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Notes about Geolocation/IPGeolocation

Notes about Geolocation

There are several providers who offer this "service"... Geolocation from an IP.

I'm gonna resume some few services, and a basic usage of them, just to help others to know how to use the IP Geolocation and what it offers.


Service BIO:

FREE EndPoints


Sample Request
# PowerShell
$RootURL = "";
$BaseURL = "${RootURL}/v2/ip.json";

## My IP
$MyIpioInfo = IRM "${BaseURL}";
$MyIpioInfo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;

$MyIpioIP = $MyIpioInfo.ip;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Sample Response
    "success": true,
    "ip": "[MY_IP]",
    "type": "IPv4",
    "country": {
        "code": "[MY_COUNTRY_CODE]",
        "name": "[MY_COUNTRY_NAME]"
    "region": "[MY_REGION]",
    "city": "[MY_CITY]",
    "location": {
        "lat": [MY_LATITUDE_SHORT],
        "lon": [MY_LONGITUDE_SHORT]
    "timeZone": "[MY_TIMEZONE]",
    "asn": {
        "number": [MY_ASN],
        "name": "[MY_ASN_NAME]",
        "network": "[MY_ASN_NETWORK]"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode /

Service BIO:

FREE EndPoints

Client IP

Sample Request
# PowerShell
$BaseURL = "";

$Response = IRM "${BaseURL}/data/client-ip"
$Response | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;

## My IP
$MyBDCClientIP = $Response.ipString;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Sample Response
    "ipString": "[MY_IP]",
    "ipType": "IPv4"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Client Info

Sample Request
# PowerShell
$BaseURL = "";

$MyBDCClientInfo = IRM "${BaseURL}/data/client-info"
$MyBDCClientInfo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Sample Response
    "ipString": "[MY_IP]",
    "ipNumeric": [MY_NUMERIC_IP],
    "ipType": "IPv4",
    "isBehindProxy": false,
    "device": "Desktop",
    "os": "Windows 10",
    "userAgent": "WindowsPowerShell 5.1.22621",
    "family": "WindowsPowerShell",
    "versionMajor": "5",
    "versionMinor": "1",
    "versionPatch": "22621",
    "isSpider": false,
    "isMobile": false,
    "userAgentDisplay": "Windows 10 Desktop WindowsPowerShell 5.1.22621",
    "userAgentRaw": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT; Windows NT 10.0; es-ES) WindowsPowerShell/5.1.22621.4391"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Reverse Geocode

Sample Request
# PowerShell
$BaseURL = "";

$MyBDCRevGeoInfo = IRM "${BaseURL}/data/reverse-geocode-client?localityLanguage=es"
$MyBDCRevGeoInfo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Sample Response
    "latitude": [MY_LATITUDE],
    "lookupSource": "ip geolocation",
    "longitude": [MY_LONGITUDE],
    "localityLanguageRequested": "[MY_COUNTRY_CODE]",
    "continent": "Europa",
    "continentCode": "EU",
    "countryName": "[MY_COUNTRY_NAME]",
    "countryCode": "[MY_COUNTRY_CODE]",
    "principalSubdivision": "[MY_REGION]",
    "principalSubdivisionCode": "[MY_REGION_CODE]",
    "city": "[MY_CITY]",
    "locality": "[MY_LOCALITY]",
    "postcode": "",
    "plusCode": "[MY_PLUS_CODE]",
    "localityInfo": {
        "administrative": [
                "name": "[MY_COUNTRY_NAME]",
                "description": "pa\u00eds del suroeste de Europa",
                "isoName": "[MY_COUNTRY_ISO_NAME]",
                "order": 2,
                "adminLevel": 2,
                "isoCode": "[MY_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE]",
                "wikidataId": "[MY_WIKIDATA_ID]",
                "geonameId": [MY_GEONAME_ID]
        "informative": [
                "name": "Europa",
                "description": "continente ba\u00f1ado principalmente por el Atl\u00e1ntico",
                "isoName": "Europe",
                "order": 1,
                "isoCode": "EU",
                "wikidataId": "Q46",
                "geonameId": 6255148
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Requires latitude and longitude.
Afortunatelly, we can get those values from the previous call.

Sample Request
# PowerShell
$BaseURL = "";

$MyBDCRevGeoInfo = IRM "${BaseURL}/data/reverse-geocode-client"
$MyBDCLatitude = $MyBDCRevGeoInfo.latitude;
$MyBDCLongitude = $MyBDCRevGeoInfo.longitude;

$MyBDCRoamingInfo = IRM "${BaseURL}/data/am-i-roaming?latitude=${MyBDCLatitude}&longitude=${MyBDCLongitude}"
$MyBDCRoamingInfo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Sample Response
    "isRoaming": false
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

APIKey EndPoints

IP Geolocation FULL

Availables here:
Requires an APIKey.

Sample Request
# PowerShell
$RootURL = "";
$BaseURL = "${RootURL}/data";

$MyBDCGeoLocFULL = IRM "${BaseURL}/ip-geolocation-full?key=${MyBDCAPIKey}&localityLanguage=es"
$MyBDCGeoLocFULL | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Sample Response
    "ip": "[MY_IP]",
    "localityLanguageRequested": "[MY_COUNTRY_CODE]",
    "isReachableGlobally": true,
    "country": {
        "isoAlpha2": "[MY_COUNTRY_ALPHA2_CODE]",
        "isoAlpha3": "[MY_COUNTRY_ALPHA3_CODE]",
        "m49Code": [MY_COUNTRY_M49_CODE],
        "name": "[MY_COUNTRY_NAME]",
        "isoName": "[MY_COUNTRY_ISO_NAME]",
        "isoNameFull": "[MY_COUNTRY_ISO_FULL_NAME]",
        "isoAdminLanguages": [
                "isoAlpha3": "[MY_LANGUAGE_ALPHA3_CODE]",
                "isoAlpha2": "[MY_LANGUAGE_ALPHA2_CODE]",
                "isoName": "[MY_LANGUAGE_ISO_NAME]",
                "nativeName": "[MY_LANGUAGE_NAME]"
        "unRegion": "Europe and Northern America/Europe/Southern Europe",
        "currency": {
            "numericCode": 978,
            "code": "EUR",
            "name": "Euro",
            "minorUnits": 2
        "wbRegion": {
            "id": "ECS",
            "iso2Code": "Z7",
            "value": "Europe & Central Asia"
        "wbIncomeLevel": {
            "id": "HIC",
            "iso2Code": "XD",
            "value": "High income"
        "callingCode": "[MY_COUNTRY_CALLING_CODE]",
        "countryFlagEmoji": "[MY_COUNTRY_FLAG_EMOJI]",
        "wikidataId": "[MY_WIKIDATA]",
        "geonameId": [MY_GEONAME_ID],
        "isIndependent": true
    "location": {
        "principalSubdivision": "[MY_REGION]",
        "isoPrincipalSubdivision": "[MY_REGION_ISO]",
        "isoPrincipalSubdivisionCode": "[MY_REGION_ISO_CODE]",
        "continent": "Europa",
        "continentCode": "EU",
        "city": "[MY_CITY]",
        "localityName": "[MY_LOCALITY]",
        "postcode": "",
        "latitude": [MY_LATITUDE_SHORT],
        "longitude": [MY_LONGITUDE_SHORT],
        "plusCode": "[MY_PLUS_CODE]",
        "timeZone": {
            "ianaTimeId": "[MY_TIMEZONE]",
            "displayName": "[MY_TIMEZONE_NAME]",
            "effectiveTimeZoneFull": "Central European Standard Time",
            "effectiveTimeZoneShort": "CET",
            "utcOffsetSeconds": 3600,
            "utcOffset": "+01",
            "isDaylightSavingTime": false,
            "localTime": "2025-02-01T10:21:36.9293308"
        "localityInfo": {
            "administrative": [
                    "name": "[MY_COUNTRY_NAME]",
                    "description": "pa\u00eds del suroeste de Europa",
                    "isoName": "[MY_COUNTRY_ISO_NAME]",
                    "order": 2,
                    "adminLevel": 2,
                    "isoCode": "[MY_COUNTRY_CODE]",
                    "wikidataId": "Q29",
                    "geonameId": 2510769
            "informative": [
                    "name": "Europa",
                    "description": "continente ba\u00f1ado principalmente por el Atl\u00e1ntico",
                    "isoName": "Europe",
                    "order": 1,
                    "isoCode": "EU",
                    "wikidataId": "Q46",
                    "geonameId": 6255148
    "lastUpdated": "2025-02-01T04:44:13.6068279Z",
    "network": {
        "registry": "RIPE",
        "registryStatus": "assigned",
        "registeredCountry": "[MY_COUNTRY_CODE]",
        "registeredCountryName": "[MY_COUNTRY_NAME]",
        "organisation": "[MY_CARRIER]",
        "isReachableGlobally": true,
        "isBogon": false,
        "bgpPrefix": "[MY_CARRIER_PREFIX]",
        "bgpPrefixNetworkAddress": "[MY_CARRIER_NET_ADDRESS]",
        "bgpPrefixLastAddress": "[MY_CARRIER_LAST_ADDRESS]",
        "totalAddresses": 4096,
        "carriers": [
            { about carriers...}
        "viaCarriers": [
            { about via carrier...},
            { about via carrier...},
            { about via carrier...}
    "confidence": "high",
    "confidenceArea": [ // Array of points delimiting an area
            "latitude": [LATITUDE],
            "longitude": [LONGITUDE]
    "securityThreat": "unknown",
    "hazardReport": {
        "isKnownAsTorServer": false,
        "isKnownAsVpn": false,
        "isKnownAsProxy": false,
        "isSpamhausDrop": false,
        "isSpamhausEdrop": false,
        "isSpamhausAsnDrop": false,
        "isBlacklistedUceprotect": false,
        "isBlacklistedBlocklistDe": false,
        "isKnownAsMailServer": false,
        "isKnownAsPublicRouter": false,
        "isBogon": false,
        "isUnreachable": false,
        "hostingLikelihood": 0,
        "isHostingAsn": false,
        "isCellular": false,
        "iCloudPrivateRelay": false
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Reverse Geocode Client

Availables here:
Requires an APIKey, the latitude and the longitude.
Afortunatelly, we can get those values from the previous call.

Sample Request
# PowerShell
$RootURL = "";
$BaseURL = "${RootURL}/data";

$MyBDCRevGeoClientInfo = IRM "${BaseURL}/reverse-geocode-with-timezone?key=${MyBDCAPIKey}&latitude=${MyBDCLatitude}&longitude=${MyBDCLongitude}&localityLanguage=es"
$MyBDCRevGeoClientInfo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Sample Response
    "latitude": [MY_LATITUDE],
    "longitude": [MY_LONGITUDE],
    "localityLanguageRequested": "[MY_COUNTRY_CODE]",
    "continent": "Europa",
    "continentCode": "EU",
    "countryName": "[MY_COUNTRY_NAME]",
    "countryCode": "[MY_COUNTRY_CODE]",
    "principalSubdivision": "[MY_REGION]",
    "principalSubdivisionCode": "[MY_REGION_CODE]",
    "city": "[MY_CITY]",
    "locality": "[MY_LOCALITY]",
    "postcode": "",
    "plusCode": "[MY_PLUS_CODE]",
        "administrative": [
                "name": "[MY_COUNTRY_NAME]",
                "description": "pa\u00eds del suroeste de Europa",
                "isoName": "[MY_COUNTRY_ISO_NAME]",
                "order": 2,
                "adminLevel": 2,
                "isoCode": "[MY_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE]",
                "wikidataId": "[MY_WIKIDATA_ID]",
                "geonameId": [MY_GEONAME_ID]
        "informative": [
                "name": "Europa",
                "description": "continente ba\u00f1ado principalmente por el Atl\u00e1ntico",
                "isoName": "Europe",
                "order": 1,
                "isoCode": "EU",
                "wikidataId": "Q46",
                "geonameId": 6255148
    "timeZone": {
        "ianaTimeId": "[MY_TIMEZONE]",
        "displayName": "[MY_TIMEZONE_NAME]",
        "effectiveTimeZoneFull": "Central European Standard Time",
        "effectiveTimeZoneShort": "CET",
        "utcOffsetSeconds": 3600,
        "utcOffset": "+01",
        "isDaylightSavingTime": false,
        "localTime": "2025-02-01T10:30:04.4715676"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Phone and Email Verification

Availables here:

Network Engineering

Availables here:

Service BIO:

APIKey EndPoints

Info about My IP

Requires only the APIKey.

Sample Request
# PowerShell
$MyIpapiAPIKey = "[MY_IPAPI_API_KEY]";
$RootURL = "";
$BaseURL = "${RootURL}/api";

$MyIpapiInfo = IRM "${BaseURL}/check?access_key=${MyIpapiAPIKey}"
$MyIpapiInfo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Sample Response
    "ip": "[MY_IP]",
    "type": "ipv4",
    "continent_code": "EU",
    "continent_name": "Europe",
    "country_code": "[MY_COUNTRY_CODE]",
    "country_name": "[MY_COUNTRY_ISO_NAME]",
    "region_code": "[MY_REGION_CODE]",
    "region_name": "[MY_REGION]",
    "city": "[MY_CITY]",
    "zip": "[MY_POBOX]",
    "latitude": [MY_LATITUDE],
    "longitude": [MY_LONGITUDE],
    "msa": null,
    "dma": null,
    "radius": null,
    "ip_routing_type": "fixed",
    "connection_type": "dsl",
    "location": {
        "geoname_id": [MY_GEONAME_ID],
        "capital": "[MY_CITY]",
        "languages": [
                "code": "[MY_COUNTRY_CODE]",
                "name": "[MY_COUNTRY_NAME]",
                "native": "[ONE_LANGUAGE]"
                "code": "[MY_COUNTRY_CODE]",
                "name": "[MY_COUNTRY_NAME]",
                "native": "[OTHER_LANGUAGE]"
            {...more languages...}
        "country_flag": "[MY_COUNTRY_FLAG]",
        "country_flag_emoji": "[MY_COUNTRY_FLAG_EMOJI]",
        "country_flag_emoji_unicode": "[MY_COUNTRY_FLAG_EMOJI_UNICODE]",
        "calling_code": "[MY_COUNTRY_CALLING_CODE]",
        "is_eu": true
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Info about ANY IP

Requires an APIKey and an IP.
We can retrieve our IP from here
Just, in the previous endpoin, instead of: /check put any IP, for example our own IP: ${MyIpifyIP}.

Sample Request
# PowerShell
$MyIpapiAPIKey = "[MY_IPAPI_API_KEY]";
$RootURL = "";
$BaseURL = "${RootURL}/api";

## My IP
$MyIpifyIP = ( IRM "" ).ip;

$MyIpapiInfo = IRM "${BaseURL}/${MyIpifyIP}?access_key=${MyIpapiAPIKey}"
$MyIpapiInfo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Sample Response
    "ip": "[MY_IP]",
    "type": "ipv4",
    "continent_code": "EU",
    "continent_name": "Europe",
    "country_code": "[MY_COUNTRY_CODE]",
    "country_name": "[MY_COUNTRY_ISO_NAME]",
    "region_code": "[MY_REGION_CODE]",
    "region_name": "[MY_REGION]",
    "city": "[MY_CITY]",
    "zip": "[MY_POBOX]",
    "latitude": [MY_LATITUDE],
    "longitude": [MY_LONGITUDE],
    "msa": null,
    "dma": null,
    "radius": null,
    "ip_routing_type": "fixed",
    "connection_type": "dsl",
    "location": {
        "geoname_id": [MY_GEONAME_ID],
        "capital": "[MY_CITY]",
        "languages": [
            {...several languages...}
        "country_flag": "[MY_COUNTRY_FLAG]",
        "country_flag_emoji": "[MY_COUNTRY_FLAG_EMOJI]",
        "country_flag_emoji_unicode": "[MY_COUNTRY_FLAG_EMOJI_UNICODE]",
        "calling_code": "[MY_COUNTRY_CALLING_CODE]",
        "is_eu": true
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Service BIO:

APIKey EndPoints

IP Geolocation

Requires an APIKey and an optional IP.
We can retrieve our IP from here

Sample Request
# PowerShell
$RootURL = "";
$BaseURL = "${RootURL}/v1";

## Without IP
## ----------------
$MyAApiInfo = IRM "${BaseURL}/?api_key=${MyAAPIKey}"
$MyAApiInfo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;

## With any IP
## ----------------
## My IP
$MyIpifyIP = ( IRM "" ).ip;

$MyAApiInfo = IRM "${BaseURL}/?api_key=${MyAAPIKey}&ip_address=${MyIpifyIP}"
$MyAApiInfo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Sample Response
    "ip_address": "[MY_IP]",
    "city": "[MY_CITY]",
    "city_geoname_id": [MY_CITY_GEONAME_ID],
    "region": "[MY_REGION]",
    "region_iso_code": "[MY_REGION_ISO_CODE]",
    "region_geoname_id": [MY_REGION_GEONAME_ID],
    "postal_code": "[MY_POBOX]",
    "country": "[MY_COUNTRY_ISO_NAME]",
    "country_code": "[MY_COUNTRY_CODE]",
    "country_geoname_id": [MY_COUNTRY_CODE_GEONAME_ID],
    "country_is_eu": true,
    "continent": "Europe",
    "continent_code": "EU",
    "continent_geoname_id": 6255148,
    "longitude": [MY_LONGITUDE_SHORT],
    "latitude": [MY_LATITUDE_SHORT],
    "security": {
        "is_vpn": false
    "timezone": {
        "name": "[MY_TIMEZONE]",
        "abbreviation": "CET",
        "gmt_offset": 1,
        "current_time": "11:04:34",
        "is_dst": false
    "flag": {
        "emoji": "[MY_COUNTRY_FLAG_EMOJI]",
        "unicode": "[MY_COUNTRY_FLAG_EMOJI_UNICODE]",
        "png": "[MY_COUNTRY_FLAG_PNG]",
        "svg": "[MY_COUNTRY_FLAG_SVG]"
    "currency": {
        "currency_name": "Euros",
        "currency_code": "EUR"
    "connection": {
        "autonomous_system_number": [MY_ASN],
        "autonomous_system_organization": "[MY_ASN_NAME]",
        "connection_type": null,
        "isp_name": null,
        "organization_name": null
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Service BIO:

FREE EndPoints


Sample Request
# PowerShell
$BaseURL = "";
$Response = IRM "${BaseURL}";
$Response | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;

## My IP
$MyIpifyIP = $Response.ip;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Sample Response
    "ip":  "[MY_IP]"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode only offers the "My IP" for free.
With the "subscription plan", more/extra information is available.

APIKey EndPoints

My Info

Sample Request
# PowerShell
$MyIpifyAPIKey = "[MY_IPIFY_API_KEY]";
$RootURL = "";
$BaseURL = "${RootURL}/api/v2";

$MyIpifyInfo = IRM "${BaseURL}/country?apiKey=${MyIpifyAPIKey}&ipAddress=${MyIpifyIP}"
$MyIpifyInfo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Sample Response
    "ip": "[MY_IP]",
    "location": {
        "country": "[MY_COUNTRY_CODE]",
        "region": "[MY_REGION]",
        "timezone": "+00:00"
    "as": {
        "asn": [MY_ASN],
        "name": "[MY_ASN_NAME]",
        "route": "[MY_ASN_NETWORK]",
        "domain": "[MY_ASN_WEBSITE]",
        "type": ""
    "isp": "[MY_ASN_NAME]"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

My Extended Info

Sample Request
# PowerShell
$MyIpifyAPIKey = "[MY_IPIFY_API_KEY]";
$RootURL = "";
$BaseURL = "${RootURL}/api/v2";

$MyIpifyExtendedInfo = IRM "${BaseURL}/country,city?apiKey=${MyIpifyAPIKey}&ipAddress=${MyIpifyIP}"
$MyIpifyExtendedInfo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Sample Response
    "ip": "[MY_IP]",
    "location": {
        "country": "[MY_COUNTRY]",
        "region": "[MY_REGION]",
        "city": "[MY_CITY]",
        "lat": [MY_LATITUDE_SHORT],
        "lng": [MY_LONGITUDE_SHORT],
        "postalCode": "[MY_POBOX]",
        "timezone": "+00:00",
        "geonameId": [MY_GEONAME_ID]
    "as": {
        "asn": [MY_ASN],
        "name": "[MY_ASN_NAME]",
        "route": "[MY_ASN_NETWORK]",
        "domain": "[MY_ASN_WEBSITE]",
        "type": ""
    "isp": "[MY_ASN_NAME]"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

My Balance

Sample Request
# PowerShell
$MyIpifyAPIKey = "[MY_IPIFY_API_KEY]";
$RootURL = "";
$BaseURL = "${RootURL}/api/v2";

$MyIpifyBalance = IRM "${RootURL}/service/account-balance?apiKey=${MyIpifyAPIKey}"
$MyIpifyBalance | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Sample Response
    "credits": [MY_REMAINING_CREDITS]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

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