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Noble Okechi for Medusa

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How I Built a Food Ecommerce Restaurant with Next.js, Paystack and Medusa

Food restaurants remain one of the best lucrative businesses around the world. They get patronage on a daily basis without being much affected by a country's economy because people depend on food for survival.

Creating an avenue for your food restaurant to sell online helps your business reach a wide range of people who won’t be available to buy in your physical shop and increases your daily sales

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a complete food ecommerce restaurant using Medusa ecommerce engine with Paystack integration.

The full code for this project is on this GitHub repository.

What is Medusa?

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Building blocks for digital commerce

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Building blocks for digital commerce

Medusa is released under the MIT license. PRs welcome!

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Getting Started

Visit the Quickstart Guide to set up a server.

Visit the Docs to learn more about our system requirements.

What is Medusa

Medusa is a set of commerce modules and tools that allow you to build rich, reliable, and performant commerce applications without reinventing core commerce logic. The modules can be customized and used to build advanced ecommerce stores, marketplaces, or any product that needs foundational commerce primitives. All modules are open-source and freely available on npm.

Learn more about Medusa’s architecture and commerce modules in the Docs.

Roadmap, Upgrades & Plugins

You can view the planned, started and completed features in the Roadmap discussion.

Follow the Upgrade Guides to keep your Medusa project up-to-date.

Check out all available Medusa plugins.

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Medusa provides bespoke commerce infrastructure for developers. Its composable commerce engine addresses the challenges of existing ecommerce platforms which APIs offer bad developer experiences, extension capabilities are insufficient, and results are hacky and hard to maintain.

The solutions ships as a headless backend with a comprehensive feature set covering core elements related to order, product, and customer handling. In addition, it provides advanced features related to promotions, multi-currency handling, RMA flows, customer group handling and much more. For a comprehensive overview of the solutions and integrations, see Medusa’s documentation.

If you like this tutorial, please give Medusa a 🌟 on GitHub

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Next.js is a JavaScript open source framework for building superfast and extremely user-friendly frontend websites using React. It is a server-rendered, lightweight, and flexible React framework that requires little or no configuration during usage.

Using Medusa commerce engine to build your online stores gives you the opportunity to work with Medusa Next.js storefront starter, which can be easily installed through CLI commands.

Medusa Next.js storefront is a 100% ready-to-use Medusa storefront template. It comes with all ecommerce storefront features such as product display, featured products, shopping cart, checking out, multiple payment processing, and more.

What is Paystack?

Paystack is the #1 African payment gateway that helps businesses to accept online payments through their ecommerce stores, websites, and applications. Paystack provides other services such as point-of-sale (PoS), payment through an invoice, and more.

The integration between Medusa and Paystack can be achieved using a community plugin, which you’ll learn in this tutorial.


Before you start, be sure you have the following:

  • Node.js (version 14 or above)
  • Paystack Account with API Secret and Public Key

Set up Your Food Restaurant Ecommerce with Medusa

To start building with Medusa, follow these simple steps below:

Install Medusa CLI

Medusa CLI tool can be installed either using npm or yarn, but this tutorial is based on npm. Use the command below to install Medusa CLI:

npm install @medusajs/medusa-cli -g
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Creating Your New Food Restaurant Store Server

The command below will create a new Medusa store for you:

medusa new my-food-restaurant --seed
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my-food-restaurant will be your project name, but you can change this to your preferred choice of name.

Switch to the project directory:

cd my-food-restaurant
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Installing Paystack Medusa Plugin

In the root of your project, my-food-restaurant, run this command to install Medusa Paystack plugin:

npm install medusa-payment-paystack
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Next, you need to configure your Paystack plugin in your project. To do this, first, add PAYSTACK SECRET KEY to your .env file:

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In the above, replace example_key_xxxxx with the secret key gotten from your Paystack API Key.

In medusa-config.js, add the following at the end of the pluginsarray:

    resolve: `medusa-payment-paystack`,
    options: {
      secret_key: process.env.PAYSTACK_SECRET_KEY,
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The above code snippet adds Medusa Paystack plugin to your project configurations.

Installing MinIO Medusa Plugin

Managing images in Medusa requires a file service plugin for uploading images of products. Medusa provides different options for handling image upload for products, but this tutorial will focus only on using MinIO file service plugin.

MinIO is a high-performance open source object storage solution that provides S3 storage functionality. You can follow this documentation to learn how to install it and create a bucket.

Install MinIO plugin in the Medusa server directory with the command below:

npm install medusa-file-minio
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Next, add the following block of code to your .env:

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Note: <ENDPOINT> is the URL of your MinIO server, <BUCKET> is the name of the bucket you created earlier, and <ACCESS_KEY> and <SECRET_KEY> are the keys you generated in the previous section.

Finally, in medusa-config.js, add the following at the end of the pluginsarray:

    resolve: `medusa-file-minio`,
    options: {
        endpoint: process.env.MINIO_ENDPOINT,
        bucket: process.env.MINIO_BUCKET,
        access_key_id: process.env.MINIO_ACCESS_KEY,
        secret_access_key: process.env.MINIO_SECRET_KEY,
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If you’ve completed the above processes, start your store server with the command below:

medusa develop
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You can navigate to localhost:9000/store/products/ to see available products in your store.

Creating Medusa Admin for your Food Restaurant

To set up your Medusa Admin, follow the steps below.

  1. Clone the Medusa Admin repository and change to the newly created folder:
git clone medusa-admin
cd medusa-admin
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  1. Run the command below to install all necessary dependencies:
npm install
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  1. Test it:

(Note: Ensure your Medusa store server is running before testing your admin.)

npm start
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By default, Medusa Admin runs on port 7000. You can go to localhost:7000 on your browser to access your admin page.

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Medusa Server comes with admin login details, which are as the email address and supersecret as the password. This demo data is a result of --seed added while creating your store server.

You can visit the User Guide to learn more about Medusa Admin.

Adding Paystack Payment Provider to your Regions

Food restaurants could be inter-state or international businesses, which means your store should be focused on selling products to a particular country.

This tutorial will be focused on using the Nigerian currency since it’s one of the Paystack-supported countries.

If you are not selling to Paystack-supported African countries, you can easily integrate Medusa Stripe Payment Plugin in your store.

To add Paystack to your regions, follow the steps below to set your store currency;

  1. Go to Settings ⇒ Currencies.

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2. Click on the Edit currencies button in the Store Currencies section.

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3. In the new window that opens, click on the Add Currencies button and select all the currencies you want to add.

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4. Click on the Save and close button.

Note: Set your default currency to Nigerian Naira after the 4th step.

You can learn more about how to manage currencies.

Adding Paystack to your Region:

  1. Go to Settings ⇒ Regions.

Image description

2. Click on the plus icon at the top right of the Regions section .

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3. In the form that opens, enter the Regions details. It is required to enter a title, choose a currency, enter a tax rate, and choose at least one country where your restaurant is based, payment provider (select Paystack), and fulfillment provider.

Image description

Once done, click on the Create region button at the top-right side.

Learn more about Regions from Medusa User Guide.

Adding Food Products to your Admin

Medusa Admin supports product management which includes adding new products, editing, publishing, unpublishing, duplicating, and deleting products.

By default, the Medusa store server comes with a few products. You’ll delete them and add new products according to your restaurant's food menu.

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Visit Medusa Products Overview for a complete user guide on how to manage products in your store.

Creating Medusa Next.js Storefront

In this tutorial, you will use the Medusa Next.js Storefront Template to build your storefront.

Medusa Next.js Storefront Template already has every feature you may need in your storefront in it; this helps to quicken your development process when you choose to work with Medusa as your commerce engine.

The steps below will help you create your food restaurant Storefront:

  1. Run the command below to create a new Next.js starter project:
npx create-next-app -e food-restaurant-storefront
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food-restaurant-storefront represents the name of your project; you can rename it as you wish.

  1. Switch to the newly created directory food-restaurant-storefront and rename the template environment variable file to use environment variables in development:
cd food-restaurant-storefront
mv .env.template .env.local
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Customizing Your Storefront

Since you have successfully created your food restaurant storefront, you can customize your storefront to your taste.

You can find all images used for this project in the GitHub repository.

Modify Your Homepage Banner: To do so, locate src/modules/home/components/hero/index.tsx and replace its contents with the code below:

import UnderlineLink from "@modules/common/components/underline-link"
import Image from "next/image"

const Hero = () => {
  return (
    <div className="h-[90vh] w-full relative">
      <div className="text-white absolute inset-0 z-10 flex flex-col justify-center items-center text-center small:text-left small:justify-end small:items-start small:p-32">
        <h1 className="text-2xl-semi mb-4 drop-shadow-md shadow-black">
          Easy Life Food Restaurant
        <p className="text-base-regular max-w-[32rem] mb-6 drop-shadow-md shadow-black">
          Eat heathy and Live heathy | We sale morethan just foods
        <UnderlineLink href="/store">Food Menu</UnderlineLink>
        alt="homepage banner"
        className="absolute inset-0"

export default Hero
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The above code block will change the banner image and change the text.

Secondly, modify your Featured Product section. To do so, locate src/modules/home/components/featured-products/index.tsx and replace its contents with the code below:

import { useFeaturedProductsQuery } from "@lib/hooks/use-layout-data"
import UnderlineLink from "@modules/common/components/underline-link"
import ProductPreview from "@modules/products/components/product-preview"
import SkeletonProductPreview from "@modules/skeletons/components/skeleton-product-preview"

const FeaturedProducts = () => {
  const { data } = useFeaturedProductsQuery()

  return (
    <div className="py-12">
      <div className="content-container py-12">
        <div className="flex flex-col items-center text-center mb-16">
          <span className="text-base-regular text-gray-600 mb-6">
            Enjoy More on
          <p className="text-2xl-regular text-gray-900 max-w-lg mb-4">
            Our Today's Food Menu
          <UnderlineLink href="/store">Food products</UnderlineLink>
        <ul className="grid grid-cols-2 small:grid-cols-4 gap-x-4 gap-y-8">
            ? => (
                <li key={}>
                  <ProductPreview {...product} />
            : Array.from(Array(4).keys()).map((i) => (
                <li key={i}>
                  <SkeletonProductPreview />

export default FeaturedProducts
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The above code snippet will change the default texts to match what you are building the store for.

Third, modify your part of the footer section. To do so, locate your src/modules/**layout**/components/footer-cta/index.tsx and replace its content with the code below:

import UnderlineLink from "@modules/common/components/underline-link"
import Image from "next/image"

const FooterCTA = () => {
  return (
    <div className="bg-gray-800 w-full">
      <div className="content-container flex flex-col-reverse gap-y-8 small:flex-row small:items-center justify-between py-16 relative">
          <h3 className="text-3xl-semi text-white">Flavourful Flame</h3>
          <h3 className="text-2xl text-white">Grilled Chicken</h3>
          <p className="text-white">Marinated for 24 hours in our herb-infused traditional marinade, the perfectly grilled chicken on your plate is the healthiest and tastiest in town!</p>
          <div className="mt-6 text-white">
            <UnderlineLink href="/store">Order Now</UnderlineLink>

        <div className="relative w-full aspect-square small:w-[35%] small:aspect-[28/36]">
            className="absolute inset-0"

export default FooterCTA
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The above code block will change the background image and text.

Enable Paystack Payment

To enable using Paystack to accept payments from your storefront, you follow the steps below accordingly:

  1. Install the React Paystack library:
npm install react-paystack
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Once the library is installed successfully, it will add the react Paystack package to your storefront project.

  1. Add the Paystack public key to your .env.local file:
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On the above, replace pk_test_xxxxxx with the secret key gotten from your Paystack API Key.

  1. Modify your payment buttons by adding the block of code below into your src/modules/checkout/components/payment-button/index.tsx file:
import clsx from "clsx"
import { PaystackButton } from "react-paystack"
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The above code will import your Paystack button from react-payment library, and clsx library for Paytsack button styling.

Next, add PaystackPaymentButton among the switch case for the payment session:

case "paystack":
      return (
        <PaystackPaymentButton notReady={notReady} session={paymentSession} />
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Finally, add the block of code before your last line of code on this same file:


const PaystackPaymentButton = ({
}: {
  session: PaymentSession
  notReady: boolean
}) => {
  const { cart } = useCart()
  const { onPaymentCompleted } = useCheckout()

  const txRef = String(
  const total = cart?.total || 0
  const email = cart?.email || ""
  const currency =
    cart?.region.currency_code.toUpperCase() // Update this to your currency

  return (
      text="Pay with Paystack"
        "w-full uppercase flex items-center justify-center min-h-[50px] px-5 py-[10px] text-small-regular border transition-colors duration-200 disabled:opacity-50",
        "text-white bg-[#3bb75e] border-[#3bb75e] hover:bg-white hover:text-[#3bb75e] disabled:hover:bg-gray-900 disabled:hover:text-white"
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The above code block will add Paystack button as part of the payment option for your storefront.

PaystackButton triggers the checkout payment button to process the payment whenever it’s clicked on your storefront.

To be sure you got the above two code blocks correctly, you can make a reference here.

  1. Modify your payment container by adding the code block as part of the PaymentInfoMap collection. Here is the file path src/modules/checkout/component/payment-container/index.tsx:
paystack: {
    title: "Paystack",
    description: "Secure payment with Paystack",
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The above code makes it possible for Paystack to appear as part of the payment option in your storefront.

To be sure you got the above code block correctly, you can make a reference here.

Test your Storefront

Ensure your Medusa Server is running, then run this command:

npm run dev
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If you navigate to localhost:8000, you’ll see your storefront homepage.

Image description

If you click on Food Menu you’ll see all foods populated from your Medusa Server.

Image description

If you click on any of the food items, you’ll see the single product page and an Add to cart option.

Image description

If you click on My Bag after adding an item to the cart, you should see the Shopping Bag page.

Image description

If you click on GO TO CHECKOUT, you’ll see your Checkout Page, where you will provide your delivery information.

Image description

If you click on “PAY WITH PAYSTACK” you’ll see the Paystack Payment pop-up:

Image description

If you select Success and click on the Pay button, your payment will be processed and you’ll see the Order Receipt Page;

Image description

You can confirm the orders from your Medusa Admin panel for this project.


In this tutorial, you have learned how to use the Medusa commerce engine as your ecommerce store for food restaurants, working with Medusa’s Next.js Storefront Template and Integrating Paystack payment gateway into Medusa.

You can learn more about building awesome ecommerce stores with Medusa; check out Medusa’s Documentation for more guides.

Should you have any issues or questions related to Medusa, then feel free to reach out to the Medusa team via Discord.

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Top comments (15)

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Beautiful design and a great tech stack!

nobleokechi profile image
Noble Okechi

Thank you!

nicklasgellner profile image
Nicklas Gellner

Also really like the frontend work in this one!

nobleokechi profile image
Noble Okechi

Thank you!

reacthunter0324 profile image
React Hunter

Great Project!

nobleokechi profile image
Noble Okechi

Thank you!

latoadeoye profile image

Happy to have met an indepth treatment of e-commerce website dev. It's awesome.

nobleokechi profile image
Noble Okechi

Thank you!

femi_akinyemi profile image
Femi Akinyemi

Well Written🙌

nobleokechi profile image
Noble Okechi

Thank you!

aranouski profile image
Artsiom B

Looks really powerful. I saw the same solution, but with pre-build templates and node js . Do you meet any kind of problems connecting to Stripe plugin.

nobleokechi profile image
Noble Okechi

No, it's quite simple also. You can learn how to do that from this documentation

herbert_clark_c8824b6b00f profile image
Herbert Clark

Building a food eCommerce platform with Next.js, Paystack, and Medusa is a great approach for creating a seamless user experience. Similarly, in the food and beverage industry, having the right tools, like an ice maker, is essential for delivering quality service. For more information on reliable ice-making equipment to support your business, check out

glebario_85 profile image
Glebario • Edited

Looks good! But medusa have one flaw because for product needs option. For food it is inconvenient because food products rarely have any options. As far as I can see, you got out of this situation by adding the option - stub (option: Normall)? + for products need add inventory when in restaurant business it does not need
Image description

dnim profile image
Sergey Korsik

Looks tasty!

Btw, small question - are the code chunks not syntax highlighted for styling metters? I mean it can put a bit more readability to the code, imho ;)

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