The problem with my other TanStack start post was: I did not use the keycloakJS official client library.
Plus I wanted a solution that also works with TanStack-Router loading, pre-fetching and router-based context.
Here is the example where it all comes together:
It turned out that the biggest issue is to invalidate the router-context correctly. It was not enough to call
But I needed to re-calculate the context using some beforeLoad:
export const Route = createFileRoute("/")({
component: Home,
beforeLoad: ({ context }) => {
console.log("index beforeload");
return { ...context, auth: { ...context.auth } };
loader: async ({ context }) => {
console.log("index auth loader", context.auth);
If you just leave out this beforeLoad
login never shows up on the page.
The heart of my solution is wiring up keycloak on createRouter in router.tsx.
export function createRouter() {
const queryClient = new QueryClient();
const keycloak = getKeycloak();
const auth = {
isLoggendIn: !!keycloak.authenticated,
login: () => {
logout: () => {
user: {
username: keycloak.tokenParsed?.preferred_username,
name: keycloak.tokenParsed?.name,
email: keycloak.tokenParsed?.email,
const router = createTanStackRouter({
context: { queryClient, auth },
defaultPreload: "intent",
defaultErrorComponent: (error) => (
<div>Ups, something went wrong! {JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}</div>
defaultNotFoundComponent: () => <div>Not found!</div>,
defaultPendingComponent: () => <div>Loading...</div>,
keycloak.onAuthSuccess = async () => {
auth.isLoggendIn = true;
auth.user = {
username: keycloak.tokenParsed?.preferred_username,
name: keycloak.tokenParsed?.name,
email: keycloak.tokenParsed?.email,
await router.invalidate({});
return routerWithQueryClient(router, queryClient);
My trick is:
- Create some keycloakJS instance
- Create an auth context object with references to the router
- Create the router using createTanStackRouter
- invalidate the router `keycloak.onAuthSuccess'
But it was clear that is not enough to amend the auth-object of the context. The context itself has to keep track if the auth-object changed. I could not solve it but my workaround was the beforeLoad instruction in the component that handles the login.
export const Route = createFileRoute("/")({
component: Home,
beforeLoad: ({ context }) => {
console.log("index beforeload");
return { ...context, auth: { ...context.auth } };
loader: async ({ context }) => {
console.log("index auth loader", context.auth);
Would be glad to see if someone comes up with a better solution on that.
The keycloak Object Creation needs special attention, because it expects a browser and on TanStack-Start you never know ;)
import Keycloak from "keycloak-js";
const getKeycloak = () => {
const keycloak = new Keycloak({
url: "http://localhost:8280",
realm: "master",
clientId: "tanstack-start-keycloak",
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
onLoad: "check-sso",
return keycloak;
export { getKeycloak };
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