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How to open a new tab without getting blocked by the browser using JavaScript?

Originally posted here!

To open a new tab without getting blocked by the browser, you need to use the method inside a click handler or any function which will be triggered by a user.

The browser will block all other invocation of the methods that are not triggered by the user.

This feature is implemented to reduce the abuse of opening tabs automatically when a user visits a website for showing ads and spam etc.

For example, Consider a button where if we click on it will open a new tab with url. Let's give the button an id of googleBtn liek this,

<!-- Button which open -->
<button id="googleBtn">Open Google<button /></button>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

First let's get the reference to the button,

// get refernce to the button
const googleBtn = document.getElementById("googleBtn");
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now let's add a click event handler to the button so that when the user clicks it will invoke the method with URL

NOTE: If the method is not inside a function that is not triggered by a user, the browser will block it saying it is a popup.

// get refernce to the button
const googleBtn = document.getElementById("googleBtn");

// add click event handler to button
googleBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {"");
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now if you click on the button, the browser will open a new tab with the URL without blocking it.

See this example live in JSBin.

Feel free to share if you found this useful 😃.

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