Over the years I have dealt with different ways to setup a project for Python & Go. I am sharing how I setup my personal and work projects for extensibility and modularity.
There are a lot of ways to setup Python dev environments and Go but this is what works best for me and how I get higher adoption at work for my projects. (This can be extended for any language btw Node or Rust even).
I will write up how I setup Go projects in this post & then follow up with a Python version which adopts a lot the same concepts.
- You have homebrew homebrew install
- You are using MacOS or Linux.
Step 1: Pre-reqs:
- asdf: Installing asdf this is how you can manage different versions of languages and use them across projects ~~2. Installing Poetry (for Python only) is a way to manage dependencies & virtual environments in Python. This was shown to me by Data Scientist at work and I would never go back using any other method. ~~ this will be relevant for the Python blog post
Step 1: Setup for both install asdf & add to your shell (I use zsh, so adjust if you use bash or something else).
brew install asdf
echo -e "\n. $(brew --prefix asdf)/libexec/asdf.sh" >> ~/.zsh_profile
Step 2: Go Setup
In asdf the order of operations is adding a 1. language plugin, 2. adding a version(s) and 3.then setting the language locally or globally for your projects
Setup Langauge Plugin
- Setting up asdf for go run
asdf plugin add golang
- adding different go versions if you want the latest run
asdf install golang latest
- OR install a specific version running
asdf install golang 1.19
Setup Local & Global Version
In this case I have a hello-go directory that i want to use Go 1.19 in order to do that you would run
asdf local golang 1.19
Init a baseline project.
Get the current directory and init a go project
- run
which will output the directory/Users/ramzi/documents/projects/hello-go
in my case. - run
go mod init documents/projects/hello-go
Closing Thoughts
The purpose of this is when you need to have multiple version of a language across different projects and you want to keep this binaries separate. With asdf you can set a global version (which I do not recommend) but to do so you will run asdf global golang 1.19
for example.
This is especially important as a Python developer which I will share in an upcoming blog post.
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