Install postgresql
brew install postgresql@14
Start postgresql as a service
brew services start postgresql@14
Check if postgres is running
psql --version
If you don’t want PostgreSQL to run as a service, you can start it manually:
pg_ctl -D /opt/homebrew/var/postgres start
Stop the service
brew services stop postgres
Restart the service
brew services restart postgres
List all running services
brew services list
Login to postgres
psql postgres
Create User
CREATE USER app_user WITH PASSWORD app_password;
Alter role
check all users
Exit using CTRL+D
Login using new user
psql postgres -u app_user
create Database
CREATE DATABASE app_database
To check all databases
connect to db
\connect app_database
list all tables
check table definition
\d table_name
Once you are connected to the database, you can run the SQL script file using the following command
\i /path/to/your/script.sql
you can exit the psql interface by typing
Once you're connected, you can use the COPY command to import the CSV file. The basic syntax is:
COPY table_name FROM '/path/to/your/file.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
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