DEV Community

Ramazan Atalay, Ph.D.
Ramazan Atalay, Ph.D.

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How to Fix Oh-My-Zsh Icons in Visual Studio Code Terminal on MacOS

Many Linux and macOS users worldwide favour Zsh as a UNIX shell. Its functionality increases manifold when combined with configuration frameworks like Oh-my-zsh and stylish templates like Powerline10k. After setting up the shell and verifying that everything functions as expected in the terminal, it's time to write some code. However, upon opening the built-in terminal in Visual Studio Code, something seems amiss. The attractive template and chic icons are nowhere to be found!

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To enable the use of icons in VS Code through Powerline10k, I will utilize the MesloLGS NF font, which was installed alongside Powerline10k. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the VS Code settings by clicking on the gear icon at the bottom left or using the CMD + , shortcut in MacOS.
    Image description

  2. To change the VS Code settings, use the search bar at the top of the UI or press CMD + F to search for the Font family setting in the settings.json file.
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  3. Change the "Terminal > Integrated: Font Family" attribute to "MesloLGS NF".

That's it! Enjoy your icons in VS Code.

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