DEV Community

Discussion on: Deploying Elixir (1 of 3): Building Releases With Mix

ryanlabouve profile image
Ryan LaBouve

Great article! I am getting errors with use Mix.Tasks.Utils not being found. Are you sure this is correct?

jonlunsford profile image
Jon Lunsford

Thanks for the read! Apologies for the late response. Yeah, I had meant to call out that module, It's custom, but appears like it should exist by default. I created that here:

Hope that helps as well!

ryanlabouve profile image
Ryan LaBouve

I ended up getting these values from

Enum.find(Mix.Project.config(), fn({key, _value}) -> key == :version end)
Enum.find(Mix.Project.config(), fn({key, _value}) -> key == :app end)