I use Artix Linux as my workstation. It is based on Arch Linux and adopts Systemd-free approach.
I chose Xfce4 as lightweight desktop environment with LightDM as login manager and OpenRC as init system.
I like itπ
Well, I had had a small but inconvenient problem.
Keyboard didn't work after the session was locked due to a certain time passed without any operation.
I logged in again then to restore the session. Then I hit some keys in application which had been the primary before locked. Nothing worked.
I had to activate another application once. So I could use the primary application as I had.
It was actually some sort of solution but inconvenient, unpleasant and uncomfortable.
Cause and reason
I found it was because both Xfce4 screensaver ( xfce4-screensaver
) and Light Locker ( light-locker
) locked the session.
To disable either xfce4-screensaver
or light-locker
Case 1: Use light-locker
(= disable xfce4-screensaver
Uninstall xfce4-screensaver
if you don't use it:
# pacman -Rs xfce4-screensaver
It was my option.
As another option, you may disable it with Xfce4 "Settings" menus. Go to "Settings" > "Session and Startup", select "Application Autostart" and uncheck "Screensaver". Make only "Screen Locker" checked:
Then log out and log in again.
You will see Light Locker screen when the session is locked:
Case 2: Use xfce4-screensaver
(= disable light-locker
Go to "Settings" > "Session and Startup", select "Application Autostart" and uncheck "Screen Locker". Make only "Screensaver" checked:
Then log out and log in again.
You will see Xfce4 Screensaver lock screen when the session is locked:
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