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Raja Rakshak
Raja Rakshak

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Apache Age: Data Types - An Introduction to agtype

Null in Cypher stands for values that are absent or undefinable. It behaves differently in comparisons and expressions compared to other values. Null, for instance, is not the same as null.

Within a range of -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, the integer type holds entire numbers.

The float type is an IEEE-754-compliant variable-precision, imprecise numeric type. It is capable of displaying unique values like infinity and NaN.

Numbers having a very large number of digits, suited for exact calculations, such as monetary quantities, are stored in the numeric type.

The boolean type has three possible states: true, false, and "unknown," which is denoted by null.

Agtype allows escape sequences like t, n, and Unicode characters (uXXXX) in strings.

Work with composite data types like lists and maps in Cypher.

Lists can include numerous elements, including null, and are formed using brackets.

Square brackets and index numbers are used to access specific list items.

Key-value pairs make up maps, which are built using curly brackets.

With the key name and dot notation, you may access map elements.

Lists and other composite data types, as well as maps themselves, can be nested within a map.

In Cypher, objects are identified by particular graph IDs (graphids) that are specific to them.

The basic building blocks of the graph are called vertices, and they can be given labels.

There are incoming and outgoing edges for vertices.

Edges must connect vertices and have a label.

Properties are string-named attribute values that are connected to vertices and edges.

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