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Saddam Hossain
Saddam Hossain

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How to Calculate the Sum of Multiple Columns Using Eloquent

in this tutorials i will show you How to Calculate the Sum of Multiple Columns Using Eloquent. Laravel offers built-in support for aggregating column values through the ‘sum‘ method, allowing you to calculate the total of a column’s values. You Can learn How to Calculate the Average of a Column Using Eloquent

The main caveat here is that Eloquent can only sum one column at a time. To sum 2 columns we either call sum() twice and add them or we use DB::raw to explicitly make a SUM of both columns:

$product = 'PS5'

// Calculating `online_sales + in_store_sales` using ->sum()
$eloquentSum = Sale::where('product_name', $product)->sum('online_sales')
               + Sale::where('product_name', $product)->sum('in_store_sales');

// Calculating `online_sales + in_store_sales` using DB::raw('SUM(..)'
$rawSum = Sale::where('product_name', $product)
    ->select(DB::raw('SUM(online_sales + in_store_sales) as total_sales'))
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In this post we’ll make a simple application with a migration and model, add some test records and finally demonstrate how to calculate the sum of 2 columns to print online_sales + in_store_sales of a specific product. I will include an example for both the method that uses Eloquent’s sum() as well as the method that uses DB:raw('SUM(..)).

Let’s get started! How to Calculate the Sum of Multiple Columns Using Eloquent
How to Calculate the Sum of Multiple Columns Using Eloquent
Step 1: Create a Laravel Project
Begin by creating a new Laravel project using the following commands in your terminal:

composer create-project laravel/laravel sum-columns-example
cd sum-columns-example
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