
Nasir Ahmed Momin
Nasir Ahmed Momin

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iOS Chat App with XMPP framework

Wants to build Chat App for iOS?

Lets gets started
XMPP stands for Xtensible Messaging & Presence Protocol.

Things required ?

  1. IM Server (I prefer MongooseIM)
  2. User (Account created)

You can download MongooseIM Package here & Install package

Details for installation can be found here

On installation completes launch Terminal & execute following command
$ mongooseimctl start

then Check status
$ mongooseimctl status

When All thats done. You need a user, head down below & create user

$ mongooseimctl register <user> <host> <password>

Eg: $ mongooseimctl register user1 localhost qwerty

You can verify user creation $ mongooseimctl registered_users localhost

Till now server config & user creation completed.

Before jumping into code part, lets understand following things

  1. JID
  2. Stanza & its type.
  3. Stream.

    1. JID: is something by which each individual is uniquely identified is XMPP. It does looks like this username@hostname/resource username: is local part hostname: is domain part resource: is resource part which is optional in many cases
    2. Stanza: is name of XML tag/piece that sends & received. Basic Stanza's are < message > < presence > & < iq >, details will be mentioned about them, if required in future
    3. Stream: is entry point for interprocess communication to start on shared file called Socket, which happens by < stream > tag.

We shall start working on iOS App.
I hope you guys knows how to create Xcode iOS Project & Pod setup.

In Podfile pod 'XMPPFramework'
then run pod install

Create XMPPController.swift file & make a singleton object.

class XMPPController: NSObject {
    static let sharedInstance = XMPPController()

Now declare an XMPPStream instance & intilize it in init()

var stream: XMPPStream?
override init() { = XMPPStream()

Also declare following vars.

var hostName: String?
var userJID: XMPPJID?
var hostPort: UInt16?
var password: String?

Declare a connect function as below

func connect(withHostName name: String, userJID jid: String, hostPort port: UInt16, password pwd: String) {

    guard let uJID = XMPPJID(string: jid) else {

    hostName    = name
    userJID     = uJID
    hostPort    = port
    password    = pwd

    // Stream Configuration
    stream?.hostName = name
    stream?.myJID = uJID
    stream?.hostPort = port
    stream?.startTLSPolicy = .allowed

    if stream!.isDisconnected {
        do {
            try stream?.connect(withTimeout: 10)
        catch let e {

Once we reached till here, we have forgot most important thing.
without confirming delegate of stream our XMPPController wont able to receive any callbacks, add following lines in init, delegateQueue: DispatchQueue.main)

XMPPStreamDelegate as set of delegate functions among them we will use only couple of, add following code as below

extension XMPPController: XMPPStreamDelegate {
    func xmppStreamDidConnect(_ sender: XMPPStream) {
       print("Stream Connected")
       try! stream?.authenticate(withPassword: password!)

    func xmppStreamDidAuthenticate(_ sender: XMPPStream) {
       print("Stream: Authnticated")

Once xmppStreamDidConnect(:XMPPStream) is connected, we are making sure that authentication should initiate & on authentication xmppStreamDidAuthenticate(:XMPPStream) will receive callback

Entire code is available on github repo

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