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what is virtualization in cloud

What is virtualization

virtualizations enables cloud providers to serve users with their existing physical computer hardware. They purchase only the resources they need, when they need it.

What is scalability

This is the capacity of a cloud computing environment to effectively handle growing or diminishing work-loads.

What is agility

Agility refers to the ability to quickly develop, test and launch applications in a cloud based environment.

what is High Availability
This refers to as the ability of a system to remain accessible and operational for a long period of time, it ensures that cloud services can handle different loads level and recover quickly from any failure.

What is fault Tolerant

This is the ability of a system to keep running even if a software or hardware malfunctions occurs and it enters down state. it has to maintain it's helpfulness ton the user in all circumstances.

What is global Reach

This is when a system can be accessed worldwide, benefiting businesses with global customer base.

What is the difference between scalability and Elasticity


This refers to the ability of a system to automatically expand or compress the intracultural resources on a sudden up and down in the requirement, so the workload can be managed is usually used by small business to meet up sudden up and down work load, for a small period of time. e.g an online shopping company will mostly have more traffic of sales during festive period, which will increase the workload for a period of time.


This is used to handle the growing workload where good performance is also needed, to work efficiently with software applications. for example, a company whose data size was small but started increasing, in this case you might have to request your cloud service vendor to scale up your database capacity to handle work is usually used by big companies.

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