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Matt Moore
Matt Moore

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API Specifications and Laravel

One of the most important parts of building an API, or any codebase for that matter, is making sure it is well-documented. How can users know how to use your API, or what it even does if there’s no documentation? How can your team members (or yourself 6 months from now) know how to extend and test your endpoints if there’s nothing describing how they’re supposed to behave?

The biggest hurdle with documentation in my experience is maintaining them. What happens when someone is in a rush to build a feature and they forget to add it to the docs? Or when business rules change and certain inputs and outputs change? Poorly maintained documentation quickly becomes useless as users and developers no longer trust them, and suddenly it’s as if there are no docs at all, leaving them to guess at contracts. See: The Broken Window Theory for why this happens.

This is where specifications come in.

API Specification vs API Documentation

What is an API Specification and how does it differ from documentation? Nordic APIs has a great article that goes into the differences in detail

Simply put, documentation explains how to use the API, while a specification describes how the API behaves. I’ve seen specifications described as blueprints for your API and I think that analogy is accurate. Indeed you can derive many things from a well-built specification including documentation, validation rules, front-end API clients, contract tests, and more.

There are a whole host of specs to choose from, but I’m focusing on OpenAPI Version 2 (I will explain why later) and JSON Schema.


Remember that we will be using Open API Version 2 for the remainder of this article.

Generating the specification

Open API is an API specification developed by SmartBear and can be written (or generated) as YAML or JSON files. You may also notice that when using Laravel or PHP, you can use libraries such as L5-Swagger to use annotations for generating your spec. Despite my instincts telling me this is a horrible idea I decided to give it a try. My instincts were right, it’s a horrible idea, for a number of reasons.

The most readily apparent reason, though superficial, is that writing and maintaining these annotations is a chore. There’s no IDE plugins to help with formatting so you end up fiddling with asterisks, white spaces, and curly brace and comma alignment for far too long just to keep them looking nice.

Aside from that, once you’re done writing the annotations, you’ll notice that they now take up the majority of your source files,add unnecessary cognitive overhead, and can become difficult to find when needed.

What would be a better approach to this madness? We still need our spec to be scalable, so it can’t exist as one file. We want it to be easily navigable and editable, and we want generation of docs, tests, etc, to be straightforward.

I chose to maintain my spec separately from my code in a folder labeled spec in the root of my Laravel app using YAML files. Though I’m by no means a fan of YAML, I prefer writing it by hand over JSON.


Let’s pretend we are building a simple REST API for a blog with a few endpoints for managing articles. The endpoints might look something like this:

GET /articles
POST /articles
GET /articles/{slug}
PUT /articles/{slug}
DELETE /articles/{slug}
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Setting up the Application

If you want to follow along, create a dev environment however you’d like to (straight on your dev machine, or using a tool like Vagrant or Docker), and install a fresh copy of Laravel.

Setting up the build tools

We want to first setup all the tools and scripts necessary for building our spec. The tools I’m using are: json-refs, path-loader, js-yaml, and swagger-cli. Make sure NPM is installed and grab these packages with

npm install --save-dev json-refs path-loader js-yaml swagger-cli
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Create a scripts directory in your application root and place the following script in a file called build-spec.js

var JsonRefs = require('json-refs');
var PathLoader = require('path-loader');
var YAML = require('js-yaml');
var fs = require('fs');

var root = YAML.load(fs.readFileSync('../spec/api.yaml').toString());

var options = {
 loaderOptions: {
     processContent: function (res, callback) {
 location: '../spec/api.yaml'

JsonRefs.resolveRefs(root, options).then(function (results) {
   var dir = '../spec/dist';
   if (!fs.existsSync(dir)){

   fs.writeFileSync('../spec/dist/api.yaml', YAML.dump(results.resolved), function(err) {
       if(err) {
           return console.log(err);

       console.log('Specification compiled successfully.');
}, function(err) {
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This script converts the YAML files to JSON and resolves all of our external references.

Finally, add the following line to the scripts section of the package.json file.

"build-spec": "cd scripts && node build-spec.js && swagger-cli validate ../spec/dist/api.yaml"
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Creating the spec object

Now that we have our build tools setup, create the spec folder in the root of the application with a file called api.yaml. According to the spec, there are three required fields. The swagger field, which specifies the version of Open API that we are using (it’s called openapi in version 3), the info field, which contains basic information about our API like it’s name and version, and the paths field, which contains our endpoint definitions. Put together, a basic spec might look something like this:

swagger: '2.0'
 version: '1.0'
 title: Blog API

host: ''
schemes: [http]
consumes: [application/json]
produces: [application/json]

 $ref: ./paths.yaml
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And in paths.yaml, let’s create a simple endpoint to display our API version

   summary: 'Return the API's version'
       description: 'API version successfully returned.'
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You can now run the build script to resolve the external references, validate the spec, and output the final product by running:

npm run build-spec
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Adding the endpoint

Let’s add the post index endpoint to our spec. I like to split out our spec into modules, following the application structure as outlined in Scaling Laravel Architecture.

Create an articles directory, a paths subdirectory, and a YAML file called article-index.yaml. Your directory structure should look like this:

├── dist
│   └── api.yaml
├── articles
│   └── paths
│       └── article-index.yaml
├── api.yaml
└── paths.yaml
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Let’s write our post index endpoint spec!

summary: 'Return a list of articles.'
 - Articles
 - name: page
   in: query
   required: false
   type: integer
 - name: limit
   in: query
   required: false
   type: integer
   description: 'Articles returned successfully.'
     type: object
         type: object
             type: integer
             type: integer
             type: integer
             type: integer
         type: array
           type: object
               type: string
               type: string
               format: date
               type: object
                   type: string
               type: string
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And then in our paths.yaml file:

   $ref: ./articles/paths/article-index.yaml
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In the example above we have defined a summary of the endpoint, the available parameters, and the output schema. Path operations also inherit the consumes and produces field that we defined at our root level spec. We can also override them here if we’d like.

Extracting reusable components

We can, and should, clean this up. You’ll notice there are some structures here that would be useful to abstract and make reusable such as pagination query parameters, metadata pagination output, and the article entity output. Extracting these structures into a reusable structure not only saves time, but allows us to maintain them in one place, rather than in every instance that they occur.

OpenAPI makes defining reusable parameters easy. Add a file called parameters.yaml to the root spec directory.

 name: page
 in: query
 required: false
 type: integer

 name: limit
 in: query
 required: false
 type: integer
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Then link it api.yaml like paths.

 $ref: ./parameters.yaml
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To reference the objects defined here, you can reference them like so:

 - $ref: '#/parameters/pageParam'
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So the parameters section of article-index.yaml now looks like this:

 - $ref: '#/parameters/pageParam'
 - $ref: '#/parameters/limitParam'
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We start the ref with a # to denote it is an internal reference. Since the files resolve external references first, all of our definitions will be in the same file as our paths, so we can reference them internally.

Now we need to extract our Post definition into its own schema file. According to the Open API Specification Version 2: “Models are described using the Schema Object which is a subset of JSON Schema Draft 4.”

Models may be a subset of JSON Schema, but as far as I can tell, you cannot directly work with JSON Schema objects in Open API v2. I wanted to use JSON Schema to define a single source of truth for our models, and import them into our Open API spec, but the current tools do not allow it with version 2. The awesome people over at WeWork have built Speccy to work with this type of setup with Open API v3, but unfortunately we are not using version 3 (We’ll get into the reasoning behind this later).

So for now, we will simply use the Open API spec to define our models. I’d love to come back to this and explore JSON Schema more when there’s a viable route to do so.

Create a file called article.yaml in spec/articles/schemas

type: object
   type: integer
   type: string
   type: string
   format: date
   type: string
   $ref: '#/definitions/Author'
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Now a file called author.yaml in the same folder.

type: object
   type: integer
   type: integer
 - id
 - name
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Now create a file called definitions.yaml in the spec/ directory.

 $ref: ./articles/schemas/article.yaml
 $ref: ./articles/schemas/author.yaml
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And link the definitions file in your root spec like we did with the paths and parameters files.

 $ref: ./definitions.yaml
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Now we can reference the models in our path operation like so:

   description: 'Articles returned successfully.'
     type: object
         type: object
             type: integer
             type: integer
             type: integer
             type: integer
         type: array
           $ref: '#/definitions/Article'
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We could extract the meta object in the same way. Create a shared/ module in the root spec and add a schemas folder with a file called pagination.yaml

type: object
   type: integer
   type: integer
   type: integer
   type: integer
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And the final path operation looks like this:

summary: 'Return a list of articles.'
 - Articles
 - $ref: '#/parameters/pageParam'
 - $ref: '#/parameters/limitParam'
   description: 'Articles returned successfully.'
     type: object
         $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
         type: array
           $ref: '#/definitions/Article'
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Much cleaner! There are definitely aspects to this flow that could be improved, but I believe this is a good pattern for building a scalable and maintainable API spec.

Documentation with ReDoc

Now that we have our basic spec, let’s generate some documentation! Using ReDoc, we can turn our spec into clean, easy to read docs. First, grab redoc-cli by running

npm install -g redoc-cli
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Then add the following to the scripts section in the package.json

"serve-docs": "redoc-cli serve spec/dist/api.yaml --watch"
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You can now serve up your docs by running

npm run docs
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Navigate to and you should see something like this:

ReDoc documentation landing page


Testing your spec

To me, being able to test your spec against your API, and integrate that process into your CI/CD is one of the biggest benefits to having a spec in the first place. The only tool I’ve seen that does this is Dredd, and it is the reason I suggested using Open API v2.

Dredd does not yet have Open API v3 support, and a ticket has been open to add it for over a year. I’m not sure when to expect it, and given that there are tools to help convert from Open API v2 to v3, I think sticking with v2 to gain the benefit of Dredd is worth it.


Install Dredd using NPM

npm install -g dredd
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Initialize Dredd by running

dredd init
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? Location of the API description document (apiary.apib) spec/dist/api.yaml
? Command to start the API server under test (npm start) 
? Host of the API under test (
? Do you want to use hooks to customize Dredd's behavior? (Y/n) Y
❯ PHP 
? Do you want to report your tests to the Apiary inspector? (Y/n) n
? Dredd is best served with Continuous Integration. Do you want to create CI configuration? (Y/n) N
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Make sure you’ve configured your app to be served at, or replace this with the location of your Laravel app. Next, go ahead and install the Dredd PHP hooks with

composer require ddelnano/dredd-hooks-php --dev
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We can use these hooks to configure our application for test mode when Dredd runs. For now though, let’s see what happens when we run Dredd:

info: Configuration './dredd.yml' found, ignoring other arguments.
info: Beginning Dredd testing...
fail: GET (200) / duration: 248ms
fail: GET (200) /articles duration: 36ms
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I’ve truncated the rest of the output due to length, but as you will see, all of our tests are failing! With each failure you get the request, the expected output, and the actual output, Since we haven’t changed anything in our actual application, it doesn’t reflect what we have specced out! Let’s fix this with mocked responses.

Our first path

The first path we added to our spec was the root endpoint to display our application version. It produces JSON and should output a version number. Let’s look at what Dredd tells us about this path:

method: GET
uri: /
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    User-Agent: Dredd/5.2.0 (Linux 4.15.0-38-generic; x64)


    Content-Type: application/json

statusCode: 200

statusCode: 200
content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
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Again, I’ve truncated this as there’s tons of output, but you can see it expects a 200 response with the application/json mime-type, but it actually received a 200 response with text/html. We can quickly fix this by replacing the welcome view in the route with a JSON response like so:

Route::get('/', function () {
   return response()->json([
       'name' => 'Blog API',
       'version' => '1.0'
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If we re-run our tests we see that it now passes!

The articles endpoint

If we look at our next test we will see that it is also failing.

fail: GET (200) /articles duration: 38ms
fail: statusCode: Status code is '404' instead of '200'
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The route doesn’t exist, so let’s add it by adding an entry to our routes file.

Note: We would not want to put any of this directly in our routes file, it's just easier to demonstrate this way.

Route::get('/articles', function () {
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If we re-run Dredd, we get the following output

fail: GET (200) /articles duration: 74ms
fail: headers: Header 'content-type' has value 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' instead of 'application/json'
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We get a 200 now, but the content-type is invalid. Let’s return a JSON response and see what happens.

Route::get('/articles', function () {
   return response()->json([]);
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And now Dredd tells us…

fail: GET (200) /articles duration: 71ms
fail: body: At '' Invalid type: array (expected object)
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We are returning the correct status code and content-type, but the actual response is being marked as invalid by Dredd. Let’s look at documentation to see what Dredd is expecting:

Articles endpoint documentation in ReDoc

We can see that our response should be an object with a meta and data properties. Meta should contain a Pagination object as we defined in our schema, and the data property should be an array containing Article objects. Dredd validates that our API is returning the correct data structure, so let’s mock what one would look like:

Route::get('/articles', function () {
   return response()->json([
       'meta' => [
           'page' => 1,
           'total' => 1,
           'last_page' => 1,
           'limit' => 10 
       'data' => [
           'id' => 1,
           'title' => 'My Article Title',
           'published_at' => '2018-11-13',
           'body' => 'My article body',
           'author' => [
               'id' => 1,
               'name' => 'Test'
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If we run Dredd, we can see all of our tests now pass!

info: Configuration './dredd.yml' found, ignoring other arguments.
info: Beginning Dredd testing...
pass: GET (200) / duration: 174ms
pass: GET (200) /articles duration: 22ms
complete: 2 passing, 0 failing, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 2 total
complete: Tests took 198ms
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This is the ultimate safeguard from documentation rot! You can, and should, set up measures to prevent deployments unless your spec matches your actual API. This kind of protection around your spec is invaluable.

Other tools

ReDoc and Dredd are only the beginning in terms of what you can do with your new specification. There are tools that let you generate validation rules, client libraries, mock servers, and more!


This article ran a bit longer than I meant it to, and I didn’t even touch on everything I wanted, so I may be writing a follow-up sometime in the future. In the meantime, please feel free to share any questions, comments, or suggestions in the section below! Thanks for reading!

The post API Specifications and Laravel appeared first on Matt Does Code.

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