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peteraba profile image
Peter Aba

The answer depends on what you mean by matter?

You typically won't be a better software engineer just by using another stack, although some languages do require you to have a deeper understanding of how things work than others. (For example most garbage collected languages will not require you to think of stack and heap much.)

If you have ambitions to try out different platforms than it obviously matters, at least in 2018. Things do change rather quickly so, you might just need to wait a bit more to be able to write AAA games in PHP. :)

When it comes to opportunities on your current platform, I think it shouldn't matter, but it still does to some extent. There are forward-thinking companies and managers, but they aren't the norm. Also HR might filter your CV out if it doesn't match the keywords they were told to look for...
Even if that's not the case, you'd also need to keep in mind that it might be awkward to bring in a senior C# engineer as lead into a JavaScript team...
Of course the number of polyglot companies is on the rise, but I think they're still a tiny fraction.