
Cover image for 2 Wrongs Equal A Lot of Learnings

2 Wrongs Equal A Lot of Learnings

Molly Struve (she/her) on January 10, 2020

If you were hanging out here on DEV this past Tuesday night(1/7/2020) you might have run into a couple of minor interruptions during your web brows...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern • Edited

Seeing this cover image in my home feed gives me a panic attack

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

lol I also had a small heart attack when I saw it for the first time 😅Maybe could have gone with something more subtle...

dansilcox profile image
Dan Silcox • Edited

Nice fix - maybe you could go one step further and run a small E2E test suite in the same phase as the migrations and the new thing? Even just calling a ‘health check’ endpoint that pings the app and its dependencies such as DB, cache instance etc to make sure all is well would probably save you future headaches :)

thiagomgd profile image
Thiago Margarida

Nice article, but I think learning #1 should be: don't rollout at 4:45pm :D

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

That's probably true, but technically DEV is an asynchronous and international organization, so specific times don't always matter.

leewynne profile image

Searched for ‘siteconfig, rails’ not disappointed 😅

artoodeeto profile image

hello ma'am question, so from development you push or merge directly to production? no staging environments?

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

Correct, we do not have a staging environment. In the past, it has not gotten a lot of use so it was hard to keep it up to date. In the future, we may revisit having one.

artoodeeto profile image

ohh. We have a staging environment, only for internal team can use it and invited users. before it goes to production it will be push to our staging then after 2 weeks with no error it'll be automatically pushed to production. hehehe. just wanted to share. maybe you can share how you do it next time. thank you maam.

cutiko profile image
Erick Navarro

This seems like there is no staging enviroment and you are jumping fromndev to prod

theodesp profile image
Theofanis Despoudis

Were you ordering pizza's and calling friends and family that you will be busy for the day? 😅