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Advent of Code 2017

Phil Nash on December 01, 2017

Is anyone taking part in the Advent of Code this year? If you've not heard of it before, the site describes itself as: Advent of Code is a serie...
hrmny profile image
Leah β€’

Gave up after 2 day, let's see how it will go this year

I'm using rust btw, thinking about trying something else as well, but unsure what that would be

philnash profile image
Phil Nash β€’

I was tempted to try in another language too. Rust is very trendy right now, and I have tried to learn it before, but didn't really have much to do with it afterwards. Now that Rust is becoming a great choice for web assembly it might be time to try it again.

hrmny profile image
Leah β€’

That's a problem I have with learning new languages as well, I start learning, but then don't know what to do with them

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Advent of code is a really well-made website. Really hits on the right design and then gets out of the way.

philnash profile image
Phil Nash β€’

It's a site for writing code, why would it need any more than a monospaced text interface?!

r0f1 profile image
Florian Rohrer β€’ β€’ Edited

Here you go: Github Link

I will be doing everything in Python. I hardcoded the inputs into the files themselves, such that each day is one file. I think I will change that in the future, if the inputs become too big.

I will check out your solutions :D

philnash profile image
Phil Nash β€’

Thanks for sharing! I wondered what to do with the inputs too, I've settled on a text file for each challenge. If anything, I'll remember how to load files after all of this!

rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo β€’

I’m in! I’d never heard of this before now, but it looks cool :) Here’s my solutions.. Thanks for sharing this!

philnash profile image
Phil Nash β€’

Oh, Array#rotate is perfect! My first version I'd zipped the arrays together like that, but then did it differently for the general case and ultimately converged on that solution. But I think I want to rewrite mine now, since Crystal supports rotate too!

rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo β€’

Originally i was just doing it with the index and math, but then I was scrolling through the array docs looking for something neat and found rotate. I didn’t to know about it, but it’s supercool :)

pbouillon profile image
Pierre Bouillon β€’

Never tried it before, I'll try to participate too !
Posting my solutions on Github, I think that I'll use Python3

philnash profile image
Phil Nash β€’

That is a tight solution for day 2! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

pbouillon profile image
Pierre Bouillon β€’

Efficient enough to go to day 3! :D

stephanie profile image
Stephanie Handsteiner β€’

I have taken part in 2015, used PHP to solve the puzzles.
Last year I missed it completely, this year I might just take part again... hmm... maybe use another language too.

philnash profile image
Phil Nash β€’

It's a great little test to see how you are doing with a new language. I'm enjoying trying it with Crystal because it's still new to me, though familiar since it's like Ruby.

Give it a go! Let us know if you do take part and how it goes.

tterb profile image
Brett Stevenson β€’ β€’ Edited

I just found out about AOC yesterday, so I'm still playing catch-up but it's been a great
Python refresher so far.
Though, I'm considering trying some of the puzzles in one of the many languages that I've been wanting to learn.
Here's my solutions repo.

kmcginn profile image
Kevin McGinn β€’

I'm a bit late to the party this year, but I'll be putting my solutions in my AdventOfCode repo on GitHub! :D

pbouillon profile image
Pierre Bouillon β€’ β€’ Edited

Funny how challenge kind of predicted the beginning of day 3!