In this article, we're going to create a Discord bot that can guide users through an automatic partnership process!
What's a Discord server partnership?
A discord server partnership is when two servers will send the other's invite link in a designated channel, to share members.
Our end product will look something like this:
The staff of your server will see this:
And will be able to click the checkmark or cross to accept or deny the request!
When it is accepted, it will automatically post the ad in a designated channel!
Installing discord.ext.forms 🔧
Discord.ext.forms is a module designed specifically to assist bot developers with making forms and surveys! To install it, you need to open a shell and type:
pip install discord-ext-forms
Once that's done, you're ready to start coding!
Coding the bot ⚙
To start this off, we will need to start our commands.Bot
from discord.ext import commands
import discord
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")
Now that we have our bot, let's make our partner
from discord.ext import commands
import discord
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")
async def partner(ctx):
We need to import the Form
class from discord.ext.forms to make our form for the partnership command!
from discord.ext.forms import Form
Now, let's start on our form! We likely want to ask for an invite link, a description, and an advertising server, but you can add or remove any of these questions!
In our command, let's make our form:
form = Form(ctx, "Partnership Request")
To add a question, we use the .add_question
method of the form.
"What's the invite link to your server?", # The question which it will ask
"invitelink", # What the form will call the result of this question
"invite" # The type the response should be
Because we have invite
as the type, discord.ext.forms will check that the response is an invite and return an invite object.
Now, let's add our other two questions!
async def partner(ctx):
form = Form(ctx, "Partnership Request")
"What's the invite link to your server?", # The question which it will ask
"invitelink", # What the form will call the result of this question
"invite" # The type the response should be
"What's a description of your server?",
"What's your server's advertisement?",
The final two don't have a type, because we just want the message's content.
Now, we'll want to begin the form!
results = await form.start()
will have 3 attributes:
These are the keys that we set these values to earlier!
Now, let's make our embed that shows the staff the submission:
embed = discord.Embed(
title=f"Partnership Request from {}",
description=f"**Description:** {results.description}",
Now, let's get our partnerships channel so that we can send our embed there!
partnershipreq = bot.get_channel(partnership_request_channel_id_here)
Lastly, let's send it!
prompt = await partnershipreq.send(embed=embed)
For staff members to be able to accept and deny, we're going to need another form from discord.ext.forms: ReactConfirm
from discord.ext.forms import Form, ReactConfirm
The reason we saved prompt
earlier is because we're going to need it for the accept/deny process. Use ReactConfirm to create a new form called confirm
, like this:
confirm = ReactConfirm(, message=prompt, bot=bot)
accepted = await confirm.start()
Now, the bot, after sending the message, will react with the ✔ and ❌ emoji, and wait for a staff member to choose one.
We're nearly there! Now we just have to send the ad, in an embed of course, into the partnership channel if it gets accepted.
if accepted:
partners = bot.get_channel(partners_channel_id_here)
em = discord.Embed(,
description=results.advertisement, color=0x2F3136)
await partners.send(embed=em)
Now we're done! Our final code looks something like this:
from discord.ext import commands
import discord
from discord.ext.forms import Form, ReactConfirm
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")
async def partner(ctx):
form = Form(ctx, "Partnership Request")
"What's the invite link to your server?", # The question which it will ask
"invitelink", # What the form will call the result of this question
"invite" # The type the response should be
"What's a description of your server?",
"What's your server's advertisement?",
results = await form.start()
embed = discord.Embed(
title=f"Partnership Request from {}",
description=f"**Description:** {results.description}",
partnershipreq = bot.get_channel(partnership_request_channel_id_here)
prompt = await partnershipreq.send(embed=embed)
confirm = ReactConfirm(, message=prompt,bot=bot)
accepted = await confirm.start()
partners = bot.get_channel(partners_channel_id_here)
em = discord.Embed(, description=results.advertisement, color=0x2F3136)
await partners.send(embed=em)
If you want to see other use cases for this module, check it out here:
Top comments (18)
bro confirm reactions are not coming in embed and code also gives error
Thanks for letting me know! The updated line should be:
lol bro, still error
Jeez, I did it in a rush.
bro now no errors but when i try to confirm by clicking tick then nothing happens no error, no advertise :(
,btw thanks by reading this artical i learned how to use discord forms thanks a lot
Hmm, i'm unsure about what could be happening. Make sure that your channel ID is correct, and could you send your code? (excluding the token of course)
to send code i removed token and channel ids
kages/discord/ext/commands/", line 85, in wrapped
ret = await coro(*args, **kwargs)
File "", line 121, in testform
form = forms.Form(ctx, 'Title')
NameError: name 'forms' is not defined
when i try to import forms it's not working
first make sure that you have indstalled module or not :
and if you already have installed then import module like this :
Nice article , Do you have a tips to create a client capable of receiving messages from a channel whose identifier I know?
Well, you could check if the channel's ID matches the ID that you have:
Thanks My problem is the channel connexion , I'm not the channel admin I just want to read message Like in my application.
Is it possible to register with mail and password like in the app ?
Not without using selfbots, which is highly against ToS and will get you banned from Discord. You should just get permission from a channel admin with a link that only has the send/read messages permission, so that it cannot abuse anything.
it says:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in
from discord.ext.forms import Form, ReactConfirm
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'discord.ext.forms
Sorry for the late reply, did you
pip install discord.ext.forms
? Do you have multiple Python installations?It was Amazing, could you make all this code available together rather code snippets.
If I understand what you're requesting, I have included the code together at the bottom of the article.

nope, all those parts of codes like invite, welcome.