I have been learning about AWS services and one of the key services to AWS is the EC2 instance! But you cannot learn EC2 without knowing about its other important friends EBS and EFS!
What is AWS EC2?

Have you ever wanted to use a computer that’s not in your house? Maybe you’re on vacation and need to do some work, or maybe you want to play a game with your friends but your computer isn’t fast enough. That’s where AWS EC2 can comes in!
AWS EC2 (Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cloud) is a service that lets you rent computers in the cloud. It’s like renting a computer that you can access from anywhere in the world. You can use it to run your programs, play games or do anything else you would do on a regular computer. ( The “elastic” part of the name refers to the ability to easily scale up or down the number of virtual computers you’re using based on your needs )
Its like renting a movie from Blockbuster back in the day, but instead of renting a movie you're renting a computer. It can get turned on pretty quickly and ready to use within minutes!

What is AWS EBS?
When you rent a computer with AWS EC2, you might want to save some files on it. Maybe you’re working on a project and need to save your work, or maybe you want to download some music to listen to later. That’s where AWS EBS comes in!
AWS EBS (Elastic Block Store) is a service that provides storage for your EC2 instances. It’s like a hard drive that you can attach to your rented computer to store your files. You can choose how much storage you need and only pay for what you use.
Another thing to consider is if your rented computer goes down for any reason, then you still have your storage separate from the EC2 instance computer. So it's as easy as setting up a new one and attaching this storage to the new one and you're good to go! - This decoupled way of managing these services is what makes AWS/cloud powerful!
What is AWS EFS?
Sometimes, you might want to share files between multiple EC2 instances. Maybe you’re working on a group project and need to share your work with your teammates, or maybe you want to play a game with your friends and need to share the game files. That’s where AWS EFS comes in!
AWS EFS (Elastic File System) is another storage service that lets you share files between multiple EC2 instances. It’s like having a shared folder that all your rented computers can access. You can use it to store and share files with others easily.
The following video is a good rundown of EC2! Its a bit of a tutorial but with explanations throughout the walkthrough!
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