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Testing a Generic Fetch Item List hook with Mock Service Worker

Subject Under Test

A generic fetch item list hook used to fetch data from the API server, designed for a generic item list component template, part of a set of generic CRUD templates/schematics that I use for most of my entities.


  1. it takes a required entityName option to determine which API endpoint to make the HTTP call.

  2. it takes an optional queryKey as the query key of useQuery from React-Query. The query key is used to invalidate the query cache when appropriate to show the latest data for the users.

  3. it takes an optional requestConfig of type AxiosRequestConfig to be passed to the HTTP call. So that components can add params to the HTTP request.

  4. it takes an optional t to translate the error message.

  5. it sends error messages to the Message Context.


  1. Mock Service Worker
    The test uses MSW to mock the API calls and respond appropriately for the tests. The mocked API code is as below.

    import { rest } from 'msw';
    import { environment } from '@epic/environments';
    const suppliers = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'EpicERP Ltd',
    id: 2,
    name: 'Microsoft',
    // This was the original handler which used local storage to return an error response. Not the best approach.
    // Please see blog comments for more details
    // export const supplierHandlers = [
    // rest.get(`${environment.apiUrl}/api/supplier`, (req, res, ctx) => {
    // const badRequest = localStorage.getItem('500');
    // if (badRequest) {
    // return res(
    // ctx.status(500),
    // ctx.json({
    // detail: 'Something Went Wrong on The Server',
    // })
    // );
    // }
    // const search = req.url.searchParams.get('search');
    // const result = suppliers.filter((supplier) =>
    // search ? : true
    // );
    // return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.json(result));
    // }),
    // ];
    export const supplierHandlers = [
    rest.get(`${baseUrl}/${supplierKey}`, (req, res, ctx) => {
    const search = req.url.searchParams.get('search');
    const result = suppliers.filter((supplier) =>
    search ? : true
    return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.json(result));
    view raw supplier.ts hosted with ❤ by GitHub
  2. useTranslationForTest.ts is a test double to replace the real localisation solution that requires loading dictionaries from a remote API server.

export function useTranslationForTest() {
return {
t: (english?: string) => (english ? `${english}[Translated]` : english),

Common Test Setup

QueryClientProviderForTest.ts is used to test all React-Query hooks.

import { PropsWithChildren } from 'react';
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider, setLogger } from 'react-query';
export function QueryClientProviderForTest({ children }: PropsWithChildren<unknown>) {
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
cacheTime: Infinity,
retry: false,
log: console.log,
warn: console.warn,
// ✅ no more errors on the console
error: () => {},
return <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>{children}</QueryClientProvider>;


import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import { MessageProvider, useMessage } from '../message';
import { useGetItems, UseGetItemsOptions } from './useGetItems';
import { QueryClientProviderForTest, useTranslationForTest } from '@epic/tests';
import { useQueryClient } from 'react-query';
import { getQueryKeyFromTypes } from './getQueryKeyFromTypes';
interface Supplier {
id: string;
name: string;
function TestComponent(props: Omit<UseGetItemsOptions, 'entityName'>) {
const { t } = useTranslationForTest();
const { message } = useMessage();
const {
data: suppliers,
} = useGetItems<Supplier>({
entityName: 'Supplier',
const queryClient = useQueryClient();
return (
{isSuccess && suppliers ? (
<div data-testid={'suppliers'}>
{ => (
<div key={}>{}</div>
) : null}
{isError ? (
<div data-testid={'errorMessages'}>
{message?.message ? <div>{message.message}</div> : null}
) : null}
{isSuccess ? (
<div data-testid="queryKey">
) : null}
function setup(props: Omit<UseGetItemsOptions, 'entityName'> = {}) {
return render(
<TestComponent {...props} />
describe('useGetItems', function () {
afterEach(() => {
it('should make a HTTP call', async function () {
const { findByTestId } = setup();
const suppliers = await findByTestId('suppliers');
`"<div>EpicERP Ltd</div><div>Microsoft</div>"`
it('should pass request configuration to the http call', async function () {
const { findByTestId } = setup({
requestConfig: { params: { search: 'Epic' } },
const suppliers = await findByTestId('suppliers');
expect(suppliers.innerHTML).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"<div>EpicERP Ltd</div>"`);
it('should set default query key', async function () {
const { findByTestId } = setup();
const queryKey = await findByTestId('queryKey');
it('should set query key to given key', async function () {
const { findByTestId } = setup({
queryKey: [...getQueryKeyFromTypes(['supplier', 'SupplierPayment'])],
const queryKey = await findByTestId('queryKey');
Array [
// Below tests were first versions, using local storage to indicate an error response.
// These tests are replaced below. We should override the endpoints in the tests for error response. See blog post comments for more details.
// it('should send default translated error message to the MessageContext, if no error message is given', async function () {
// localStorage.setItem('500', 'true');
// const { findByTestId } = setup();
// const errorMessage = await findByTestId('errorMessages');
// expect(errorMessage.innerHTML).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
// `"<div>Loading Supplier Failed. Something Went Wrong on The Server[Translated]</div>"`
// );
// });
// it('should send translated custom error message to the MessageContext', async function () {
// localStorage.setItem('500', 'true');
// const { findByTestId } = setup({
// errorMessage: 'Custom error message.',
// });
// const errorMessage = await findByTestId('errorMessages');
// expect(errorMessage.innerHTML).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
// `"<div>Custom error message. Something Went Wrong on The Server[Translated]</div>"`
// );
// });
// });
function mockErrorResponse() {
rest.get(`${baseUrl}/${supplierKey}`, (_req, res, ctx) => {
return res.once(
ctx.json({ detail: 'Something Went Wrong on The Server' })
it('should send default translated error message to the MessageContext, if no error message is given', async function () {
const { findByTestId } = setup();
const suppliers = await findByTestId('errorMessages');
`"<div>Loading Supplier Failed. Something Went Wrong on The Server[Translated]</div>"`
it('should send translated custom error message to the MessageContext', async function () {
const { findByTestId } = setup({
errorMessage: 'Custom error message.',
const suppliers = await findByTestId('errorMessages');
`"<div>Custom error message. Something Went Wrong on The Server[Translated]</div>"`
import { AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios';
import { QueryKey, useQuery, UseQueryResult } from 'react-query';
import { getApiBaseUrl } from './getApiBaseUrl';
import { useClient } from './useClient';
import { useErrorHandler } from './useErrorHandler';
export interface UseGetItemsOptions {
entityName: string;
errorMessage?: string;
queryKey?: QueryKey;
t?: (english?: string) => string | undefined;
requestConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig;
export const useGetItems = <T>({
t = (english?: string) => english,
requestConfig = {},
}: UseGetItemsOptions): UseQueryResult<T[]> => {
const { get } = useClient();
const { errorHandler } = useErrorHandler({
message: errorMessage ?? `Loading ${entityName} Failed.`,
return useQuery(
queryKey ?? `${getApiBaseUrl(entityName)}/`,
() => {
return get<T[]>(`${getApiBaseUrl(entityName)}`, requestConfig);
onError: errorHandler
view raw useGetItems.ts hosted with ❤ by GitHub


  1. TestComponent shows how the SUT is to be used.

  2. the template of TestComponent is designed specifically for the tests. isSuccess and isError ensure that the elements are only shown when the HTTP calls are done, making the tests short and straightforward.

  3. TestComponent uses the hook's params as its props so that the tests can customise most of the options outside of the component.

  4. only unmanaged dependencies are mocked: API server and Localisation(because it requires API calls to get dictionary).

  5. I debated if the SUT is too trivial to test because it is a wrapper of useQuery and contains hardly any logic. I decided to write the tests because the SUT has been used heavily.

Top comments (14)

guilima profile image
Guilherme Carvalho Lima

Hey Rex, I really liked how you handle error responses by setting specific status code on localStorage. It would be nice if msw had a proper solution, but this approach is very interesting because avoid jests mocks or implementation on production code.

kettanaito profile image
Artem Zakharchenko • Edited

Hey, Guilherme.

There are multiple ways to mock error scenarios with MSW. As the default approach, we recommend explicitly specifying which endpoint must return an error:

it('handles server errors gracefully', () => {
    rest.get('/user', (req, res, ctx) => res(ctx.status(500)))

  // render -> fetch -> assert
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Testing errorr scenarios is testing edge cases. It's not advised to embed edge-case behaviors into your "happy paths" request handlers.

I understand it may feel verbose but having an evident handler-response override declaration is vastly beneficial in the long run. Generally, prefer explicit behaviors, it's better for debugging and allows you to grasp all the changes the test establishes in a direct way.

In the latest version you can use rest.all() if you wish to make all requests to result in the 500 status code:

it('handles server errors gracefully', () => {
    // Make all requests to result in 500.
    rest.all('*', (req, res, ctx) => res(ctx.status(500)))
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I wouldn't recommend this particular approach with localStorage because it gives you little idea of what the following line affects, unless you inspect your testing setup:

localStorage.setItem('500', 'true')
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If you feel like the observability is a little price to pay, you may use this (in the end, it's your setup!). Also, consider relying in a global variable directly, there's no actual reason to bring in localStorage:

global.shouldRequestsError = true
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Rely on window if you wish to reuse this setup logic in the browser as well.

Please let me know if there's a certain difficulty you experience when mocking error responses. It's always a good idea to provide your feedback via GitHub Discussions. Thank you!

rexebin profile image

Bringing the expert into the discussion makes a huge difference!

If testing query directly, a separate bad path approach is the best because the test can easily change the url.

But when it’s indirect, say if we are testing a form component which would make a request, we would have to touch the implementation details to manually change the url, which is less ideal.

Assuming we keep the mocked api very simple, a switch for a bad path for all apis may work better. If it is simply and works the same for all endpoints, it could be a known convention for the team. This also resembles the real api closer: the same api point can return good or bad response.

I love the idea of using global instead of local storage. I will make the switch, thank you!

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kettanaito profile image
Artem Zakharchenko

But when it’s indirect, say if we are testing a form component which would make a request, we would have to touch the implementation details to manually change the url, which is less ideal.

Well, you're still relying on that implementation detail in your handlers. I do share the notion not to expose too many internals in tests—on that I wholeheartedly agree. Yet observability is also a thing to consider, especially when it comes to the testing setup. I'd still go with explicit handler/override declaration 99% of the time.

This also resembles the real api closer: the same api point can return good or bad response.

Yeah, that is a perfectly valid way to model your request handlers. You can either focus each handler on a particular behavior and utilize overrides via server.use(), or scope handlers per resource, like in a conventional server, and include any conditional behavior within. I'd say it's a personal choice, which comes from the complexity of the mocked API before anything else.

My main concern with using global error mocking is the same as using anything globally: it may be hard to keep track of global setups. This is partially solved by descriptive naming (as in global.shouldRequestsError) but it still introduces an implicit piece of logic that is detached from MSW.

The "ideal" setup, in my opinion, would be to expose internals by reference. That's a cost-free way of exposing internal details.

// endpoints.js
export const getUserDetail = '/v2/user'
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// app.js
import { getUserDetail } from './endpoints'

function MyApp() {
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// app.test.js
import { getUserDetail } from './endpoints'

it('handles server errors gracefully', () => {
  // Referencing the endpoint is a free way of
  // exposing internals.
  server.use(getUserDetail, (req, res, ctx) => res(ctx.status(500)))
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rexebin profile image

Thank you! I didn’t know the override, my bad, I should read the docs a lot more.

With the override, I am very happy to ditch the global error mocking. So much clearer and so elegant!

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rexebin profile image

@kettanaito Thanks to your help, I have updated @mockapi/msw removing the global error handlers. I also recommended the use of server.use to override endpoints in the readme. Phew, almost mislead the community.

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rexebin profile image

@kettanaito I also updated the tests and setup here in this post to reflect the best practices.

cathalmacdonnacha profile image
Cathal Mac Donnacha 🚀

Hey @kettanaito

I love the server.use override in tests, very handy! However, how do you handle this in the browser? In that case you probably would have to use a global override as suggested above.

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kettanaito profile image
Artem Zakharchenko

The browser has its worker.use() counterpart that behaves identically to server.use(). You can still leverage "happy path" scenarios provided to the setupWorker() call, and then append runtime behavior via worker.use().

Yes, to be able to access the worker in the first place you'd have to expose it as a global variable.

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cathalmacdonnacha profile image
Cathal Mac Donnacha 🚀 • Edited

Thanks for the quick reply!

This might be a dumb question but can this then be used in chrome console window?`*/cars`, (req, res, ctx) => {
  return res(ctx.status(500), ctx.json({error: 'Oops'}));
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I just tried but still not seeing the error response, I assume my "happy path" worker which is running when my app loads in dev is overriding it. I basically just want an easy way to simulate error scenario while developing locally.

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kettanaito profile image
Artem Zakharchenko

Executing that in the browser console should apply the override. If it's not applied, double-check the correctness of the request path. When mocking on runtime, I find it much more comfortable to bind the handlers overrides to the URL query parameter.

  1. Read the parameter in your mock setup.
  2. Append certain handlers based on the parameter (can go as dynamic here as you wish: passing enums for handlers groups, or names of handler modules).

Since the handlers are loaded on runtime, refreshing that runtime will offload them forever. That's where URL-as-state is a more developer-friendly pattern but it takes some time to set up.

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cathalmacdonnacha profile image
Cathal Mac Donnacha 🚀 • Edited

Gotcha. The app I am currently looking at does not have react-router or anything similar implemented, so doesn't update the route or query string in the address bar url as the user clicks around. The app is also hosted on a different domain to the api. Therefore, what do you think about just reading the query string via the window location within the handler itself? Like this:

// Example url which developer would navigate to in the browser:
// http://localhost:3000/car-dashboard?error=true

rest.get(`/cars`, (req, res, ctx) => {
  const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
  const isError = searchParams.get('error') === 'true';

  if (isError) {
    return res(ctx.status(500), ctx.json({error: 'Oops'}));

   return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.json({results: mockCars}));
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I'd probably use the same approach to simulate an empty state in the UI:

// Example url which developer would navigate to in the browser:
// http://localhost:3000/car-dashboard?error=false&empty=true

rest.get(`/cars`, (req, res, ctx) => {
  const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
  const isError = searchParams.get('error') === 'true';
  const isEmpty = searchParams.get('empty') === 'true';

  if (isError) {
    return res(ctx.status(500), ctx.json({error: 'Oops'}));

  if (isEmpty) {
    return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.json({results: []}));

   return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.json({results: mockCars}));
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rexebin profile image
Rex • Edited

Thank you Guilherme.

It feels like a hack but I think it is not.

It is a very interesting topic to discuss, what msw could have done as a proper solution? If you ask me, I would say it is out of scope for msw. msw provide the infrastructure much like any other API server, it is up to us to return whatever is required.

I think we should not develop the mocked API as if we are developing the real thing, there shouldn't be any complicated logic inside a mocked API. We must take the shortest and simplest route to mimic the responses we expect from a real server. We shouldn't care about how and why the response is returned from the real API.

The tests need to communicate with the mocked API and I think using things like localstorage works is one of the "proper" ways. I could be wrong, @kettanaito what do you think?

kettanaito profile image
Artem Zakharchenko • Edited

Hey, Rex.

I wouldn't recommend using localStorage for global error handling but, in the end, it's your testing setup and you should evaluate what works best for you, taking benefits/trade-offs into consideration.

I've written a more detailed response to Guilherme above, let me know what you think about it.

Thank you once more for this fantastic article!

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