and be part of a rewarding community of web developers who help each other grow and shape the industry.

8. Having a mentor helps

Having a mentor who is already an experienced developer can provide you with guidance, insights, and support that you might not be able to get elsewhere. They can help you navigate the industry's common practices, provide feedback on your work, and help you improve your skills and knowledge in a more targeted and effective way.

A mentor can also offer advice on how to land your first job in the industry, including tips on crafting a great resume and preparing for job interviews. If they have experience interviewing developers for their team, they can even conduct a mock interview with you, giving you a better idea of what to expect in a real interview. They can also validate the path you took towards finding your first job, which can be especially helpful if you're feeling uncertain or struggling with imposter syndrome.

9. Practice coding challenges prepare for eventual interview

In addition to helping you showcase your skills to potential employers, practising coding challenges can also enhance your problem-solving abilities and improve your overall programming proficiency. It can also give you an opportunity to learn new programming languages and frameworks, which can help you expand your technical knowledge and stay competitive in the job market. Therefore, dedicating time and effort to practising coding challenges is a worthwhile investment for any aspiring developer looking to advance their career.

10. First apply, then apply. Keep applying.

As a new developer, there may not be many intern or junior job offers, but keep applying and don't give up. Apply to jobs you may not have experience for, as opportunities can arise unexpectedly. Interviews are a chance to learn and gain experience, so keep practicing and applying to get your first job.

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