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Prosper Otemuyiwa for novu

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What's new in Novu 0.18?

TL;DR: All you need to know about the latest Novu 0.18.0 release. General Layout design, multi-provider configuration and more!

0.18 Release Updates

We're excited to unveil the freshest developments in our latest release. Let's plunge right in and uncover what awaits you!

Dive In!

General Layout Design

We have refreshed the layout design to accommodate and provide a foundation for a lot of upcoming future updates regarding the navigation stack and general usability of the system.

refreshed layout

refreshed look

refreshed design

Multi-provider Configuration

In the last update, I mentioned that Novu now supports multiple providers.

Now you can specify who should be the primary provider when you have multiple providers for a particular channel for a given environment.

As mentioned in the last release, you can programmatically call a provider identifier during a trigger event.

await novu.trigger("<workflow_trigger_id>", {
    to: {...},
    payload: {...},
    overrides: {
    email: { integrationIdentifier: 'the identifier"} ,
    sms: { integrationIdentifier: 'the identifier"}
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Migration for Self-hosted Novu Users - BREAKING CHANGE

A migration needs to be run prior to the new version update:

cd apps/api
npm run migration:primary-provider

#.env file in apps/api/src/.env should have a MONGO_URL pointing to your deployment
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Plunk Email Provider Integration

Now, you can use the Plunk Email provider on Novu.

Plunk Email Provider

All Changes

You can find the full changelog on GitHub.


Sign up on Novu, try it out & let me know what you think about the new changes in the comments section.

If you want to contribute to OSS and make an impact, I believe it is a great place to start & build out amazing things.

Oh, remember to star the repo as well.๐Ÿคฉ See you in the next release! ๐Ÿš€

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