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Parth Patel
Parth Patel

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Launch an Amazon VPC and EC2 instance using Cloudformation

Why AWS Cloudformation?

AWS CloudFormation is crucial for automating and managing AWS resources through code, ensuring consistent and repeatable deployments. It simplifies the deployment process, reduces manual errors, and supports team collaboration and standardization through version-controlled templates. CloudFormation integrates with other AWS services for efficient and secure deployments, making it essential for reliable, scalable, and secure cloud infrastructure deployments.

Step by Step Process

Step 1: Create a CloudFormation template in YAML or JSON format. Here is my code on Github.

Step 2: Upload your code to AWS Cloudformation, which will automatically create an S3 bucket and its object URL.

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Step 3: Click "Next". Specify the stack name, and click "Next" again. Then, under the Permissions tab, remove the role and create the stack.

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Step 4: Please confirm that the resources have been created successfully.

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Step 5: Delete the resources.


Launching an Amazon VPC and EC2 instance using CloudFormation involves creating a VPC, which is a virtual network within AWS, and then deploying an EC2 instance within this network. This process is automated through CloudFormation templates, which define the resources and configurations needed for the deployment. These templates can be customized to fit specific requirements. CloudFormation simplifies the deployment process, ensuring consistency and repeatability across environments, and reducing the risk of human error.

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