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Cover image for The Frontend Challenge: Glammed Up Camp Activities

The Frontend Challenge: Glammed Up Camp Activities

Rafael Romero on March 31, 2024

This is a submission for DEV Challenge v24.03.20, Glam Up My Markup: Camp Activities What I Built For this challenge, I tried to create...
floscode profile image

Simply a great design that looks harmonious in itself. But it's not just the clever design that is convincing. The fact that there is even a dark mode and the form is also responsive is the cherry on top.

And thank you for sharing Storyset, another hidden gem in the depths of the internet 💎

rafajrg21 profile image
Rafael Romero

Thanks, I really liked your submissions as well! Congrats on winning the Art category 👏🏼

And yeah, I'm totally gonna use Storyset on future side projects as well 🔥

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt • Edited

Very cool design! I like the change of images!

rafajrg21 profile image
Rafael Romero

Thanks! I tried to make it as dynamic as possible 🏃🏻‍♂️

ngdangtu profile image
Đăng Tú

Yours is good... Simple but working perfectly well. I wish I've thought about this before :p

rafajrg21 profile image
Rafael Romero

Thanks! I just tried to do it as simple as possible and then started adding bit by bit until the end product 🕺🏻

ngdangtu profile image
Đăng Tú

I also did like you but mine became a huge dissapointed =))

Thread Thread
rafajrg21 profile image
Rafael Romero

Don't worry about it! Like I said in the post, maybe the next challenge will be better for you, you only need to keep trying 🙌🏻

devshetty profile image
Deveesh Shetty

Awesome work! Also, thanks for sharing about Storyset, the illustrations are really cool.

rafajrg21 profile image
Rafael Romero

Thanks! I really liked the illustrations as well, full of personality and very flexible with different formats and colors.

cebuka profile image
Simon Chukwuebuka

The colour blends in nicely. Super.

raphaelproject001 profile image
Rafael Barbosa da Silva

Much good my friend!👍👏👏👏

rafajrg21 profile image
Rafael Romero

Thanks 🙌🏼

marialescream profile image

Great job! I like the minimalist style inspired by Mashle season 2. I think you've done an amazing job. Keep posting!

rafajrg21 profile image
Rafael Romero

Thanks! 🙌🏻